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Term IV – Science Portfolio 3 – Forces and Motion
Subject: Science
Name: José Francisco Luna R.
Teacher: Mr Gerardo LAZARO
Grade: 6th Rembrantd
On a two-page layout, work following these instructions:
LEFT SIDE : Classic
Answer the following questions:
1. Investigate the theories that explained the movement of planets..
Claudius Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer living in Alexandria about 150 AD set down
the then current ideas on the geocentric (Earth as the centre) system. He said the
planets moved around the Earth in circular orbits, because the Greek philosophers
believed the circle to be an example of perfection.
Copernicus was a Polish astronomer who lived from 1473 to 1543. He proposed
that the Earth moved around the sun because it resulted in a much simpler model.
He just felt that he’d like to have things a little less complicated than the thenpopular system indicated. His ideas have become known as the heliocentric
system (the sun as the center).
The most significant scientific advance in the field of planetary motion was made
by the German astronomer and mathematician, Johannes Kepler, who lived from
1571 to 1630. Beginning from the Copernican picture, he attempted to find the form
of the planetary orbits. He tried to find out what form would fit the observed data.
He dedicated twenty-five years of his life to performing laborious calculations on
other people's astronomical observations to try to establish the nature of the orbits.
He was disappointed at first when his calculations proved the orbits could not be
circles but instead must be some sort of oval shape. Eventually he discovered that
the data fitted elliptical orbits, and was overjoyed that the form was in fact an
ellipse .
It was not until after Kepler's death that the scientific community recognised the
importance of his work relating to planetary orbits. Kepler's findings formed the
basis from which Isaac Newton later deduced his laws of mechanics by which the
complex motions of the heavenly bodies could now be explained in terms of a
single physical law (the law of gravitation).
Currently, Albert Einstein has the last word on the subject of the form of
planetary orbits. He calculated that if his theory of relativity was correct, an
elliptical orbit would not be stable, but that the axis of the ellipse would be
precessing around the sun (or shifting slightly).
2.- Describe the contribution of Isaac Newton to the understanding of movement.
Newton changed our understanding of the Universe by enumerating his Three Laws of
Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that
state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
The Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in
that relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a,
and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are
vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold
font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the
direction of the acceleration vector.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
3.- Apply your movement knowledge and design a practical demostration to observe motion.
You can draw or make a video in this section.
We can design a practical demonstration : Free fall in a sloping plane
4.- How do living organisms move? Summarize the different ways living organisms move and
the adaptations for movement.
All living things have the ability to move without outside help. This makes them different from a
stone that is thrown, a stream that runs downhill, or an engine which has to be started. No
outside force has to start movements of a plant, a dog, or a microbe.
All living organisms show movement of one kind or another. All living organisms have internal
movement, which means that they have the ability of moving substances from one part of their
body to another. Some living organisms show external movement as well - they can move from
place to place by walking, flying or swimming.
Whether an organism drifts in the sea, swims, wriggles, crawls, walks, runs, jumps, flies or
casts its seeds upon the wind, movement is essential to life, they say. No matter how big or little
it is, it's got to get away from its birthplace to :find food,escape predators and reproduce.
5.- Select 3 objects around you and describe all the forces that are acting on it.
1. Vehicle in movement.
Motive force
2. Launch of a ball of basket
W = Weight
F= Force of impulse f = Friction R = Reaction
3. Swing.
T = Tension W= Weight F= Force of impulse
6.- Analyze the techniques used by bacteria and viruses to move. Combine your answer with a
Podcast in your right side (see item 13)
Many bacteria move using a structure called a flagellum. The flagellum is a long,
corkscrew-like appendage that protrudes from the surface of the bacterium and can
extend for a distance longer than the bacterial cell itself. A typical flagellum may be
several thousand nanometers long and only 30 nanometres wide. For comparison, a
human hair is around 100,000 nanometres in diameter.
Like human-designed motors, the flagellar system works using circular rotation,
something rare in nature. In fact, the two major components of an electric motor - the
rotor and the stator - can be found in the flagellar system. And while electric motors
are powered by the flow of negatively charged electrons, the movement of positively
charged hydrogen or sodium ions between the outside and inside of the cell provides the
energy for the flagellar motor to rotate.
Bacteria use their flagella in an ingenious way. The tiny propellers are structured such
that when they rotate in an anticlockwise direction, the flagella spaced around the
outside of the cell move away from each other and act as independent units, causing the
bacterium to tumble randomly. When the bacterium senses an attractive chemical such
as a food source, it uses a gear switch to reverse the rotation of its motor, causing the
flagella to bunch together and act as a unified whole, propelling the bacterium in a
straight line.
Handling of concepts
7.- Select at least 2 important concepts from the topic worked in class.
1. Force
2. Velocity
8.- Provide the concepts definitions, describe their characteristics and functions.
1. Force: A push or pull that causes an object to move, stop or change direction.
2. Velocity: an object’s speed in a particular direction. As same as Force, Velocity has both
magnitude (speed) and direction, making it a vector quantity
9.- Prepare a mind map, concept map or web diagram to connect as many concepts, ideas,
defitions, functions, and conclusions. Make connections between the information from the topic
and your own life and /or surroundings.
10.- Annotate 3 or more words and /or concepts that you need more explaining to understand.
1. Friction
2. Magnetism
3. Momentum
11.- Fill up the KW chart.
RIGHT SIDE : Creative – Interactive
III Interactive – Creative
12.- Use this side to represent the main ideas or concepts in an audiovisual way : make
drawings, paste images, find videos or music that represent, complement or clarify the
13.- Prepare a Podcast, record audio and upload it in your personal wiki, explaining how
bacteria and viruses move.
14.- Produce a video and publish it in your wiki.
15.- Predict new outcomes.
1.- Optional Engage in a collaborative project to reinforce the concepts from the topic.