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Darkroom Photography Lab Fee
Dear Parents,
Your son/daughter is enrolled in a Darkroom Photography Class this semester at SAIL. Due to the
special nature of this class, your child will need the following:
A $30.00 Lab Fee
About the Lab Fee:
Darkroom Photography is a rare and unique SAIL class offering. There is a $30.00 per semester lab
fee, which will be used to purchase personal items for each student to keep (see below list) in
addition to all classroom supplies each student will have daily access to. These art materials belong
to the student and the student is responsible for them inside and outside of the classroom. In order to
make this class the best experience possible for your student, I have also requested for you to
purchase photo darkroom paper independently for the course, please see Supply List for details
on how and where to purchase this.
The following will be the supplies purchased for each student with the lab fee:
 1 reloadable Film Canister
 15 8x10 pieces of photo paper
($1.00 for each additional)
 7 rolls of 35mm film (24 exposure)
 15 photo paper test strips
 5 Negative sleeves
 5 5x7 pieces of photo paper
Although the class relies greatly on the darkroom photography fees, we will never turn away a student
for financial reasons. Please do not let the cost of the darkroom photography fee discourage you. There
are also several payment options available. Please indicate below how you would like to handle
payment of the photography fee.
___ I will pay the lab fee in full by _______________.
___ I can make _____ payments of _____ by _______________.
___ I cannot pay the entire lab fee but can pay ________ ($2.00 $5.00, $10.00…any amount is
___ I am unable to pay the lab fee.
****Please have your student return this form signed by September 1st/2nd, 2016****
(Please keep in mind that regardless of payment this signed form must be returned for a student
participation grade!)
Parent Signature
Student Name
Thank you for your cooperation in making this class possible.
Tiffany Williams, Principal
Becki Rutta, Photo Instructor