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05.02 Lab Worksheet: Is it a Solid or a Liquid?
Observations: Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences.
1. How does the mixture behave when you stab it quickly with a finger or stick?
2. How does it behave when you rest a finger lightly on top of it?
3. How does it behave when you pick it up?
4. How does it behave when you let it drip through your fingers?
5. Can you break it?
6. Can you pour it?
7. Does the coin float on the mixture or sink into it?
8. List at least three ways in which the mixture behaves like a solid.
9. List at least three ways in which the mixture behaves like a liquid.
05.04 Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions Lab Report
Directions: Complete the laboratory activity carefully, filling in the data table and answering the
questions below. Copy and paste this page into a document and save your file. You will submit it as
assessment 05.04 Temperature and Chemical Change.
Part I
Fill in the blanks below as you complete the activity. Please highlight or bold each of your answers to
make it easier for your instructor to grade.
1. Breaking chemical bonds ______ energy.
2. Forming chemical bonds _______ energy.
3. If the energy needed to break the bonds in the reactants at the beginning of a reaction is less than
the energy released when the new bonds are formed in the products at the end of the reaction, the
reaction is _________.
4. If the energy released when the products are formed at the end of the reaction is less than the
energy needed to break the bonds in the reactants at the beginning of the reaction, the reaction is
Part II
Fill in the following data table as you complete the lab activity. Write each observation using both names
of the chemicals combined.
Example: Water + Sodium CarbonateList four combinations that resulted in exothermic reactions. List
two combinations that resulted in endothermic reactions. List four combinations that resulted in no
Exothermic Reactions:
No Reaction
Endothermic Reactions:
Part III
1. When the observed temperature of the medicine increased, was the reaction endothermic or
2. Explain your answer to the previous question using complete sentences.
5.05 physical vs chemical changes
Your presentation must include the following information:
You may present this information in any of the following forms:
Definitions for physical and chemical change:
At least six examples for each type of change
At least three pictures for each type of change
Lists of observable changes that suggest a chemical or physical change has occurred
Methods scientists use to determine if a change was physical or chemical
Draw a venn diagram
Create a PowerPoint presentation
Make a movie
Create a document with inserted images
Create a brochure
Use a method of your choice (Please speak to your teacher before beginning to discuss what alternative
method you plan to use and how.)
05.07 Law of Conservation of Mass Lab Report
Directions: Complete the laboratory activity carefully, filling in the data table and answering the
questions below. You will submit this file as assessment 05.07 Law of Conservation of Mass Activity.
Part I
1. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is found in what substances?
2. Potassium Chlorate (KClO3) is found in what substances?
3. Give the balanced equation for the decomposition of each of the compounds used in the lab.
4. Based on what you’ve learned about the laws of conservation of mass and energy, why do you think
scientists must make sure a chemical equation is “balanced”?
Part II
Complete each of the following data tables as you conduct the laboratory investigation. You may refer to
the Experiment Report on the right side of the activity’s screen to help you.
Mass of KClO3
Mass of Balloon
filled with O2
Mass of KCl
product (grams)
Mass of O2
product (grams)
Mass of KClO3
and O2 products
Mass of CaCO3
Mass of Balloon
filled with CO2
Mass of CaO
product (grams)
Mass of CO2
product (grams)
Mass of CaO
and CO2
products (grams)
Part III
Explain how this activity supported the law of conservation of mass.
Module 5 Study Guide
For the Discussion Based Assessment:
You should be able to confidently and comfortably talk to your instructor about the topics
and ideas you learned in the module.
Your answers should be conversational – meaning you would tell your instructor what
you know, like you were telling them about a movie you just watched.
Module 5 Focus/Review Items
5.01 Physical Changes
When we talk about physical changes we talk about the physical properties of a substance
being changed. List several examples of physical properties of matter that can be
For the definition of a physical change complete the following sentence:
In a physical change, the ______________ ___________ of a substance does not
change. The only thing that changes is a ________________ _______________.
Name at least two examples of a physical change and THEN tell why it is a physical
5.02 States of Matter
Name the three main states of matter.
The difference between the states of matter is the behavior and arrangement of the
atoms or compounds.
Describe the behavior and arrangement of a
solid liquid gas –
Phase changes:
The change of a liquid to a gas is called _______________.
The change of a gas back to a liquid is called __________________.
The change of a liquid to a solid is called ___________________.
The change of a solid to a liquid is called ____________________.
5.02 Advanced: The Fourth State of Matter
(only complete this if you are taking advanced track – Delete it if you are regular track)
Objective: Differentiate between the four types of matter.
What is the 4th state of matter?
Describe how the particles of each state of matter are arranged:
o Solid
o Liquid
o Gas
o Plasma
Name two man-made examples of places we can find matter that exist as plasma.
Name two, or more, examples of natural examples of where matter that exists as plasma.
5.03 Chemical Changes
What is a chemical change (definition)?
What is another name for chemical change?
What are three characteristics of chemical changes?
o The substances at the end of the reaction __________________________
o The chemical bonds holding atoms together as compounds are __________________.
o _________chemical bonds are formed, resulting in _________ chemical compounds.
What evidences can be observed that may indicate that a chemical change is occurring?
When a chemical change occurs the atoms of each starting substance are only
________________. The number of each kind of atom that was started with
5.04 Temperature and Chemical Change
When changes in matter occur energy is either ________________ or
A chemical change that absorbs energy is __________________.
o This kind of change is indicated by a(n) ______________ in temperature.
A chemical change that releases energy is ______________________.
o This kind of change is indicated by a(n) ______________ in temperature.
Think about phase changes (changes from one state to another). Identify each as either
endothermic or exothermic processes
o Melting is _____________________.
o Freezing is ____________________.
o Evaporation ___________________.
o Condensation __________________.
5.05 Physical vs Chemical Changes
Differentiate between physical changes and chemical changes.
Fill out the chart:
Type of Change
Evidences of Change
Temperature Change
5.06 Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy
In any kind of change, physical or chemical the total amount of matter
Write out the Law of Conservation of Mass:
o Explain what that means:
Write out the Law of Conservation of Energy:
o Explain what that means:
What are some examples of energy conversions?
5.07 Law of Conservation of Mass Activity
How does a physical change obey the law of conservation of mass?
How does a chemical change obey the law of conservation of mass?
Explain how the lab activity showed you that matter is not created or destroyed when
there are chemical and physical changes.