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Blended 1 / Br. English - Advanced
Summary of Learning Path contents
Unit 1b
Unit 1a
Welcoming tourists
At reception
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Welcome to London. Is everyone here?”
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Welcome, sir. Can I help you?”
Words & Functions
Simple preterit/preterit continuous/simple past
Subject pronouns/prepositions of place/possessive
pronouns/objective pronouns/conjunctions
Key Grammar Explanations
Prepositions at the end of a clause
Use of the present perfect
Use of the preterit
Key Grammar Explanations
Relative pronouns and adverbs
Regular superlatives
Will – to be going to
Grammar Practice
Small  smaller
Disrespectful  more disrespectful
Grammar Practice
He (to change)  he’s changed
You (to leave)  you’ve left
Picture/Word Association
A hotel reception, a double room, a single room, a
The Right Word
(Never mind) means it doesn’t matter.
(Remaining) is a way of saying to be left.
(Seminar) rooms are small meeting places.
Word Association
Single room  double room
Word Order
I’ll just park my car and get my suitcase.
Fortunately, we kept a few rooms back.
A single room with a bath will be fine.
The motorway hotel always has vacancies.
Could you arrange a light lunch for six?
Video and Questions
At reception (same as Intermediate+ 12)
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Words & Functions
Superlative adjectives/adverbs of manner/
comparative adjectives/adverbs of frequency
Simple preterit/preterit subjunctive/present
conditional/present subjunctive
Picture/Word Association
A bell, a soloist, a departure date, a cruise, a
cockpit, a plane, a ticket
The Right Word
(Westminster) is where British politicians work.
(Prestigious) means important, reputable.
Word Association
Expensive  cheap
Word Order
Our guides are very knowledgeable people.
Parliament’s clock tower is London’s most
Tonight’s concert in St. Paul’s should be
If you give me your passport, I’ll fetch your…
You can relax before the flight in the VIP lounge.
We’re (raring) to go!
Your (conduct) is extremely unprofessional.
That was the holiday (when) we tried… etc.
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 1c
Unit 1d
A car trip
On the motorway
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Fasten your seatbelts, everyone, please!”
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“It’s easier on a four-lane road, isn’t it?”
Words & Functions
Subject/verbal group/direct object
Adverbs/descriptive adjectives/modal auxiliaries
Words & Functions
Interjections/descriptive adjectives/nouns
Present indicative/preterit continuous/simple
preterit/ infinitive
Key Grammar Explanations
Verbs: reactions and preferences
Meaning and use of “so”
Verbs without a continuous form
Use of compound nouns
Grammar Practice
To prefer (to leave)  to prefer leaving
Can’t stand (to pay)  can’t stand paying
Picture/Word Association
A seatbelt, a road map, a motorway, a number
plate, a sunroof, a steering wheel, a breakdown
truck, a petrol station
The Right Word
(Motorways) make long journeys shorter.
(Number plates) are like a car’s “passport.”
Word Association
Brand new  second-hand
To drive  to park
Word Order
You have to fasten your seatbelt, it’s the law.
It’s so much more relaxing taking the scenic route.
I hope we’ve got the right tools to repair a
If the weather gets better, I’ll open the sunroof.
Stop at the next petrol station and ask the way.
I should’ve taken the ring road because it’s
quicker. etc.
Video and Questions
A car trip
Key Grammar Explanations
For how long – since when
Construction of the present perfect continuous
Use of the present perfect continuous
Verbs without continuous forms: exceptions
Grammar Practice
He (to wash)  he has been washing
We (to hope)  we have been hoping
Sentence Practice
They (to have) driving licences (three years) 
We (to live) together (1996)  We have been
living together since 1996.
She (to begin) working there (4 years)  She
began working there four years ago.
The Right Word
A (dual carriageway) is a four-lane road.
(Radar traps) stop people from speeding.
(Insurance) is needed in case of an accident.
(Headlights) help you drive at night.
Word Order
People are still driving too fast, despite the fog.
Make sure you fill her up with unleaded petrol.
You risk having an accident because the tyre…
Let’s hope the police don’t pull us over for…
The speed limit is seventy miles per hour in
Britain. etc.
It’s easier on a (four)-(lane) road, isn’t it?
Can I see your (driving) licence, please?
Put the headlights (on)! etc.
Cultural Texts
Giant’s Causeway
The Industrial Revolution
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 1e
At the airport
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Where can I park the car?”
Video and Questions
At the airport
Words & Functions
Present indicative/present continuous/present
Verbs/prepositions/possessive determiners
Key Grammar Explanations
The possessive: a plural use
Strong probability with “must”
Everybody – somebody - nobody
Grammar Practice
She (to help)  she was helped
Picture/Word Association
A plane, suitcases, a rucksack, a passport, a
customs form
The Right Word
(Cabin staff) are the stewards and hostesses.
(Take off) is the opposite of land.
(Charter flights) have the cheapest tickets.
Word Association
Destination  point of departure
Safety belt  seat belt
Word Order
Find a trolley to put our bags on.
Why don’t they open another check-in desk?
Can I have another baggage tag, this one’s torn?
The luggage allowance is stated on the ticket.
I’d like a window seat if it’s at all possible.
We’ve got plenty of time; they’re not boarding till
two etc.
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 2a
Unit 2b
On the plane
At the station
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“I can’t find my seat! Where’s number 65?”
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Good afternoon. Could I have a ticket to
Words & Functions
Adverbs/definite articles/conjunctions/possessive
Present perfect continuous/infinitive/present
Key Grammar Explanations
May – might
Construction of the present conditional
Absence of necessity
Key Grammar Explanations
“How” + adjective or adverb
How long
Grammar Practice
We (to tell)  we got told
Picture/Word Association
A life jacket, an airhostess, a folding table, a
window seat, a meal tray
The Right Word
(Upright) means vertical.
(Turbulence) is caused by air pockets.
A (nuisance) is something annoying.
Mystery Phrase
On the rocks / refreshments / air pocket / headset /
shuttle / sip / pushchair
Word Order
I hope the in-flight entertainment is good.
Fortunately, I don’t have any problems with jet
Why is my suitcase always the last to arrive?
Let’s hope the return trip is just a problem-free.
Text Transformation
(Passive voice) The pilot is flying the aeroplane
bound for Paris.
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Grammar Practice
You (to ask)  you would ask
They (to swim)  they would swim
Cake made at home  home-made cake
Office for buying tickets  ticket office
A girl who is confident in herself  a selfconfident...
A chase at high speed  high-speed chase
Text Transformation
(Tense & mood) Jane is always (to have) to run for
her trains.
Word Association
Remote  isolated
To proceed to  to go to
Cultural Texts
British cheese
British newspapers
Words & Functions
Prepositions/conjunctions/possessive determiners/
object pronouns
Verbal group/direct object/subject
Picture/Word Association
A train, an information desk, a train compartment,
a departures board, a credit card, a platform
The Right Word
(High-speed) trains in Britain are the same as the
French TGV.
(Indicator panels) show departure times.
Word Order
I’m not sure if I need a return ticket after all.
Bad weather means there will be some delays.
You don’t need to reserve at this time of the year.
A second-class ticket will be fine, thank you.
I want a window seat so I can watch the
The express train is leaving in ten minutes from…
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 2c
Unit 2d
On the train
Customs checks
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Yes, just a minute…it’s in my bag. “
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Good morning”
Words & Functions
Nouns/verbs/descriptive adjectives/prepositions
Words & Functions
Simple preterit/simple past perfect/infinitive
Articles/descriptive adjectives/conjunctions
Key Grammar Explanations
“Always” + present continuous
Future with “be” + infinitive
Compound adjectives
Construction of compound nouns
Key Grammar Explanations
For – since – ago
Definite article with geographical names
Nouns and adjectives of nationality
Negation of the indefinite article
Grammar Practice
Monument (ancient/stone)  ancient stone
Francs (French/four)  four French francs
Grammar Practice
He (to be)  he had been
Picture/Word Association
A club sandwich, a railway station, a doubledecker bus
The Right Word
(Through trains) don’t stop at small stations.
(Time flies) means things go quickly.
(Carry on) means to continue.
(On time) means on schedule.
Word Association
To catch  to miss
To reserve  to book
Word Order
I don’t fancy any of the food in the bar-buffet.
I like the train because it rocks me to sleep.
I’ve missed the through connection because of…
Overnight trains make me think of Agatha
Christie. etc.
Video and Questions
At the station
Cultural Text
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Picture/Word Association
French, Russian, German, British, Egypt, a photo
The Right Word
The (Caribbean) is always hot and sunny.
(Remote) means far away.
(Canberra) is the capital of Australia.
Word Association
To search  to look through
Word Order
Would you mind opening your suitcase, madam?
My parents left Turkey when I was very young.
After a few years you get to recognise
I advise you to get a new passport soon.
I’m afraid you’ll have to have a full body search.
If you had less luggage, you’d have fewer
problems. etc.
Mystery Phrase
Norwegian / Dutch / form / identity card / suitcase
/ Peking / Sri Lanka / nationality / accent
Video and Questions
Customs checks
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 2e
The luggage search
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“No, I don’t!”
Words & Functions
Infinitive/present perfect/conditional perfect
Auxiliaries/prepositions/subject pronouns/adverbs
of frequency
Key Grammar Explanations
Emphatic “do”
Sequence of tenses
Grammar Practice
It (to rain)  it had rained
Sentence Practice
Does Lisa need to leave?  Oh yes, she does need
to leave.
Do you know Dawn?  Oh yes, I do know her.
Do they have a blanket?  Oh yes, they do have
Words & Topics
Packaging/necessity, ability, and
Accessories/thought processes/agreement,
disagreement/business & commerce/work
The Right Word
A (trunk) is a very large suitcase.
To (smuggle) means to import illegally. etc.
Word Association
Exempt  applicable
China  Beijing
Word Order
I’ve nothing to declare except that I had a great…
I would be grateful if you took care of the
I know it doesn’t look like it, but the diamonds
are… etc.
Text Transformation
(Present indicative) We did have to go through
customs before we went to the hotel.
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 3a
Unit 3b
Hotel reservations
Staying in a hotel
A camping trip
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Do you have a room, please?”
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“I thought I saw a swimming pool.”
Video and Questions
Hotel reservations
Words & Functions
Adverbs of frequency/superlative adjectives/
question tags
Simple preterit/preterit continuous/infinitive
Key Grammar Explanations
Irregular verbs
Anaphoric “to”
Words & Functions
Demonstrative, possessive, and cardinal numeral
determiners/prepositions of time
Present perfect/present indicative/simple preterit
Key Grammar Explanations
Use of the present conditional
Use and omission of “the”
Grammar Practice
To know  knew
To drive  drove
Sentence Practice
Does he have to take the key? Yes, he has to.
She (to stay) there all summer. She’s been
straying there all summer.
He (to try) to phone you all day. He’s been
I’ve been here for 12 months. How long have
you been here for?
We lived here for 12 years. How long did you
live here for? etc.
Picture/Word Association
A hotel, a double room, a staircase, a lift,
breakfast, a washbasin
The Right Word
(Chambermaids) clean hotel rooms.
Word Association
Vacant  free
Word Order
There’s a guesthouse with vacancies over there.
We’re quite happy to share a single room.
A double room with a bath would be perfect.
Let’s just hope room service hasn’t stopped…
The dawn sunshine makes the rooms look…
We’re only planning to stay a few nights. etc.
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Dialog (Comprehension)
“I was wondering if you had any space left for our
Grammar Practice
To build  built
To feel  felt
Picture/Word Association
A reception desk, a pool, a racket
The Right Word
(Irregular verbs) are annoying but must be learnt.
To sleep (like a log) means to sleep well.
To (head back) means to return.
To (check out) means to leave a hotel.
(Not sleep a wink) means to sleep badly.
Word Association
To confirm  to cancel
Right away  immediately
Word Order
This leaflet will tell you about the local sights.
If you’re interested, I can find a tennis partner.
Ask the chambermaid to leave the tray at the door.
Don’t worry about the coffee stain, it’ll come out.
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English
Unit 3c
Unit 3d
A tour of the town
Tour of the castle
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Medieval? Is it really medieval?”
Dialog (Expression & Comprehension)
“Do we have to pay a fee to get in?”
Words & Functions
Irregular verbs/modal auxiliaries/regular verbs
Present indicative/infinitive/present perfect/simple
Words & Functions
Proper nouns/adverbs/descriptive adjectives/
common nouns
Gerund/present indicative/imperative
Key Grammar Explanations
Conditional perfect
The impersonal structure
Still - yet
Key Grammar Explanations
Construction of the passive
Use of the passive
Wishing and regret
Grammar Practice
She (to prefer)  she would have preferred
They (to be afraid)  they would have been afraid
She (to notice)  she’d have noticed
They (to use)  they’d have used
Grammar Practice
Boots for skiing  ski boots
Office for tourist information  tourist office
Picture/Word Association
An abbey, a tower, a windmill, a cathedral, a
rampart, a four-poster bed, an amphitheatre, a
stained-glass window
The Right Word
(People) think it always rains in Britain.
(Someone’s) calling you, Sylvia. Look!
(Cathedrals) contain the bishop’s official throne.
(Windmills) turn wheat into flour.
(Amphitheatres) are ancient Greek theatres.
Word Association
Castle  fortress
Word Order
The city was badly damaged during the hurricane.
If we have time, there’ll be a gallery visit.
It’s only a short walk up to the castle.
You can find a few gifts at the flea market.
Restoration began at the end of the last century.
More than a million people have visited the abbey.
Video and Questions
A tour of the town
BerlitzOnline – Blended 1
Text Transformation
(2nd Person Singular) They say that the castle’s
first stone was laid in 1224.
Sentence Practice
I’d like to learn to drive  I wish I could learn to
She’d have liked to see the golf course on holiday
 She wishes she’d seen the golf course on
holiday etc.
Words & Topics
Vacations & travelling/religion/Fine
Construction/tourist activities/security & defence/
personality & feelings/other suggested replies
Picture/Word Association
A grave, a statue, a tapestry, a castle, a drawbridge
Word Association
Remarkable  commonplace
To admire  to marvel at
Word Order
The town centre is the most interesting place to
The drawbridge is still fully operational.
The castle has been classified since the late
thirties. etc.
Advanced Learning Paths / Br. English