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Townsend Harris High School
Homework Sheet
AP World History I
Mr. Stonehill
Homework 1-3: Read Prologue p. l-lxvii and answer the following questions. Get
classroom contracts signed.
1) What are the 4 major skills that are developed during AP World History and what
are the major components of each skill?
Skill 1 ________________________________________________________
Component 1:
Component 2:
Skill 2 ________________________________________________________
Component 1:
Component 2:
Component 3:
Skill 3 ________________________________________________________
Component 1:
Component 2:
Skill 4 ________________________________________________________
Component 1:
Component 2:
2) What strategies should be used for effective reading for World History?
During Reading:
What are strategies for effective writing of World History?
Homework 4: Read Prologue, pp. lxxii-lxxix b. View David Christian on Big History: and answer the following
1) How do modern notions of the immense size and age of the universe affect your
understanding of human history?
2) What examples of comparison, connection and change in world history would you like
to explore further as the course unfolds?
3) In what larger contexts might you place your own life history?
Homework 5-7:
Read Jared Diamond’s Booklet and answer the questions at the end of the handout.
Homework 8-9:
Color in topographical Regional Maps of Middle East and China