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Linda Gosner
Principles of Archaeology
November 8, 2010
Paper 3: Grandmother Theory
Grandmother Theory
Although humans and many of our primate relatives experience terminal fertility
and menopause at similar ages, the human species is distinct because women often survive
in good health for many decades beyond menopause. Likewise, both male and female
humans reach full maturity later than other primates and have higher fertility rates. Even
our genetically closest primate relatives, chimpanzees, have quite different life histories:
their young mature more quickly than human children do, females become frail shortly
after menopause, and males and females reach “old age” at approximately 33 years and
have much shorter average life spans than humans (Hawkes 2003:389; Hawkes 2010). The
grandmother theory, conceived by Kristen Hawkes and other collaborators in the
Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah, seeks to explain these phenomena
in terms of human evolution. Hawkes proposes that early in human history the most
vigorous elder women began to help provision food for their grandchildren. In relieving
their daughters of some of this burden, they allowed the young mothers to wean offspring
earlier and to have children more frequently. Thus, older, infertile females –
grandmothers—could increase their daughters’ fertility. In Darwinian terms, “more
vigorous longer-lived females would allocate less to their own current reproduction. But
sufficient benefit from the help of elders could compensate that cost, resulting in selection
for greater longevity” (Hawkes 2003:388). Hawkes has found supporting evidence for the
grandmother theory both in her ethnographic observation of modern hunter-gatherers and
in the archaeological record. Her approach is part of the larger field of behavioral ecology,
which examines “behavior in terms of selection….looking at how variations in behavior
relate to variations in survival, reproduction, and the rearing of offspring” (Shennen
Some argue that the long human lifespan is a recent development correlating with
the advent of modern medicine (O’Connell et al. 1999:476). They cite the fact that life
expectancy in the United States, western Europe, and Japan is around 80 years, while the
lifespan of people living in traditional settings with limited access to modern health care is
often under 40 years. Because life expectancy is determined from the average age at death,
this variability can be accounted for by high infant mortality in traditional settings, not by
variation in maximum human lifespan. Hawkes notes that 72% of women who reached
adulthood in 19th century France (an agriculturally-based society), lived past the age of
terminal fertility and often much longer than that, surviving into old age. The same is true
for populations living as hunter-gatherers and not dependent on domesticated foods. These
include the !Kung of southern Africa, the Ache of South America, and the Hadza of northern
Tanzania (Hawkes 2003:390).
During the mid-1980s, Hawkes, with her colleagues J.F. O’Connell (also her
husband), and N.G. Blurton Jones, conducted an ethnographic study of the Hadza people in
order to evaluate whether the grandmother theory could be responsible for Hadza
women’s typically long postmenopausal lifespans. Because human ancestors were huntergatherers, as the Hadza are, studies of Hadza behavior can also be used to infer how early
humans might have behaved in terms of food sharing and social organization. This study
traced between 200 and 300 Hadza from September 1985 through mid-July 1986, focusing
on the “relationship between variation in mothers’ and grandmothers’ foraging returns and
children’s weight changes” (Hawkes et al. 1997:557).
Hawkes observed that Hadza men and teenage boys spent much of their time
hunting at night near water holes, practiced “encounter hunting” during the day,
occasionally joined women’s foraging expeditions, and also spent time collecting honey
when the group was living at a camp near abundant beehives. The food that the men
provided to the group was irregular; women’s foraging activities were more constant and
dependable as a caloric source (Hawkes et al. 1997:554). Non-nursing mothers’ foraging
time accounted for 46% of the variation in their children’s weight changes, while nursing
mothers’ foraging time accounted for only 13%. The researchers observed that mothers
reduced the amount of time they spend foraging after they gave birth in order to care for
their newborn, but increased foraging time gradually during their nursing period as the
child grew older. When one child was weaned and a new child was born, grandmothers
provided the additional foraging support necessary to feed the weaned child (Hawkes et al.
Hawkes and her colleagues based the definitions of “grandmother” on behavioral
criteria rather than on genetic links to a mother, defining grandmothers as “senior women
who consistently feed, tend, and otherwise support the children of younger women”
(Hawkes et al. 1997:554). The researchers observed that weaned children assisted in
foraging, but they usually targeted seasonal fruits and other plants that required little
processing. Adults concentrated on finding tubers, plants that are available year round, but
too difficult for children to dig up, process, and cook. This division of labor allowed the
Hadza to successfully inhabit regions where children would not be able to live if they were
entirely responsible for their own food intake, as is the case with non-human primate
young (Hawkes et al. 1997:560). Grandmothers were able to remain a valuable part of the
group, and retain their “fitness” even when they were no longer having children of their
own. In other words, a “trade-off” occurred at some point during the women’s lifetimes;
they switched their attention from reproductive effort to “somatic effort toward increased
survivorship later” (Hawkes et al. 1997:563). This pattern is consistent with the
grandmother hypothesis.
These ethnographically observable phenomena among the Hadza correlate well
with the grandmother hypothesis, but it is difficult to prove that these behaviors occurred
early in human history. It is also hard to demonstrate that they were responsible for
distinctively human aging characteristics and for post-menopausal survival. An older
hypothesis, the so-called hunting hypothesis, had a different explanation for the late
maturity and high fertility of humans as compared to other primates. Proposed by S.L.
Washburn, the hunting hypothesis was influential in human evolution studies beginning in
the 1950s (Hawkes 2003:381). According to this theory, early humans became increasingly
reliant upon hunting large game for survival. They became bipedal in order to hold tools in
their hands for hunting, and this complex task required larger brains. For humans to
develop large brains, their children had to be more dependent on their mothers for longer
periods of time while their brains developed and were later in reaching maturity than their
quadruped relatives. This meant that mothers had to take care of their children longer and
depend upon their mates to do the hunting, which enabled women to have more offspring.
By contrast to the grandmother hypothesis, which posits the cooperation of the
grandmother as essential to the survival of the children, this theory points to the
development of the nuclear family as the essential unit for survival.
The hunting hypothesis is based on the idea that the earliest humans were hunting
large game, but recently uncovered finds and re-analyses of old evidence suggest that they
may have been getting their meat predominantly through scavenging (Hawkes 2003:382).
Beginning around 2 million years BP, H. ergaster (the first successful species of our genus,
Homo, and a direct human ancestor) underwent several morphological changes. Its
members reached larger size, matured later, and developed smaller teeth and jaws and a
narrower thorax by comparison to contemporary australopithecines. While these features
were initially attributed to more frequent hunting and meat consumption, there is no
archaeological evidence of big game hunting until 500,000 BP. Nor does isotopic analysis of
bones show increased meat consumption among H. ergaster. Other developments, which
the hunting hypothesis assumes to have occurred contemporaneously, are now known to
have occurred at different times: bipedalism predates big game hunting and the
development of large brains by 1.5 million years. Lastly, assumptions about the importance
of the nuclear family might have been based more on 1950s ideals than prehistoric
realities. Hawkes and her colleagues suggest that the grandmother theory better explains
the morphological changes in H. ergaster than does the increasingly obsolete hunting
hypothesis (Hawkes 2003:383).
O’Connell, Hawkes, and Jones’ work on H. erectus attempts to show the applicability
of grandmother theory, and the evolution of long human lifespans even before the
development of fully modern humans. It is important to note here that H. ergaster and H.
erectus are sometimes considered to be the same species; the distinction between the two
is sometimes debated. O’Connell et al. cite recent re-analyses of damage to animal bones
that show either no evidence of hominid alterations or show passive hominid scavenging.
H. erectus seem to have targeted the marrow of long bones and the contents of the brain
cavity of animals. Neither would have provided a stable source of food for juveniles and
certainly would not have yielded enough food for the daily caloric requirements of the
group as a whole (O’Connell et al. 1999:464). Thus, the hunting hypothesis is
General correlations between dental eruption stages, adult body size, and estimates
of longevity based on extant fossils indicate that H. erectus lived longer and matured later
than other hominoids, though their fertile period was likely the same as the others’.
Australopithecines, on the other hand, had life histories similar to those of modern
chimpanzees (O’Connell et al. 1999:469-470). These changes in H. erectus may have been
caused by alterations in the environment: the general cooling over the past 3 million years
would have eliminated fruit and other food resources in the winter. This meant that
children and juveniles could no longer collect this food during the cold months. As a result,
adults would have had to collect the food resources more consistently available to them –
notably tubers –with more frequency in order to feed themselves and the youngsters alike.
Though it is hard to trace tuber consumption in the archaeological record, O’Connell et al.
cite a variety of factors suggesting high tuber consumption: H. erectus’ human-like digestive
anatomy, increasing evidence of fire and digging tools, and increasing geographical range of
H. erectus into arid climates where tubers were one of the primary foods available
This scenario is consistent with the grandmother hypothesis – increasing
dependence on tubers would have necessitated adult participation in food acquisition for
the young. Aging H. erectus women who had no young children could aid in feeding their
daughters’ offspring, allowing the grandchildren to wean earlier and the daughters to
become pregnant again sooner. Selection for vigorous post-menopausal women would
have begun to change the life histories of H. erectus to one more equivalent to that of fully
modern humans. Here, the authors assume that a grandmother would have more interest
in her daughter’s offspring than in her son’s; a grandmother could be assured of her genetic
link to a daughter’s children, while a genetic connection to a “daughter-in-law’s” children is
unreliable (O’Connell et al. 1999:477).
Though Hawkes’ ethnographic observations of the Hadza provide convincing
evidence for the grandmother hypothesis at work in the modern-day world, evidence for
the grandmother hypothesis among H. erectus is less clear. More concrete proof for reliance
on tubers would strengthen the authors’ argument; such proofs could perhaps include
analysis of H. erectus dentition and testing for strontium and calcium isotopes to
understand their diet (O’Connell et al. 1999:475). As more examples of skeletal remains are
found, opportunities for such studies may increase. Certain inherent problems will always
be present, however, including the inaccuracy of age estimates for adult skeletal remains,
the absence of large population samples, and the absence of elderly osteological remains in
the archaeological record (such bones are poorly preserved) (O’Connell et al. 1999:476).
Other possible scenarios can explain trends in human life histories. One is Frank
Marlowe’s “patriarch hypothesis,” which suggests that human longevity after menopause is
a byproduct of selection for longevity in males rather female “grandmothers.” Marlowe
argues that males who lived past their peak vigor could still be successful reproducers
because of the power and status they acquired during their lifetime; if they reproduced late
in life, they would pass on genes that extended the male life span to their offspring.
Marlowe believes that these genes were not part of the Y chromosome, so they were passed
on to female and male offspring alike. Such a man’s children, of either gender, would live
longer. These longevity genes were unrelated to those that dictate the age of menopause,
Marlowe argues, and menopause continued to take place at the same time in humans as in
our primate relatives (Marlowe 2000:27-30, 38).
Marlowe, like Hawkes, cites examples from the Hadza: the hunting skills of Hadza
men, their hunting reputations, and their daily food returns do not increase in the years
after their prime. However, older men between 55 and 60 years of age often remarry and
have a new family of children with a young wife (Marlowe 2000:33). Marlowe makes no
mention of studies that show increasing evidence for birth defects among children of old or
elderly fathers (for example: Rabin 2007). Such defects are presumably genetic
disadvantages and weaken Marlowe’s argument from a Darwinian perspective.
Today, fewer and fewer people are coming to the defense of the hunting hypothesis
to explain human longevity after menopause and other distinctive characteristics of human
life history. Nevertheless, both the grandmother hypothesis and the patriarch hypothesis
will require more substantial proof. Hawkes’ and her colleagues’ ethnographic work with
the Hadza is quite convincing (though it could be strengthened if they used a genetic rather
than a behavioral definition of the grandmother), but supporting evidence from the
archaeological record should continue to be sought and studied using modern scientific
methods of analysis. Likewise, the patriarch hypothesis argument could be bolstered with
more genetic studies on which genes promote longevity and how – and whether -- they
correspond to gender.
Works Cited:
Hawkes, Kristen
2010 How grandmother effects plus individual variation in frailty shape fertility and
morality: Guidance from human-chimpanzee comparisons. PNAS 107 (2):89778984.
2003 Grandmothers and the Evolution of Human Longevity. American Journal of
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Hawkes, K., J.F. O’Connell, N.G Blurton, Jones, Michael Gurven, Kim Hill, Raymond Hames,
Takayoshi Kano, Toshisada Nishida, Frances J. White, Steven E. Churchill, Carol M.
1997 Hadza Women’s Time Allocation, Offspring Provisioning, and the Evolution of
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Marlowe, Frank
1999 The Patriarch Hypothesis: An Alternative Explanation of Menopause. Human
Nature. 11(1):27-42.
O’Connell, J.F., K. Hawkes, and N.G. Blurton Jones
1999 Grandmothering and the evolution of Homo erectus. Journal of Human
Evolution. 36:461-485.
Rabin, Roni
2007. Older fathers appear to raise risks of genetic disorders. New York Times,
Healthscience. 28 February. New York.
Shennen, Stephen
2002 Genes, Memes and Human History: Darwinian Archaeology and Cultural
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