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Name: __________________
Period #: _______________
Theatre 3-4
Spring Semester
Final review
Stage Directions: Draw and label the areas of the stage. You may use
the abbreviations for the stage directions.
Terminology: Define each of the following terms
1.) Cheat Out:
2.) Projection:
3.) Facial Expressions:
4.) Gestures:
5.) Pacing/Tempo:
6.) Off book:
7.) Blocking:
8.) Objective:
9.) Tactics:
10.) Obstacle:
Define each of the following terms:
1.) Cold Reading:
2.) Monologue:
3.) Improvisation:
4.) List three rules of audition etiquette.
Children’s Theatre Info:
1.) List three acting and/or script elements you can include in a
play to make it appealing to children.
2.) List two technical elements you can include in a play to make it appealing
to children.
3.) What are the two children’s theatre plays we performed this semester?
Technical Theatre:
1.) What 2 things can you give to a sound or light board operator to help
them run your show?
2.) Name the screen on which we can project colored lights for a background.
3.) In set design, what is the name of an overhead view of your set, often
drawn to scale, that can be used to show locations of scenery on stage?
The Actor’s Voice:
Define the following vocal characteristics:
2.) Rate/tempo:
3.) Emphasis:
4.) Articulation:
5.) Pitch:
6.) Diaphragm:
1.) Describe the 3 step process we can use to critique other actors? To
what can this type of critique be compared?
Match the melodramatic movement to the emotion in the word
bank below. Write the emotion in the space following the
1.) Head down, shoulders rounded, hands cupping the face. Raising
the shoulders up
and down, with a sobbing noise, is optional. _______________
2.) Face turned to the right side, with the right hand to the mouth, fingers curled
under touching the top of the palm. __________________
3.) Eyes wide, mouth open, both hands to the cheeks with the fingers extended.
4.) Body straight, chest up, hand to forehead, with the palm facing the audience
and fingers curled slightly. _______________________
5.) Chest held high, right hand crosses the chest and rests on the upper left over
the heart, then opens out to the right and the loved one.________________
6.) Chest held high, head cocked a bit to the side, opposite leg goes out with foot
pointed, hands under the chin, fingers entwined and bent at the first and
second knuckles (almost praying), hands go toward the loved one, smile on face.
7.) One eyebrow up, the other down, a grimace on the face and hands rubbing
together, if it is a really good plan, the fingers twiddle.
8.) Shoulders hunched over, arm raised to cover the nose on down, eyes free to
shift around the room, legs bent on the cross of the stage.
9.) Chest up, hands with knuckles to both hips, legs slightly apart, a balanced look.
10.) Both hands shoulder high, eyebrows pushed toward each other, face tense with
a grimace, hands in tight fists. ____________________
11.) Chin up bringing the face to look up, one arm dropped limp to the side, the
other hand open with palm towards the audience on the top of the forehead.
Love (Female)
Evil Sneaking
Evil Planning
Love (Male)
Please answer the following questions about triage and make-up.
1.) What are some colors you can use to create bruising effects?
2.) What is the name of a specialty make up sponge for bruising, facial hair,
and other special effects?
3.) Give at least five things you should know about a character’s
background/history as part of a character analysis.
Musical Theatre:
Define each of the following terms:
1.) Vocal director:
2.) Accompanist:
3.) Choreographer:
Describe each of the following dance movements:
1.) Grapevine:
2.) Pivot:
3.) Charleston:
4.) Barrel roll:
5.) Jazz square:
6.) Three step turn:
7.) Chasse:
7.) Lindy:
Answer the following questions:
1.) What three things will you be asked to do at a musical audition?
2.) What is it called when you sing without vocal accompaniment?