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Zara H. Boshyk
ENVR 202
Term Paper Outline: Ecology and Evolution of Wildlife Parasites and Diseases
What effect will Global Warming and habitat loss have on disease occurrence and severity? The
focus will be on Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer
I. Introduction
II. Body 1
a. Parasites in general
i. Why/how do they cause disease? Disease Ecology (Hudson et Al., 2002)
1. Trade-offs
a. Depend on life cycle/history (Galvani, 2003)
2. Benefits outweigh the costs
a. Interactions+ their relevance (Harvell, 2004)
b. Chronic Wasting disease in particular
i. Geographical Range of CWD + deer
1. North America: include Map (Sigurdson et Al. 2003)
ii. Life Cycles of parasite/host+ their relationship/interaction
iii. History of the disease
1. Previous outbreaks?
2. Evolutionary history of the disease?
a. Unknown, but first symptoms recognition in the late 60’s
(Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance)
3. Introduction?
iv. Effect of disease on host
1. Description of symptoms etc (Chronic Wasting Disease 530-549)
v. Brief possible effects of global warming and habitat loss
1. Consequences of these on the host-disease relationship
a. Further spread of deer population, but also of CWD, spread
to other animals + humans?
III. Body 2
a. What effect will global warming and habitat loss have on the evolution and
ecology of parasites and their hosts?
i. Why might parasites be at their level of virulence(evolutionary speaking)
ii. How do the life history traits affect where species exist and their effects?
iii. Why have we observed the patterns of epidemics/outbreaks that have( or
have not) occurred?
1. In terms of natural selection!!
Zara H. Boshyk
ENVR 202
a. For parasites, natural selection is dependent on the ability
of parasites to be passed on to new hosts ( i.e. transmission)
b. Why do we care?
i. Determination of population and community structure
1. Impacts on biodiversity
a. Parasitic “pollution” caused by destruction of habitat and
introduction of parasites into naïve populations (Daszak et
Al., 2000)
ii. Global Warning
IV. Conclusion
Works Cited
Chronic Wasting Disease 42 (2005): 530-49. Veterinary Pathology. American College of
Veterinary Pathologists. 13 Feb. 2009
Daszak, Peter, Andrew A. Cunningham, and Alex D. Hyatt. "Emerging Infectious Diseases of
Wildlife-- Threats to Biodiversity and Human Health." Science 287 (2000): 443-49.
Science Mag. 16 Feb. 2009 <>.
Galvani. Trends in Ecological Evolution (2003): 133-39.
Gross, John E., and Michael W. Miller. "Chronic Wasting Disease in Mule Deer: Disease
Dynamics and Control." The Journal of Wildlife Management 65 (2001): 205-15.
Harvell. The American Naturalist (2004): S1-S5.
Hudson, Peter J., Annapaola Rizzoli, and Bryan T. Grenfell, eds. The Ecology of Wildlife
Diseases. New York: Oxford UP, 2002.
Zara H. Boshyk
ENVR 202
Miller, Michael W., and Mary M. Connor. "Epidemiology of Chronic Wasting Disease in FreeRanging Mule Deer: Spatial, Temporal, and Demographic Influences on Observed
Prevalence Patterns." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41 (2005): 275-90. Journal of Wildlife
Diseases. McGill University Libraries. 14 Feb. 2009
Miller, Michael W. "Epidemiology of Chronic Wasting Disease in Captive White-Tailed and
Mule Deer." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40 (2004): 320-27. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
McGill University Libraries. 13 Feb. 2009
Schauber, Eric M., and Alan Woolf. "Critiques of CWD Models." Wildlife Society Bulletin
(2003): 610-16.
Sigurdson, Christina J., and Michael W. Miller. "Other Animal Prion Diseases." British Medical
Bulletin 66 (2003): 199-212. British Medical Bulletin. 17 Feb. 2009