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Name ___________________________
Directions: Choose the definition, example, or phrase that best matches the term given. No answer will be used more
than once, one answer will not be used
a. Bishop
b. Burgher
c. Charlemagne
d. Estates General
e. Feudalism
ab. Gothic
ac. Great Schism
ad. Guild
ae. Henry II
bc. Lay Investiture
bd. Magyars
be. Manor
cd. Peter
ce. Richard the Lion-Hearted
1. Architecture, flying buttresses and stained glass
2. English leader of the 3rd Crusade
3. Political and social system based on land ownership
4. Oversees the diocese
5. Increased agricultural production
6. Selling church offices
7. Common language
8. Regulated prices and quality of craftsmanship
9. “Rock” on which papacy is built
10. Donations to the church
de. Simony
abc. Thomas Aquinas
abd. Three-Field System
abe. Tithe
acd. Urban II
ace. Vernacular
ade. William the Conqueror
11. Emperor of the Franks
12. Hungarian invaders
13. Division over French and Italian papal leadership
14. Scholar, combined logic and Christian Theology
15. Norman King of England
16. Right of kings to appoint church officials
17. Lord’s estate
18. French nobles, clergy, and commoners
19. Merchant class town dwellers
20. Called for a Christian conquest of the Holy Land
Name ___________________________
Directions: Choose the definition, example, or phrase that best matches the term given. No answer will be used more
than once, one answer will not be used
a. Bishop
b. Burgher
c. Charlemagne
d. Estates General
e. Feudalism
ab. Gothic
ac. Great Schism
ad. Guild
ae. Henry II
bc. Lay Investiture
bd. Magyars
be. Manor
cd. Peter
ce. Richard the Lion-Hearted
1. Architecture, flying buttresses and stained glass
2. English leader of the 3rd Crusade
3. Political and social system based on land ownership
4. Oversees the diocese
5. Increased agricultural production
6. Selling church offices
7. Common language
8. Regulated prices and quality of craftsmanship
9. “Rock” on which papacy is built
10. Donations to the church
de. Simony
abc. Thomas Aquinas
abd. Three-Field System
abe. Tithe
acd. Urban II
ace. Vernacular
ade. William the Conqueror
11. Emperor of the Franks
12. Hungarian invaders
13. Division over French and Italian papal leadership
14. Scholar, combined logic and Christian Theology
15. Norman King of England
16. Right of kings to appoint church officials
17. Lord’s estate
18. French nobles, clergy, and commoners
19. Merchant class town dwellers
20. Called for a Christian conquest of the Holy Land