Download Strawberry Lemonade Cooler RECIPE INGREDIENTS 1 (1.8 ounce

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Strawberry Lemonade Cooler
1 (1.8 ounce) packet sugar free low calorie lemonade flavored soft drink mix
1/2 cup Smucker’s reduced sugar squeeze strawberry fruit spread
mint leaves for garnish (optional)
Pour 1 cup water, lemonade packet and fruit spread into large pitcher. Whisk to distribute
fruit. Add additional cold water and ice to make 2 quarts; stir.Serve garnished with fresh mint
Words and Definitions
Strawberry (n) the juicy edible usually red fruit of any of several low-growing
temperate herbs (genus Fragaria) of the rose family that is technically an enlarged
pulpy receptacle bearing numerous achenes on its surface
Lemonade (n) a beverage of sweetened lemon juice mixed with water
Ingredients (n) something that enters into a compound or is a component part of any
combination or mixture : constituent
Sugar (n) a sweet crystallizable material that consists wholly or essentially of
sucrose, is colorless or white when pure tending to brown when less refined, is
obtained commercially from sugarcane or sugar beet and less extensively from
sorghum, maples, and palms, and is important as a source of dietary carbohydrate
and as a sweetener and preservative of other foods
Packet (n) a small bundle or parcel
Mint (n) any of a family (Labiatae, the mint family) of aromatic plants with a
square stem and a 4-lobed ovary which produces four one-seeded nutlets in fruit;
especially : any of a genus (Mentha) of mints that have white, purple, or pink
verticillate flowers with a nearly regular corolla and four equal stamens and that
include some used in flavoring and cookery
Pitcher (n) a container for holding and pouring liquids that usually has a lip or spout
and a handle