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Name: ___________________________________ Period: ________ Date: ____________________
Letter to Wegener
When Alfred Wegener first suggested the idea that the
continents move, many other scientists thought he was CRAZY! But we, as
modern scientists, know he was not crazy, but he was right. It will be our
task to write letters to Wegener, explaining to him how the Theory of Plate
Tectonics explains not only that the continents are in different positions
today than they were long ago, but also HOW they move. Today, scientists
have more evidence than Wegener had, and they can support with solid
evidence ideas that Wegener could only begin to imagine.
Thank You
for believing
in me!!
In order to truly make Mr. Wegener understand, your letter should make a strong scientific argument. In
order to do this, you need to include the following things:
 Have an opening paragraph that makes a claim. You should tell Mr. Wegener that he was
correct in believing the continents moved. You should also explain why you’re making that
claim. Briefly discuss how the Theory of Plate Tectonics explains not only how the plates
move, but also explains other features of Earth’s surface, including (but not limited to)
mountains, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
 Remind Wegener of at least three pieces of evidence he had when he was alive that
supported his theory of continental drift.
 Present several pieces of MODERN evidence to Wegener (that you have found in our
research) that supports the Theory of Plate Tectonics. Focus on modern evidence! This
evidence should explain why the playes move, and must also explain certain features of
Earth’s surface (i.e. volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes, etc.) You must explain why each
piece of evidence supports the Theory of Plate Tectonics. You must explain how the
tectonic plates move!!
 Use the following vocabulary words: The Theory of Plate Tectonics, divergent, midAtlantic ridge, convergent, mountain, subduction, volcano, transform, slide,
convection currents, GPS data,
 Each piece of modern evidence should be explained in its own paragraph. You will first
state what the modern evidence is and then explain the reason that this evidence supports
Wegener’s belief that the continents moved. You must also discuss what else this evidence
tells us about the Earth’s surface. Use the term “Theory of Plate tectonics” several times in
this letter! You might also outline how this theory explains landforms and events such as
volcanoes, mountains, earthquakes, and eruptions.
 A concluding paragraph that summarizes what you know about the Theory of Plate
tectonics, congratulates Mr. Wegener, and explains, once again, why he was correct!
 In order to fully explain your ideas, each paragraph should be at least five sentences
On the back of this sheet is a grading rubric that lets you know how your letter will be graded. In order
to get an outstanding grade on this assignment, be sure that your letter follows all of the steps listed
above, is easy to understand, and is convincing.
Letter Grading Rubric
(Above the
(Developing to
(Does not meet 
Gives more than 3 pieces of modern evidence that supports the Theory of Plate
Reminds Wegener of at least three pieces of his evidence and explains them.
Letter states and thoroughly justifies the claim that the continents/plates move
though analyzing the evidence.
Letter thoroughly explains HOW the tectonic plates move.
A clear reason is given for why each piece of evidence supports the theory of
Theory of Plate Tectonics. These reasons are logical and easy to understand.
Letter has a convincing conclusion that restates to Mr. Wegener why he was
correct in believing the continents move.
The letter is neatly written and each paragraph has five or more sentences.
ALL 11 vocabulary words are used correctly
Gives exactly 3 pieces of modern evidence that supports the Theory of Plate
Reminds Wegener of at least two pieces of his evidence and explains them.
Letter states and mostly justifies the claim that continents/plates move through
some analyzation of the evidence.
Letter mostly explains HOW the tectonic plates move.
A reason is given for why each piece of evidence supports the theory of Theory of
Plate Tectonics. These reasons are usually logical and mostly easy to
Letter has a conclusion that restates to Mr. Wegener that he was correct in
believing the continents move.
Each paragraph has five sentences and the letter is neatly written.
ALL 11 vocabulary words are used, but three or less were not used correctly
Gives 2 pieces of modern evidence that support the Theory of Plate Tectonics.
Reminds Wegener of at least three pieces of his evidence but does not fully
explain them.
Reminds Wegener of at least three pieces of his evidence.
Letter states the claim that continents/plates move, but does not clearly justify this
claim or analyze the evidence.
Letter discusses HOW plates move, but doesn’t fully explain.
A reason is given for each piece of evidence, but the reasons do not make a lot of
Letter has a conclusion.
Some paragraphs have less than five sentences and the letter is somewhat
messy and not professional looking.
Missing some vocabulary words, or more than 4 were used incorrectly
Gives one or no pieces of modern evidence that supports the Theory of Plate
Reminds Wegener of two or less pieces of his evidence but does not fully explain
Letter does not state the claim that the continents/plates move.
Letter does not discuss HOW the plates move.
No reasons are given to explain why each piece of evidence supports the theory
of continental drift.
Letter does not have a conclusion.
All paragraphs are less than five sentences long and the letter is difficult to read.
Missing all or most vocabulary words, or all words are used incorrectly.
Letter to Wegener
October 22, 2012
Dear ___________________________________,
Introduction with Claim:
Summary of Wegener’s evidence:
First piece of modern evidence and reasoning:
Second piece of modern evidence and reasoning:
Third piece of modern evidence and reasoning:
__(Your Name)_____________________