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Treatments for Skin Cancer
One of the most common forms of human cancer is skin cancer. Millions of new cases occur
ever year, with rates increasing all the time, worldwide. A change in the appearance of the
skin, such as a new growth, or maybe a sore that refuses to heal, can be the most common
warning there is. Treatments for skin cancer mainly vary, depending on the patients age,
medical history, extent of the symptoms, current health and preference. There are several
kinds of treatments, which can include surgery. Surgery is actually the most common
treatment, used up to 90% of the time. There are a few common procedures which can be
performed. Grafting, which uses a skin graft to replace any damaged skin once the cancer
has been removed. Laser therapy, which uses a narrow beam of light in order to remove any
cancer cells. Killing off these cells can also be achieved by using cryosurgery which will
freeze any tumours directly.
Micrographic surgery removes the cancer growth. This procedure removes as little skin
tissue as possible, using a microscope. A simple excision which involves cutting the actual
cancer away from the skin, along with some of the healthy skin tissue which are surrounding
it. Another common treatment for skin cancer is chemotherapy. This treatment uses drugs
to destroy the cancer cells. Radiation therapy can be used in order to kill cancer cells and
also to reduce tumours. Another treatment, Electro Chemotherapy, uses a combination of
electrical impulses and chemotherapy combined. In order to kill cancer cells. There are
several other therapies which are currently used, within the medical service, as well as
homeopathic remedies. These types of therapies boost the persons own immune system,
enabling the body to slow the growth of cancer cells itself.
It is highly important that skin cancers be diagnosed and treated as early on as possible,
before they have a chance to invade and destroy nearby tissue cells. Even though
treatments for skin cancer are available, and many of them are successful, prevention will
always be better than cure. A huge percentage of skin cancers are cause by overexposure to
the sun. As such, avoiding danger zones is best. Do not spend long time periods of time
exposed directly to the sun. Especially during the midday periods from 10am to 2pm.
Reduce your time at the tanning salon, and using sun beds. When you do, use the correct UV
protection creams at all times. This is a must! Skin cancer is usually related to a lifetime of
exposure, to UV radiation, and most skin cancers appear after the age of fifty. Even so the
sun's damaging effects begin in early life and protection should begin at childhood. Helping
to prevent skin cancer in later life.