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Moore, Timothy
Moore, Timothy
Instructor: Mrs. Tammy Moore
Class: VHSG Online Chemistry
15 March 2009
Crayfish Anatomy Observations Through Dissection
Observation of the structures visible with the naked eye through dissection of a Crayfish.
Crayfish are organisms of the class Crustacea in the phylum Arthropoda. Since the crayfish is the
“standard” crustacean to study, I’m going to observe the anatomy via dissection.
Crustacea comprise a class that is distinguished by [list the key characteristics of this class]. It is
significant organism to study anatomically because it is considered the standard crustacean so the
anatomy that I observe can be applied to many of the other organisms in this class. [If you get a chance
to collect a crayfish from a stream to observe its behavior, include some observations here.]
Methods and Observations
Preserved Crayfish
Dissection pan or styrofoam vegetable tray
Dissection tool kit including scalpel, probe, scissors, and pins. In the absence of a dissection kit
a razor blade, straight pins, and toothpick can be substituted
I observed the external anatomy paying particular attention to the body segmentation, legs,
mouth structures, antenae, sexual organs, and eyes. I have included labeled [sketches or photos] of the
Moore, Timothy
specimen's external anatomy [include them in the body of your report or as an attached appendix].
The crayfish was opened up by carefully by cutting the carapace and exposing the gill chamber.
I have included labeled [sketches or photos] of the specimen's gill chamber [include them in the body
of your report or as an attached appendix]. [Describe the gill chamber in ways that are not obvious in
the photos such as the texture of the gills].
Next, I went beyond the gill chamber into the innermost section of the cephalothorax. Within
this structure I observed [include your observations, sketches, photos etc here]
Next, I openned up the abdomen. Within this structure I observed [include your observations,
sketches, photos etc here]
My observations [summarize the key things you observed about the anatomy of the crayfish].