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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________Period: ______
Fishy Frequencies
Warm Up: Define the following words:
Macroevolution: ____________________________________________________________________
Microevolution: _____________________________________________________________________
Mortality: __________________________________________________________________________
Birthrate: __________________________________________________________________________
Frequency: ________________________________________________________________________
Fitness: ___________________________________________________________________________
Fishy Activity:
Graphs: Graph Data for the GOLD and BROWN fish on each graph. One graph will be for INDIVIDUAL data, the other graph for
CLASS data. Label the x-axis Generation (1-5) and the y-axis Number of Fish. Use two different colors (or types of line) to
distinguish the difference between Brown and Gold fish on your graphs. Make a key to show which line represents Gold and which
represents Brown.
Follow up Questions: Answer the following questions about this activity. Use the graphs you
made above for information about your data.
1. What are the two phenotypes in this activity?______________ and _______________.
Which phenotype has the highest fitness? ____________________________________
Why? _________________________________________________________________
2. Which phenotype had the highest mortality? __________________________________
Why? __________________________________________________________________
3. How has the population of fish changed from generation 1 to generation 5? __________
4. What (in nature) did we try to represent by using two different types of fish? __________
5. What happens to the genotype frequencies from generation 1 to 5? _________________
6. Use the CLASS data to answer the following questions (To make things simple, assume
that all gold fish are ‘ff’ and all brown fish are ‘FF’):
(Pop size X 2)
Allele Frequency of Gold
Allele Frequency of Brown
Generation 1
Generation 5
7. If natural selection is taking place you will observe a change in allele frequency over time.
Write a statement that supports or rejects the following hypothesis. Use data from #6.
a. Hypothesis: Natural Selection is not occurring; the allele frequency stays the same.
8. What happens to the recessive genes over many generations? ______________________
Why? __________________________________________________________________
9. Near the end of this activity some people only had brown fish, but in the next generation
gold fish would appear again. Would this be possible in a real situation? Why or why not?
(In other words: Why doesn’t the recessive gene disappear from the population?)
10. Explain how natural selection (evolution) happens: _____________________________
11. How do your results compare to the class results? Why is it important to collect class
data? ___________________________________________________________________
12. Does natural selection act on the genotype or phenotype of organisms? ____________
Why? __________________________________________________________________