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Modern U.S. History
Chapter 27 Section 1 Study Guide
Adjusting to Peace
Pgs. 844-850
The Yalta Conference, Feb. 1945
The Potsdam Conference, July 1945
Leaders in Attendance:
Leaders in Attendance:
Post-WWII Division of Germany
Why was Germany divided in this way? –
What challenges did this arrangement have for the Western democratic countries (US, UK, France)? –
The Nuremberg Trials:
What was this –
b. Why were these trials necessary –
What principles did the Nuremberg trials establish –
2. Why was the League of Nations (the organization established after WWI) not capable of preventing wars?
What did many feel was “needed” at this time?
The Iron Curtain
What was the “Iron Curtain” –
Why did Churchill use this sort of language to describe Europe? -
3. Define: Cold War –
4. Define –
b. The Truman Doctrine -
5. What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan? How did it achieve this?
6. How did the G.I. Bill of Rights help World War II veterans?
Chapter 27, Section 1 Assign. #2
“Truman Administration”
(Assign. 2: Pages 848-850)
In what specific ways did the GI Bill of Rights help returning soldiers after World War II?
2. What happened when Truman ended the wartime rationing program?
3. What percentage of non-farm workers were in unions in 1946? Why was 1946 a
difficult year for union members?
4. What did Truman do in response to major strikes by miners and railway workers in
5. What did Congress do to reduce the power of labor unions the next year?
6. What specific actions did President Truman take to address the problems facing
African Americans following World War II?
7. What caused some Democrats to split from the Democratic Party before the 1948
Presidential Election?
8. How did Truman win and upset victory in the Election of 1948?
9. What domestic programs did Truman call for in his 1949 State of the Union Address?
What was this collection of programs known as?
10. How successful was Truman in getting these domestic programs passed by Congress?
Chapter 27, Section 2 Assign.
“Korean War and Red Scare”
Describe events in China at the end of World War II and U.S. involvement there.
2. How did the Korean War start?
3. Why do you think the U.S. felt compelled to fight in the Korean War?
4. How did American General Douglas MacArthur turn the tide of the war?
5. What stopped the U.S. from defeating North Korea and unifying the Korean peninsula?
6. Why was Douglas MacArthur relieved of his command during the Korean War?
7. How did the Korean War end?
8. Why did a second Red Scare take place in the late 1940s and 1950s?
9. Define the following:
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
Joseph McCarthy
10. How did the Soviet Union’s development of a hydrogen bomb and their launch of the
satellite Sputnik affect the United States?
11. Define brinkmanship.
12. Describe the Suez crisis.
13. Why do you think the US and the Soviet Union were able to cooperate during the
Suez crisis?
Chapter 27, Section 3 Assign.
“The Nation Prospers”
Define the following terms:
Baby Boom
Sun Belt
2. What impact did the Highway Act of 1956 have on the United States?
3. How were homes built by William Levitt different than those built previously?
4. What was life like in the suburbs in the 1950s?
5. What problems were created in cities during the 1950s? What was attempted to try to fix the
6. What percentage of people owned a television by the end of the 1950s? How much TV did
people watch per day on average?
7. What were the most popular TV shows of the decade?
8. What new styles of music were created in the 1950s? Who were the biggest starts of the most
popular form of music?
9. How was life difficult for women in the 1950s?
10. Based on what you read, how was teenage culture different from adult culture in the decade?
11. Would you have liked to have grown up in the 1950s? Why or why not?