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Greeting Odysseus,
I am Will Smith, a 21st century Student at Canberra Grammar School
Ahh... I am Odysseus, King of Ithaca.
Cool, nice to meet you
I’ve heard a bit about some of the adventures and tasks you've been put through
Could you tell me about a few in particular that stand out in your mind?
Ah, Will, what a difficult question you ask.
I have so many memories, but the one that stands out the most to me is the time when my
crew and I were almost defeated... by loss of memory.
I tell you, Will, that was the only time in my life that I have felt total despair.
Yeah, that would be rough.
Can you remember what happened though?
My crew and I landed on a mysterious island.
We had no idea where it was, and we had no idea what was going on.
I felt out of control from the very beginning.
Then, when my crew started eating the lotuses, they soon became lotuses themselves,
vegetables, with no mind of their own and remembering nothing of the past.
I had to physically drag each and every crew member back on board.
I don't know what kept me from giving up
Wow, you must be strong, I think I would of left them and gone on my way!
Save my own ass you know.
I did, in a sense.
I would not be here were it not for my crew.
Do you think you could highlight the key values of your culture. What are the the things that mean the
most for you?
First is honour.
This is not only the honour that you show to others, but the Honour that you give yourself.
A man is nothing without his honour.
I also believe that willpower is important.
If i did not have that willpower to save my men from the lotuses, I would not be here today.
I value one's ability to keep their mind on one task, no matter how hard it is,
Yeah that makes sense.
I know that you have a wife, Penelope.
Is she important in your life?
Definitely. She is one of the single signs of determination and she represents the ability to hold