Download 88. Some Questions and Answers about my understanding of God

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Some Questions and Answers about my understanding of God:
1. How God Challenge human:
a. From the beginning, God give human just a simple will to live.
b. At Moss time, God first challenge human with 10 Commandments.
i. Israel really has a difficult time to follow the 10 Commandments. It is mainly
because humanity has such a small heart that it could only interpret the 10
Commandments as rules only, not from the heart.
ii. God waited for almost a thousand of year for humanity to grow in heart before
He sent Jesus.
c. The Gospel of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, John, Luke) changed mankind by letting us know
the love of God and Godly wisdom. Humanity is forever changed because we know who
God is and how He loves us.
d. Of course, God also sent his angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad to found Muslim. In
Muslim, God show us another way to reach him by righteousness.
e. There is a major different between Jesus teaching and Muslim teaching:
i. Jesus did not tell his discipline how to form government and how to rule. That
why Christian have been living under almost any government from Communist
China to America.
ii. Muslim teaching covers how to form government and how to rule. Because
forming government and how to rule on this Devils dominated world will
require physical war, many devoted Muslims are ready to fight. Unfortunately, a
lot of devoted Muslims are fooled by Devils easily and attack the wrong target
causing the lives of many, and many innocent people recently (In the past, many
Muslims usually refrain from hurting innocent people even in war).
This is another challenge from God: Joining love and Righteous together and humanity
will grow again. Many people have seen the movies “Brave Heart”. You can see that Mel
Gibson (the actor) has both qualities in him. Because of him, Scottish people found the
spirit to fight and become free of the British ruler.
2. Why God create different races on earth?
a. A lot of people already have heard about that rainbow story on human race. Rainbow is
beautiful because it contains different color. Thus if every race on earth can live
together harmoniously, it will be beautiful sight for God and human too.
b. I do agree with the rainbow story too. Yet I believe God motive in creating different
races on earth is: it is very difficult for races to live in harmony. In other word, God set a
challenge for human:
i. For some human, they really cannot integrate with other races and they choose
isolation and discrimination to handle the races problem.
ii. For other human, they have to carry the burden to ensure every race is treated
equally. Such other human are the America and Canada Federal Agents.
America and Canada Federal Agents are truly the last defense against racists.
Because America and Canada is trying to protect and apply justice to all races,
given it is very difficult for races to live in harmony, God Bless America and True
c. In general, when God set a challenge for human, and if human accept such challenge
and try his best to overcome such difficulties, then God will certainly bless human.
Remember, it took one America President Lincoln and 500,000 lives to free all America
black slaves. After the Civil War, humanity has progressed tremendously.
d. The racial problem is an earthly challenge one. Yet when we hit our last frontier, space,
we will definitely meet other intelligence species. If human has not even brother to live
in harmonies among difference races, how such human can present himself to other
intelligence species in space. As we can see, God has plan out challenges for human
when He created us.
3. A lot of people will ask what if we do not care about God challenge. The question
really can be answer from our own history book.
a. Remember the Dark Age after the fall of Rome. For almost 500 hundred years, there is
no order in Europe. Almost most of the Rome building, watering, ship technologies were
lost. This happen because humanity care no more about God challenge:
i. Rome Empire is no longer care by the Roman.
ii. Corruptions in the Rome Empire are everywhere.
iii. Righteous is not upheld anymore. (Even Roman Empire adapt Christianity,
Righteous is preached incorrectly by Paul (in the Bible: Roman) – i.e. if you
become Christian, you automatically become righteous . True Righteous
demand one to fight evil and keep justice (Remember “Brave Heart”)
iv. Christians at that time do not fight.
v. Since no one can fight for Rome, Rome collapsed.
b. The lesson is very simple, if you do not care about God challenge, Dark Age will return.
Love and Fight for your country, American and Canadian.
4. A lot of people will ask: Why God need to challenge us? Can we live in peace?
a. God challenge us because human want to be God like (Remember, Eve after followed
the Devils advice, ate the forbidden fruit so that she can become just like God). God is
really taking time to test, to better humanity through challenging human.
b. A lot of people really like to live in peace. Such people seek to become neutral hoping
that would give them a human peace. The problem is that they really forgotten the
existence of Devils (the fallen angels from the Bible). There are many false religions that
deemphasize the power of Devils. In any country, when a large amount of people stop
caring about the country issues and problems because they have become neutral, the
Devils will easily take over the government. The best example is how Hitler raises to
power when Jews in Europe still largely neutral about the Nazi (Jews did not organize to
fight until it is too late. Although they may not escape the Holocaust, they definitely can
take out a lot of Devils). I hope people still remember the Holocaust, Rwanda,
Cambodia, and Chinese Culture Revolution when Devils massacre millions of human.
There will be no peace when Devils are hiding among us. For people who deny the
existing of Devils must definitely on Devils side (Hitler was just a bad person).
5. Will God still challenge me when I am a Jews, or a Christian, or a Muslim?
a. God will always challenge human so that we can progress and have defense against
Devils. The defense is the ability to tell the different between good and evil every time.
For those people who have faith in God, God will always go gentle on them and will
always send angels to help them too.
God Bless America and God Bless True Canadian.
Frank L. K. Wan ( )
April 10, 2016
Vancouver, BC, Canada