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Essential Science Vocabulary
Biome Unit
Abiotic Factor
Biotic Factor
All the living and non living things in an environment, including their interactions with
each other
A nonliving part of an ecosystem
A living part of an ecosystem
All the individuals of one species in one given area
All the living things in an ecosystem
The study of how living and nonliving things interact
The place where a plant or animal naturally lives or grows
The role of an organism in a community
Food Chain
The path of energy form one organism to another
Food Web
The overlapping food chains in an ecosystem
An animal that eats plants, algae, and other producers
An animals that hunts other animals for food
An animal that hunts other animals for food
An animal that is hunted for food
A meat-eating animal that feeds on the remain of dead animals
An animal that eats both plants and animals
A relationship between two animals that last over time
A relationship between two kinds of organisms that benefits both organisms
A relationship between two organisms, where one animal lives in or in another organism
and harms that organism
A relationship between two kinds of organisms that benefits one, without harming the
Limiting Factor
Anything that controls the growth or survival of a population
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Carrying Capacity
Endangered Species
Threatened Species
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
The maximum population size that an area can support
A species that is in danger of becoming extinct
A species that has died out completely
A species that is in danger of becoming a endangered species
The continuous exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen among living things
The continuous trapping of nitrogen gas into compounds in the soil and its return top
the air
One of Earth's largest ecosystems, with its own kind of climate, soil, plants, and
A biome where grasses, not trees, are the main plant life
A cool forest biome of conifers in the upper northern hemisphere
Large, treeless plain in the artic region, where he ground is frozen all year long
A sandy or rocky biome, with little precipitation and little plant life
Deciduous Forest
A forest biome with many kinds of tree that loose there leaves each year
Tropical Rain Forest
A hot biome near the equator, with much rainfall and a wide variety of life
Ecological Suppression
Pioneer Species
The gradual replacement of one community by another
The first species living in an otherwise lifeless area
Pioneer Community
The first community living in an once lifeless area
Climax Community
The final stage of succession where in an area, unless a major change happens
Matter & Energy Unit
Physical Property
A feature that can be observed with the senses or measured with a tool
Chemical Property
A change in which one or more types of matter form
Anything that has mass and takes up space.
To let heat pass through easily.
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Spring Scale
State of Matter
The measure of how warm something is.
To mix evenly is liquid.
The amount of matter that makes up an object.
A measure of the pull of gravity on an object’s mass.
A tool used to measure weight or force
The form that matter has, such as solid, liquid, gas.
The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves.
The transfer of thermal energy by the movement of liquids or gases.
The transfer of thermal energy between things that are touching.
The ability to make things move or change.
A material through which heat can move easily.
Wind Energy
Energy from the wind’s power
Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.
Mechanical Energy
Energy produced by a machine or moving parts.
Electrical Energy
Energy produced by the movement of electrons.
Light Energy
Thermal or Heat Energy
Sound Energy
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Radiant energy that our eyes can see from the visible part of the electromagnet
Energy that causes a transfer of heat between materials.
Energy produced from vibration that you can hear.
Energy that is stored.
Energy of motion.
Alternative Energy
A source of energy other than the burning of fossil fuels
Geothermal Energy
Earth's internal energy
Energy from plant matter or animal waste
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Weather Unit
The blanket of gasses that surround the Earth
The amount of the sun's energy that reaches the Earth at any given time
The layer of the atmosphere closest to the Earth's surface
Air Pressure
The force put on a given area by the weight of the air above it
What the lower part of the atmosphere at any given time
A weather instrument that measures air pressure
A weather instrument that measures wind speed
Wind Vane
Water Vapor
Relative Humidity
A weather instrument that measures where the wind is blowing form
Water that is in the air in the form of a gas
The amount of water vapor in the air
The slow change of water form a liquid to a gas in the water cycle
The changing of water form a gas to a liquid in the water cycle
A comparison between how much water vapor in the air and how much the air can hold
Stratus Cloud
A cloud that forms in blanket like layers
Cumulus Cloud
A cloud that appear puffy and rises up form what looks like a flat bottom
Cirrus Cloud
Cumulonimbus Cloud
Convection Cell
Sea Breeze
A cloud high in the sky that has a feather like shape and created form ice crystals
A cloud that produces sever weather
A cloud at ground level
Any form of water particles that fall from the atmosphere and reaches the ground
Air that moves horizontally
A circular pattern of air rising, air sinking, and wind
Wind that blows from the sea to the land
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Land Breeze
Coriolis Effect
Air Mass
Cold Front
Warm Front
Storm Surge
Wind that blows from the sea to the land
The curving of the path of a moving object caused by the Earth's rotation
A line on a weather map connecting places with equal air pressure
A large region of the atmosphere where the air has similar properties throughout
A boundary between air masses with different temperatures
A front where cold air moves in under a warm air mass
A front where warm air moves in over a cold air mass
The most common severe storm, formed in cumunlonimbus cloud
A violent, whirling wind that moves across the ground in a narrow path
A very large, swirling storm with a very low pressure at the center
A great rise of the sea along a shore caused by low air pressure
The average weather pattern of a region
Force and Motion Unit
A push or a pull exerted by one object on another, causing a change in motion
The tendency of a moving object to keep moving in a straight line or of any object to
resist a change in motion
A force that opposes the motion of one object moving past another
Balanced Forces
How fast that opposes the motion of one object moving past another
The speed and direction of a moving object
Change in a velocity with respect to time
Forces that cancel each other out when acting together on a single object
Unbalanced Forces
Forces that do NOT cancel each other out when acting together on a single object
and cause motion to occur
The force one object applies to a second, as in Newton's third law of motion, which
states "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary
Simple Machine
Effort Arm
Resistance Arm
The force with which an object responds to an action, as in Newton's third law of
The use of force to move an object a certain distance
A machine with few moving parts, making it easier to do work
A simple machine made of a ridge bar and a fixed pivot point, called a fulcrum
The pivot point of a lever
The part of a lever that applies force to the resistance arm
The part of a lever that applies force to the load that the machine acts against
The force of attraction between any two objects due to their mass
The force of attraction between any two objects due to their mass
Evolution & Human Body Systems
Unicellular Organisms
Multicellular Organisms
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Circulatory system
A living thing.
The smallest part of a living thing that can carry out all the processes of life.
Made up of only one cell.
To make more organisms of one’s own kind.
Made up of more than one cell.
A group of parts that work together.
The body system that takes in oxygen from the air.
The body system that breaks down foods it can be used by the body.
The body system that carries oxygen, food, and wastes throughout the body.
Skeletal System
The body system of bones that give the body structure and support.
Muscular System
The body system that is made up of all the muscles attached to bones.
Nervous System
The body system that controls all the other body systems.
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary
A quality or characteristics of a living thing.
A way in which a living thing acts or responds to its surroundings.
Inherited Trait
A characteristic that a living thing gets from its parents.
Acquired Trait
A characteristic that a living thing gets during its lifetime.
Learned Behavior
A skill that an animal develops after its born.
adapted from Fifth Grade List at Leaksville-Spray Elementary