Download emergency plan - The Castle Practice

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Document Review Arrangements
This document will be reviewed on a yearly programme or when there is a
change in the working systems of the practice or changes to the contact
arrangements of staff or suppliers that affect the content. This will be the
responsibility of the Practice Manager.
Training and Exercising
The emergency and business continuity response arrangements within this
plan are useless if the staff that are expected to implement them at the time of
an emergency are unaware of them. To this end all staff will be made aware
of the plan as part of their induction training. If there are any significant
changes to the plan that affect the way in which staff respond these must be
communicated to them.
The arrangements within this plan should be exercised at least once a year;
this will help to validate their effectiveness and highlight any gaps in the plan,
which can then be amended.
Activation of the Plan
The nominated person for this surgery to decide whether the plan or any part
of the plan is activated will be the most senior GP partner available or the
practice manager. Contact details are:-
Dr D Mannings
Dr M Shipsey
Dr K Patel
Dr K Palan
Dr I Pogoda
Dr R Dhillon
Paula Russell
01903 873013
07811 353900
07876 705077
0772 0323222
07816 224902
07882 673649
01903 610495
01273 550269
01243 555237
The decision to activate all or part of this entire plan can be done using the
following process:
The most senior doctor having made the decision to activate the plan should
contact the following staff members:
The practice manager – Paula Russell 01243 555237 or 07795 488779
Business Support Administrator – Sheila Lidbetter 01903 526219 or
The reception manager – Nicki Howick – 01903 525398 or 07748 3498878
Emergency Response
The GPs and staff at the practice will do their best within available resources
and assuming circumstances allow, to assist the CWS CCG and the
community generally in the event that assistance is required for:
Rest, evacuation and survivor centres
Prescribing and supplying medications
Mass vaccination / prophylaxis
Participation in the co-ordination of services in the event of a major
incident. Contact Surrey & Sussex Area Team (NHS England) in core
hours Kirsty Sibandze 01293 778833/07825 780545 or
Shelley Eugene 01293 847047/07795 637105
Outside core hours contact the on-call Head of Service for the Surrey
and Sussex Area Team on 0844 822 2888 quoting NHS42.
CWS CCG Contacts– Elizabeth Tinley – 01273 574662
Kim Williams – 01273 574637
Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Incidents
In the event that a contaminated casualty presents at the practice the
following steps should be taken.
Contain the casualty away from others, keep all staff at a distance.
Consider also containment for those who have already come into
contact with the casualty.
Call the ambulance service, stating that you have a contaminated
casualty at the practice.
Ask the casualty to remove their clothing, as this has been shown to
reduce the contamination by up to 80% of contaminant. Provide a
plastic bag for the casualty to place the clothes in.
Provide the casualty a 10lt bucket of warm water containing 10ml of
washing up liquid and a sponge, encourage the casualty to wash their
whole body. Eyes should be washed with plain water, they should blow
their nose and wash their mouth out with water.
Provide a blanket once decontamination is complete and awaiting the
ambulance service.
Remember all efforts must be taken to prevent further contamination of
Business Continuity
Priority order of services provided
GP surgeries offer a wide range of services to their patients; below in table 1
is a list of the services that this surgery provides:
In the event of an emergency or business interruption this practice will
endeavour to maintain services to usual or as close to usual standard, but it
may be evident that this is not possible, at this point the most senior partner
available/practice manager will decide which are the priority services that the
practice must continue and which will be reduced or stopped.
Any decisions made to reduce or stop services must be communicated to
the Contact Surrey & Sussex Area Team (NHS England) in core hours
Kirsty Sibandze 01293 778833/07825 780545 or
Shelley Eugene 01293 847047/07795 637105
Outside core hours contact the on-call Head of Service for the Surrey
and Sussex Area Team on 0844 822 2888 quoting NHS42.
CWS CCG Contacts– Elizabeth Tinley – 01273 574662
Kim Williams – 01273 574637
Patient consultations with doctors and health care professionals
Home Visits
Specialist Clinics
Childhood Immunisation
Minor Surgery
Cervical cytology
Public health vaccination programmes
Neonatal checks
IUCD fitting
Drug monitoring
24 hr blood pressure monitoring and 24 hr ECGs
Spirometry/reversibility testing
Health promotion
Pregnancy testing
Smoking cessation services
Learning disabilities action planning
H pylori testing
PSA monitoring
Substance misuse support
Domiciliary phlebotomy
Leg ulcer clinics
Mental health assessments
Loss of main surgery building
If the practice building is uninhabitable for any reason the services will be
provided in a suitable alternative venue.
The options open to the practice are:
Transferring to St Lawrence Surgery
Findon Valley Free Church Hall
Failure of IT systems
See TPP Disaster Recovery Policy attached.
If it is not possible to print prescriptions these will need be hand written. In
this event it may be necessary to contact CWS CCG to obtain more
prescription pads. This can be done in office hours by faxing a request form to
the post room on 01903 246013, followed up by a phone call to 01903
708589. Outside core hours contact the on-call Head of Service for the
Surrey and Sussex Area Team on 0844 822 2888 quoting NHS42
CWS CCG Contacts– Elizabeth Tinley – 01273 574662
Kim Williams – 01273 574637
Loss of hardware or software
If the practice experiences loss of either a computer or software through theft
or damage the Practice Manager will contact the Sussex HIS contact centre
08458454488 or TPP – 0845 6042817 to arrange reloading of software.
Protection of servers
During periods of extreme heat ensure that the server is maintained at a
temperature that will not cause overheating and subsequent failure.
Loss of Medical Records
TPP Systmone is a remotely hosted medical records system which is held in
Leeds, West Yorkshire. TPP have a business continuity plan for when
problems arise. The contact number is 0845 6042817.
Lloyd George paper based records are held in secure storage at Curtis
Storage:93, Marlborough Road
Tel. 01903 767750
Churchill Industrial Estate Fax. 01903 767750
Lancing Business Park
BN15 8TR
Email. mailto:[email protected]
If the paper records are lost or damaged in any way these may be reconstructed using the data held on the computer system.
Failure of Telecommunications
The telephone system and lines are from The Focus Group – telephone
number for any faults is 0845 450 5225
If the system is dependant on electrical supply check the supply, if found to be
an electrical problem follow the instructions for loss of electricity.
If the main system fails all calls can be redirected to the analogue line which is
01903 693771 or to the practice mobile 07867992438.
Failure of Electricity supply
The electrical fuse boxes for this practice are located:
Main Surgery – kitchen cupboard
Supply to 6 Coombe Rise
Air con unti treatment room 2
Air con unit
Heater fan kitchen
Heating controls time clock and contractor
Outside lights
Sockets – east and west office, kitchen, corner office and room 12
Lights - kitchen, corner office, room 12 south and north office
Heater – corner office
Waiting area cupboard
Heaters – room 1, waiting room, room 2, reception passage, foyer treatment
room 1
Sockets – room 1 and 2, reception, toilets, waiting rooms 1 and 2, fridge
Lights – toilets, room 1 and 2, reception hallway, treatment room 1, lights
entrance and reception, telephone system, pharmacy lobby, waiting area
Passage cupboard in extension
Alarm supply
Air con unit
Lights – room 3 and toilet, rooms 4, 5, 6 and 7. first floor, waiting room and
passageways, boiler supply,
Sockets – first floor north, rooms 4& 5 and passage, rooms 6 and 7, first floor
south, room 3, waiting area and walkway
Lights – north, east and emergency, south east, outside lights and sign, west
Air con 1 and 2
Passageway mains cupboard
Heaters – room 8, 9,10, 11, staff toilet, passageway
Passageway cupboard – main building
Heater point south waiting room
Heater first floor pharmacy
Sockets – pharmacy and ground floor office, office, kitchen first floor
Water heater – pharmacy
Air con unit first floor store pharmacy
Consulting room 16
Sockets – district nurses, rooms 3 and 13, conference room and room 15,
room 17 and room 16.
Sockets – secretaries, photocopying room, training room, rooms 14 and 15
and boiler, 16 and hallway, immersion heater
Lights – secretaries and training room, hallway up, toilet and photocopying
room, conference room, rooms 14, 15, 16 and hallway, room 13, room 17 and
room 18, room 3 and hallway, toilet and hallway
Cupboard waiting room
Fire alarm supply
Please see attached schedule for more detail.
In the event of failure in the electricity supply our suppliers are
8 Coombe Rise - Eon 0800 783 8866 - account no is 012827119380
Main Building and 6 Coombe Rise –Dual Energy 08007838866 account
number 012827119380
Emergency torches and spare batteries are stored in the reception kitchen.
In the event of a power failure first check the trip switches in the fuse boxes, if
this is not the cause, contact the supplier and report the failure. Ask if they
are able to give an estimated length of time the power will be off, for planning
purposes. A decision should be made as to whether the surgery business can
be continued safely, or if relocation to an alternative site will be required to
maintain business. Any decisions made to reduce or stop services must be
communicated to the Contact Surrey & Sussex Area Team (NHS England) in
core hours Kirsty Sibandze 01293 778833/07825 780545 or
Shelley Eugene 01293 847047/07795 637105
Outside core hours contact the on-call Head of Service for the Surrey and
Sussex Area Team on 0844 822 2888 quoting NHS42.
CWS CCG Contacts– Elizabeth Tinley – 01273 574662
Kim Williams – 01273 574637
If it is an electrical fault within the practice contact Cobb Electrical Ltd 01273
The systems and appliances that will be affected during a power failure are:
IT System
Diagnostic equipment
Alarm systems
Each of the above will require consideration and follow the section specific to
the system.
Clinical refrigerators – if failure is for a significant period, which will be
detrimental to the contents, the contents will be assessed and any
temperature critical drugs will be relocated to St Lawrence Surgery via cool
bags to maintain them at optimum temperature.
During a mains electrical failure please switch off the computers to protect
them from power surge when the power is restored.
Failure of Gas supply
The gas shut off valve for the 6 Coombe Rise is located in room 18.
If there is a failure in the gas supply
6 Coombe Rise – British gas 0800 111 999 (24 hours) if you smell gas or
0800 652 4040 account no 600023406 9970 to report the failure and to
request if they are able to give an estimate of the length it will be off, for
planning purposes.
8 Coombe Rise – Eon 0800 111 999 (24 hours) if you smell gas or 0845 055
0065 (8.00am – 6pm) account no 0128 2711 9970 to report the failure and to
request if they are able to give an estimate of the length it will be off, for
planning purposes.
Heating - If heating is lost, assess the effect of the loss of heating related to
time of year and general temperature, included forecast temperature. If it is
felt that the practice’s business will be affected by loss of heating contact
Platinum Heating 07748 547077.
Failure of Water supply
The mains water shut off within the practice is located:
For the main surgery – in the cleaner’s cupboard next to the disabled toilets
For 6 Coombe Rise – in the small downstairs toilet next to the kitchen
For 8 Coombe Rise The water supplier for this practice is Southern Water and their emergency
contact is 0845 2780845.
For internal plumbing emergencies contact Platinum Heating 07748 547077
In the event that water supply fails assess the impact on the practice.
 Toilets – would have to use public toilets next to the library
 Hand Hygiene – use alcohol gel
 Drinking water – already have bottled water available
If toilets will be unavailable for a significant length of time arrange for portable
toilets to be hired from WC Hire Ltd based in Henfield, tel 01273 928068.
Hand Hygiene
Alcohol gel is available.
Drinking Water
Supplies of bottled water would be obtained from Tesco, Kings Parade,
Fuel Shortages
In the event of a fuel shortage the ability to maintain services mat be affected
either by staff being unable to carry out services such as home visits, or being
able to get to the surgery.
Each PCT will have a fuel crisis contingency plan, which will be integrated
with the multi agency plans. The arrangements for obtaining fuel will be
communicated by the PCT.
Disruption to supplies
During a major emergency there may be interruptions in the supply of
consumables and equipment required by the practice. This may be a primary
cause of an incident, ie a supplier factory fire, or disruption to the transport
network such as in a fuel crisis.
In such an event, the most senior partner available will be responsible for
assessing the impact on the business of the practice.
If there is a need to obtain supplies from another source the options are:
Mutual aid from another practice or CWS CCG.
Strand Surgery:
St Lawrence Surgery:
01903 243351
01903 222900
On discovering a fire or on suspicion of a fire ie smell of burning, raise the
alarm by pressing nearest alarm fire point and call 999, clearly stating the full
address of the premises.
In the event of the fire alarm sounding this will be a continuous bell/siren
dependent on which area of the surgery they are situated in. All staff have a
responsibility to evacuate the premises ensuring that all patients and visitors
are assisted via the identified fire exits (see below). All persons will
congregate at the fire evacuation assembly point in the car park, where the
Senior Partner or Practice Manager will check that all persons have been
If you suspect that there are persons still inside do not re-enter the premises.
On arrival of the Fire and Rescue Service the Senior Partner or Practice
Manager will greet them and give the following information:
Location of fire or suspected fire.
Persons suspected of still being inside, with possible location
Location of any inflammable materials / oxygen cylinders
The exits are located:
Area of premises
Main Surgery
New extension
6 Coombe Rise
Nearest identified Exit
Main front door
Pharmacy front door
Door in link way
Front door
Room 14
Conference room door
Front Door
8 Coombe Rise
Staff Shortage
There may be occasions when individual staff are incapacitated for a variety
of reasons. Their absence will have a varying effect depending on the role
they are responsible for. In some cases roles can be covered by other staff by
ensuring that knowledge and skills are shared between groups of staff. Other
roles may be highly specialised and cover will need more thought and
planning especially if a service depends on that person alone.
There may also be the scenario when a number of staff are all incapacitated
at the same time such as in an influenza pandemic situation.
On discovering there is going to be a shortage of staff inform Practice
Manager or Reception Manager who will be responsible for assessing the
impact on the business of the practice and the contingency to be employed to
maintain continuity of service.
Options available:
The absence of staff for a short period does not have a significant
impact on the business of the practice – monitor the situation only.
The absence of staff will have direct impact on the front line services/
business of the practice, - divert workload to or between other staff that
are capable of covering.
The absence of staff will have a direct impact on the front line services/
business where there is no other employee who is able to cover the
role(s). Seek appropriate bank/agency staff to cover.
The impact of one or a number of staff being incapacitated is such that
the practice is unable to continue services - Practice Manager or
Reception Manager will be responsible for assessing the capabilities of
the practice and possibly which services will be reduced (see list of
services in priority above) or through mutual aid arrangements be
diverted to other practices.
Contact Strand Surgery 01903 243351 or St Lawrence Surgery 01903
If there is any reduction in patient services, Practice Manager or
Business Support Manager will contact Any decisions made to reduce
or stop services must be communicated to the Contact Surrey &
Sussex Area Team (NHS England) in core hours Kirsty Sibandze
01293 778833/07825 780545 or
Shelley Eugene 01293 847047/07795 637105
Outside core hours contact the on-call Head of Service for the Surrey
and Sussex Area Team on 0844 822 2888 quoting NHS42.
Mutual Aid Arrangements with other Practices
 Strand Surgery 01903 243351 or St. Lawrence Surgery 01903 222900.
Arrangements for Replacement Medical Staff
 Strand Surgery 01903 243351 or St. Lawrence Surgery 01903 222900.
Arrangements for Replacement Nursing Staff
 Strand Surgery 01903 243351 or St. Lawrence Surgery 01903 222900.
Arrangements for replacement Admin and Management Staff
Strand Surgery 01903 243351 or St. Lawrence Surgery 01903 222900.
Communicating with Patients
In the event that a business interruption is so severe that alternative
arrangements for the provision of care need to be communicated to the clients
of the practice, this will be done in collaboration with the CWS CCG.
In the event that support from CWG CCG is required in publicising the
alternative arrangements Practice Manager or Reception Manager will contact
at the earliest possible moment to allow as much time as possible to achieve
communication with clients.
Where clients knowing contingency plans in advance would help to mitigate
the effects of business interruption, arrangements within this plan will be
shared with them in patient information regarding the practice.
It is important to maintain communication with clients during any period of
business interruption; the aim of the practice will be to reassure the clients
with regular information on the progress made in returning to normality.
Activation of the Plan
Paula Russell, Practice 01243 555237
Sheila Lidbetter
01903 526219
07949 032828
Staff Contacts
District Nurses
01903 276525
Dr David Mannings
Dr Maurice Shipsey
Dr Karen Patel
Dr Katja Palan
Dr Iwona Pogoda
Dr Rani Dhillon
Dr James Duddy
Dr Marion Smith
Dr Rebecca Richards
Dr Sophie Young
01903 873013
01903 692581
01903 200288
01273 321194
01903 772214
01903 856810
07500 931603
07811 353900
07876 705077
07720 323222
07816 224902
07882 673649
07964 599203
07977 418950
07791 152232
07951 758622
01273 453759
07764 994776
07870 787203
Sue Boysons
Eileen Wilson
01903 610495
01273 550269
Jackie Bodger
Kay White
Clare Johnson
Kerry Munson
01903 260457
01903 816007
01903 533215
01903 856333
07990 666030
Fran Ransley
01903 267491
07955 617604
01903 525387
01903 731613
01903 201330
01903 871194
01903 521528
07748 348878
07811 032215
07957 444271
07843 440444
Nicki Howick
Michele July
Julia Cripps
Jenny Hall
Jane Howard
Katie Sanderson
Kerry Boone
Tracy Robinson
Valerie Bond
Alison Watkins
01903 209194
01903 538970
01903 263348
01903 533584
07786 620555
07753 605405
07708 898645
07955 619566
07956 954532
07540 661258
Sheila Lidbetter
Elaine Pickard
Tom Mannings
01903 526219
01903 792508
07949 032828
01903 209287
01903 850048
07979 892711
07803 709905
01903 872044
01903 700756
01903 263554
01903 267272
07749 420190
07719 635792
07956 953429
07892 682617
01903 877612
01903 500072
07749 758668
07983 361336
Jane Dennis
Katrine Hartley
Alice McHenry
Dizzy Jones
Claire Hathway
Eloise Luff
Claire Heasman-Aves
Marina Walsh
Utilities / Services Contacts
IT systems
SystmOne TPP
Focus 4 U
EON (8 Coombe Rise)
Dual Energy
British Gas No 6
EON (8 Coombe Rise)
Southern Water
0113 20 500
[email protected]
0844 692 8090
Account no FC3402
0800 783 8866
0845 5214291
0800 652 4040
0845 0550065
Cobb Electrical Ltd
Platinum Plumbing
Paine & Manwaring
01273 566667
01903 526593
01903 237522
Heating Engineer
Other Practices with whom we have mutual aid arrangements
Mutual aid available
Strand Surgery
Tel: 01903 222 900
St Lawrence Surgery
Tel. 01903 222900
Review Date
May 2013
Staff Member