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Abdulrahman Mubarak Al-Dossary
BUSNEGO Assignment
Now days negotiation considered to be the main key in business
deal and it can help to save a lot of time and effort and most
company’s depend on the negotiators to increase the company
money and also every one now are seeking to get his hand on
hard working experienced negotiators that will make the
company richer and richer.
they mentioned that there are moment of power that will help
the negotiators to take the advantage in the deal to gain more
from what he asked or get what he asked, we take this example
Faced with two options, should you present the moderate option
first or the most extreme option first?
Her as the writer said we have tow face two options should we
stick with the most extrem option or should we stick with the
moderate option and that depand on the setuotion that hes facing
wer hecan shose wht ever that will make him in the weiner
Also in Harvard University- Collage of Business
James K. Sebenius
They wrote that there are some kind of tactics that will make
you become more experienced and stronger negotiators were
you can think about it before doing the deal such as, deal design
and he thinks that it’s like a brain storming for negotiators.