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Continual Progress Report
Chemistry Unit 3: Energy and Kinetic Molecular Theory
These are the Unit 3 skills needed to be mastered before the end of the first semester.
You will be presented with opportunities to show your mastery (at least 3.0) of the Checkpoints (formative assessments) throughout this unit and till the end of the first semester. As we address each daily objective
(Checkpoint) and you demonstrate the skill, mark your score with the date. At the beginning of the second day of class you will practice with an example. For all Checkpoints, there will be opportunities (either
student or teacher generated) to improve that skill score throughout the unit and semester. After each attempt to show mastery of a Checkpoint, mark the score with the date on your CPR bidner copy. While you will
also be able to check your current scores using Mastery Connect, it is expected that you continuously fill out this document and that the document stays in your science binder.
The unit exam will address the Summative Goals by asking you to again demonstrate your mastery of the Checkpoints under that goal. If you do not master all of the Summative Goals on the exam, you will have
opportunities to retake the unit exam to attempt to master the Summative Goals.
Summative Goal 1: Using ideas about energy and particle models of
matter, I can explain my own observations or written descriptions
involving the heating of substances and phase changes.
Checkpoint 1.1: Given observations about a system undergoing a change, I can
recognize that energy is involved, that it is conserved, and that it can be accounted for as
being stored in various forms (such as thermal and phase energy) or as being transferred
into or out of a system.
Checkpoint 1.2: Given observations about the addition or release of energy by
warming, I can distinguish between temperature change (related to average particle speed)
and energy absorption or release. I can recognize that thermal energy is related to the
motion of the particles, but also the amount of matter (and therefore particles) involved.
Checkpoint 1.3: Given observations about a substance in one of the three phases
singly, and during phases changes, I can describe the characteristics of the substance in
terms of its particles, their arrangement, attraction, and motion. I can distinguish between
thermal energy, or heat (related to the speed and mass of the particles), and phase energy,
or the energy stored in the attraction between particles.
Checkpoint 1.4: Given a scenario involving the transfer of energy into or out of a
system, I can determine if the energy is transferred by heating (collision between particles),
work (macroscopic forces), or radiation (the emission or absorption of light).
Summative Goal 2: Using ideas about energy and LOL diagrams, I can
explain my own observations, written descriptions, and/or
heating/cooling curves involving the heating of substances and
phases changes.
Checkpoint 2.1: Given information about the transfer of energy into or out of a system,
and the phase changes that occur to that system, I can model the transformation of energy
within the system and the transfer of energy between the system and the surroundings,
using an LOL diagram. Given an LOL diagram, I can describe the transfer and
transformation of energy, as well as the phase changes of a system.
Checkpoint 2.2: Given a heating/cooling curve for a substance, I can identify which
phase(s) are present in the various portions of the curve, what the melting and freezing
temperatures for the substance are, and which energy storage mode (thermal energy or
phase energy) is changing for the various portions of the curve. Given information about the
melting and freezing temperatures of a substance, I can create a heating/cooling curve for
that substance.
Summative Goal 3: I can interpret the physical meaning of the heat of
fusion (Hf), heat of vaporization (HV), and heat capacity c of a
substance, and use these as factors to solve problems for various
substances involving energy absorption and release, the mass of a
substance, phase changes, and temperature changes.
Checkpoint 3.1: Given information about the heat of fusion or heat of vaporization of a
substance and relevant formulas, I can related the mass of a sample of that substance to the
energy absorbed or released during a phase change of that substance. Given the mass of a
substance and the energy absorbed or released during a phase change, I can calculate the
heat of fusion or heat of vaporization for that substance.
Checkpoint 3.2: Given the heat capacity of a substance and relevant formulas, I can
relate the mass of a sample of that substance and its temperature change to the amount of
energy absorbed or released during the change in temperature (with no phase change).
Given the mass of a sample of a substance, its change in temperature (with no phase
change) and the amount of energy absorbed or released during the change in temperature, I
can calculate the heat capacity of the substance.
Checkpoint 3.3: Given the heat of vaporization, the heat of fusion, and the heat
capacity of a substance, as well as relevant formulas, I can combine CP 3.1 and CP 3.2 to
solve problems involving the mass of a substance, phase changes, changes in temperature,
and the amount of energy absorbed from or released by a system containing that substance.
Percentage Range
Complex content
Target and some complex
Target goal
Simple and some target
Partial success at simple content
With help, partial success at 2.0 & 3.0 content
With help, partial success at 2.0 content
Even with help, no success
Keeping Track of My Learning--Request for student generated assessment to replace learning target score*
Name: ___________________________________________________ Class/Block: _____________________________
Learning Goal I need to improve on: __________________________________________________________________
My score at the beginning: _______________. My goal is to be at score: ______________ by ___________________________
Specific thing(s) I am going to do to improve/show mastery of learning score: ___________________________________________________________
Requested Granted: ____________ Teacher Signature: ________________________________________
*If a teacher doesn’t want to commit to creating a new assessment for the learning goal for students, they can opt to have students decide for themselves
how they can show mastery of the learning target. If the student generated assessment is not granted, please work with the student to inform them what
more they need to do or improve upon. This sheet can be turned in with the completed assessment to help the teacher remember what they approved.
Name: ___________________________________________________ Class/Block: ___________________________
Learning Goal I need to Improve on: __________________________________________________________________
My score at the beginning: _______________. My goal is to be at score: ______________ by ___________________
Specific things I am going to do to improve: ____________________________________________________________
Learning Goal:
a ______________
b ______________
c ______________
d ______________
e ______________
f ______________
g ______________
⇠Dates of times when presented with a specific learning target and the score.
*This is the score that would appear in Gradebook
Summative Score*