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Study Guide Chapter 2
1) Locate and neatly draw in the following regions from Chapter 2
Yellow River (Huang He)
Yangzi River
Mongolian Steppe
Vietnam (Annam)
2) Compare/Contrast: How did early Chinese (Shang and Zhou) understanding of kingship
compare/contrast with kingship in the Middle East (Mesopotamia and Egypt) ?(Mention
Mandate of Heaven)
3) Compare/Contrast: Compare/contrast Confucius’, Laozi’s and Legalist remedies for bringing
order to Chinese society.
4) What examples do we have to show that early China had a clear, complex social hierarchy in
place from the early Shang through the Zhou Dynasty?
5) Inference: In what ways were the ‘trade of goods and ideas’ between Egypt and Nubia a onesided affair (cf. pages 49-51)? Be detailed and explicit.
6) Compare and contrast the impact of geographic characteristics on the development of the
Chavin and the Olmec. Consider mentioning any methods used to overcome environmental
7) From Mesopotamia to China to Latin America, early hearths of civilization begin to develop and
heavily integrate religion into their increasingly complex societies. Identify and explain a
possible explanation for the polytheistic nature of these early religions, and explain how religion
was used to bolster the rule of these early civilizations.