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EDTC 3123
Oklahoma State University
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Title: Nutrition 101
Area of Study: Nutrition
Teacher Name:
Grade Level: 5-6
Duration of Instruction: 3 Class Periods
1. Review the content of MyPyramid for Kids using the smartboard, identifying food groups and important
nutrition messages
relating to each food group.
2. Chart the foods they eat during 1day and place each food into the appropriate food group, student will be
able to analyze and incorporate recordkeeping.
3. Explore the concept of choosing the healthier foods from each group and discuss examples from all the
food groups, students will understand scientific inquiry.
4. Identify foods in the meat and beans group, students will be using viewing skills and strategies to
understand and interpret visual media and record data.
5. Analyze food choices from fast food restaurants, choosing lower fat alternatives. Students will read and
interpret data from charts, using the internet for research.
6. Identify foods in the milk group and identify nutrition benefits from eating foods rich in calcium.
7. Analyze food labels to determine which foods contain the most calcium; students will engage in thinking
skills and make comparisons.
8. Compare food labels to determine which calcium rich foods are lowest in fat, students will engage in
math computations.
9. Students will use to construct a campaign glog to add healthy food options to vending
Content Standards (OK Pass):
Standard 1: The student will comprehend concepts related to health promotion, disease
prevention, and safety practices.
1. Identify foods within each of the basic food groups and select appropriate servings and portions
for his/her age and physical activity levels.
2. Explain the relationship between caloric intake and level of activity in weight management and
describe safe methods of weight control.
3. Identify individual and community responsibilities for protecting the environment and
promoting community health and safety.
4. The student will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting
products and services.
Standard 2: The student will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and
health-promoting products and services.
1. Demonstrate the ability to utilize resources including technology from home, school, and
community in locating valid health information.
Standard 3: The student will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors
and reduce health and safety risks.
1. Analyze a personal health assessment to determine strengths and risks.
2. Identify the role exercise, nutrition, hygiene, and relationships play in basic personal health
Standard 4: The student will analyze the influence of culture, media, technology, and other
factors on health and safety.
1. Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health and safety.
EDTC 3123
Oklahoma State University
2. Examine the influence of cultural beliefs on health behaviors and use of health services.
3. Analyze knowledge of how information from peers influences health and safety.
4. Identify how media messages influence health behavior and choices.
Standard 6: The student will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting and decision-making
skills to enhance health.
1. Establish personal health goals and record progress towards achievement.
2. Analyze how personal health goals are influenced by changing information, priorities, and
Technology Standards (NETS-S):
1. Research and Information
-Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
a. plan strategies to guide inquiry.
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.
c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific
d. process data and report results.
2. Technology Operations and Concepts
-Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
a. understand and use technology systems.
b. select and use applications effectively and productively.
c. troubleshoot systems and applicants.
d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
3. Creativity and Innovation
-Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
d. identify trends and forecast possibilities
(Lesson Plan 1):
Materials and Resources:
1. MyPyramid for Kids chart using presented on smartboard screen, MyPyramid for Kids handout
for each student, MyPyramid Worksheet for each student, access to website.
2. Where’s the Fat? worksheet for each student, computer with access to internet and, school lunch menu.
3. What’s on the Label? Handout for each student, What’s the Score? Worksheet for each student,
samples of fat-free, 1%, 2%, and whole-milk, four small paper cups for each student, marker,
access to internet and
EDTC 3123
Oklahoma State University
1. (10 min.) Have MyPyramid poster for kids to see presented on smartboard. Pass out
MyPyramid for Kids handout to each student. Review the food groups and messages with students
and have students fill in the blanks on the worksheet.
2. (15 min.) Go into depth about the different food groups. Make half your grains whole, vary
your veggies, focus on fruits, get your calcium-rich foods, go lean with protein, and physical
activity. Point out the measuring devices MyPyramid uses, e.g. ounces for meat and grains and
cups for fruits, milk, and vegetables.
3. (15 min.) Discuss the set up of the pyramid. Such as stripes are wider at the bottom to
represent the foods that should be eaten more because they provide more vitamins and nutrients.
Ask students which foods would be represented by the wide part of the stripe and why. Have them
fill in some examples on the MyPyramid for Kids handout.
4. (20 min.) Pass out the MyPyramid for Kids Worksheet, have students fill out the worksheet,
and then have the students categorize the foods into the different food groups and list their
physical activity. Have students rate how they did and set goals for the next day.
5. (5 min.) Have the students access the MyPyramid. Gov website to play the MyPyramid BlastOff Game.
6. (5 min.) When finished the game, review with the class the information learned that day.
Technology Integration:
-Use of the interactive smartboard to present the MyPyramid chart. Internet use of
1. Each student will complete the MyPyramid for Kids handout. Each student will complete a
MyPyramid for Kids Worksheet. Students will be graded on completion of the two worksheets.
Completion of
Student filled out
minimum information
Student filled out most
of the information on
the worksheets
Students filled out all
the information on the
(Lesson Plan 2):
(10 min) Start by asking students what they ate for supper the night before. Point out most of the
answers come from the meat food group and are protein. Ask students what other foods are
considered protein and have them list as many as they can on a sheet of paper.
(5 min) Discuss that protein is very important for the body and scientists consider protein the
building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. One challenge for protein though is
choosing protein that is low in fat.
(20 min) Hand out Where’s the Fat? Worksheet. Discuss that even though they could use this
information to suggest healthier foods to be served at dinner and use the information to choose
healthier meals when eating out. Almost all restaurants have nutrition information available now
days. Have students answer questions at bottom of worksheet and list ways they can choose lowfat options.
(10 min) Have students access the computers and visit the website and by using
the instructions on the website, create their own MyPyramid Plan and have them print out a copy
of their worksheet for themselves and one to turn in.
(25 min) Have students go online and view a restaurant they eat at frequently and find the nutrition
information. Divide students into groups of three and have them pick one of the restaurants
information. Have the students prepare a short presentation on the smart choices from that
restaurant’s menu.
EDTC 3123
Oklahoma State University
Technology Integration:
Use of the internet to access so students can form their own MyPyramid
1. Each student will complete the Where’s the Fat worksheet. Each student will hand in a
MyPyramid Plan. Students will be graded on completion of the two worksheets. Each group will
be graded on information gathered, interaction with each other, and the information presented.
Information Gathered
Information Presented
Not every member
presented; not a
group decision on
final information to
be presented.
The group did not
present smart choices
from the restaurant’s
Each member of the group
presented possible
information; a group
decision was made on what
information to use.
The group presented smart
choices from the
restaurant’s menu.
(Lesson Plan 3):
(10 min) Start discussing the benefits of calcium in a diet. Discuss how calcium helps build and
maintain bone mass, and calcium is especially important when you are young because that is when
bone is being built.
(15 min)Pass out the What’s on the Label? Handout and discuss the importance of food labels. Put
out the number of calories and size of a single serving for an item. Also, point out the difference
the difference in the number of calories per serving for each different label.
(15 min) Pass out What’s the Score? Worksheet. Have the students complete the chart at the top of
the page using the four nutrition labels for milk. Then have the students complete the questions on
the worksheet.
(20 min) Next use the paper cups and label each one either A, B, C, D for each student. Fill each
cup with a sample of either non-fat, 1%, 2%, or whole milk without them knowing what is in the
cup. Have the students taste the samples and describe the tastes, and see if they can guess each
kind of milk. Next discuss you can reduce fat consumption by switching to a lower fat% of milk.
(10 min) Last introduce the students to the website. Allow them time to play around
and familiarize themselves with the website. Next discuss a homework assignment were they will
create a glog that promotes the importance of healthy food and the need for healthy food in school
vending machines.
Technology Integration:
Use of internet to create a glog that promotes the importance of healthy food in school
vending machines.
1. Each student will complete the Where’s the Score worksheet. Students will be graded on
completion of the worksheet. Each student will complete a glog. The glog will be graded on
the rubic.
EDTC 3123
Oklahoma State University
Information on Glog
Information is not relevant
to healthy food and does not
present a message for
healthy food in schools.
Not good use of animations,
colors, graphics, video, or
Information is relevant to healthy
food choices and presents a strong
message for healthy food in schools.
Good use of animations, colors,
graphics, video, sound, and