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May 13, 2009
Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
District of Columbia
Dear Mr. President,
After completing and analyzing my data I have come to the conclusion for
your four questions. These four questions were stated as followed:
Where are the most recent earthquakes occurring and are they most likely to
occur in certain locations?
Is there a way to determine what parts of the world are most prone to
Is there a correlation between earthquakes and volcanoes?
What is causing the earthquakes?
When I first started this project, I believed that earthquakes occurred at
divergent and convergent plate boundaries. After reviewing the data, I was able to
prove this hypothesis correct. I also learned that shallow earthquakes occur at
transform boundaries and deep earthquakes occur at convergent and divergent plate
I also have an answer for your second question. My hypothesis was that it is
possible to determine what locations on earth are most prone to earthquakes by
measuring Primary waves and Surface waves to find an epicenter. However, my
hypothesis was proven incorrect. I learned that by knowing where many earthquakes
are occurring, you could determine that many more earthquakes would occur there.
This is the case for Fiji, Japan, the Phillippines, and the West Coast of North and
South America.
For your third question, I hypothesized that there was a correlation between
earthquakes and volcanoes because earthquakes form volcanoes. I was also able to
prove this hypothesis incorrect as well. I learned that earthquakes do not form
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volcanoes at all. However, it seems that almost all volcanoes form and erupt near
many earthquake zones. Such as Redoubt, a volcano that erupted in the same area
where most earthquakes have occurred.
Lastly, for my final answer, I hypothesized that earthquakes occur when
tectonic plates move. After reviewing all the data that I have been working on for the
last few weeks, I was clearly able to prove my final hypothesis correct. Earth’s axis
is constantly making the plates move. Therefore, an earthquake is occurring every
minute of every day. Most earthquakes are so minute that humans are unable to feel
them. However, when a large, sudden movement of Earth’s plates occur, strong,
devastating earthquake’s would take place. I hope my information will help you and
the USGS.
Best Regards,