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Ch. 7.1: Viruses and Yellow Fever Study Guide
1. Know all your vocabulary words
2. What does the inner core of a virus contain?
3. Which part of the virus takes over a cell once inside?
4. Describe an active virus.
5. Why are viruses considered to be nonliving.
6. What is a hidden virus?
7. What is the job of the protein coat on a virus?
8. What directly provides energy for a virus?
9. What is the most effective prevention for Yellow Fever?
10. What is the best treatment for viral infections?
11. How is Yellow Fever spread?
12. What is the cure for Yellow Fever
13. How does a vaccine work?
14. What continent has the most effected people of Yellow Fever today?
15. What does a vaccine stimulate in the body?
16. Why are viruses considered to be nonliving?
17. What is the only thing a virus has in common with organisms?
18. What is the importance of the protein coat shape on a virus?
19. What are the steps of washing your hands?
20. Describe a hidden virus.
21. What do people use to relive symptoms of viruses?
22. What is a vaccine?
23. Why is Yellow Fever called “Yellow Fever”?
24. Why are viruses like parasites?
25. Study the drawings of your Active and Hidden Viruses Foldable. Know the order of each