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Federalists in Power and the Emergence of a Two-Party System
The Democratic-Republican Party and the Federalist Party Review
The American people elected ____________ ______________ as the first president of the
United States. Washington appointed __________ _____________ as the nation’s first Secretary of
State and _____________ ____________ as his first Secretary of the Treasury. Jefferson and
Hamilton immediately disagreed on _____________ and ___________ policy issues. As a result of his
differences with Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson organized the ______________-______________ Party.
The Democratic-Republican Party was first ________________ political party. Sometimes Jefferson’s
supporters simply called themselves ________________. A political party is a group of people with
___________ beliefs about how the government should be run.
After it became clear to Alexander Hamilton that Jefferson would organize a political party
opposed to his ideas, Hamilton organized his own party, called the _____________. Much to Hamilton’s
satisfaction, the _____________ Party controlled the presidency until the election of 1800. In that year,
_________ ____________ defeated the incumbent (sitting) Federalist president John Adams. Between
Jefferson’s victory in the fall of 1800 and his inauguration in March 1801, President Adams appointed
________ ___________ as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Marshall was a Federalist
from _____________. The Supreme Court’s decisions during Marshall’s tenure (time) as Chief Justice are
considered very important, because they established the Supreme Court as an _______________ and
_________ branch of the national government.
President George Washington regularly asked advice from the heads of the federal government’s
five ______________ departments. Since this practice became a tradition followed by later presidents,
the heads of the executive departments became known as the ____________. The cabinet serves as the
___________ advisers to the president. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton soon emerged as the
leaders of President Washington’s ___________. Jefferson was Secretary of ____________, and
Hamilton was Secretary of the _______________. The secretary of state oversees the nation’s relations
with ___________ countries, while the secretary of the treasury advises the president on
____________ issues, like _______ and government finance. In his position as treasury secretary,
Hamilton recommended to President Washington that he support creation of a _____________ bank.
Under Hamilton’s bank proposal, the United States would deposit all federal funds in this national bank,
which would be known as the ________ of the ________ ________ (BUS). The Bank of the United
States would issue paper money backed by ______ and __________ coin and make loans to both the
individuals and the American ______________.
Secretary ____________ believed a national bank would bring the United States three benefits.
The BUS would establish the ___________ of the United States government, strengthen the
government’s finances, and lead to ____________ development in the United States. The cabinet’s
discussion of Hamilton’s bank proposal raised the question of whether the Bank of the United States would
violate the _______________. Thomas Jefferson said a national bank was ________________ or went
against the Constitution. Jefferson argued the federal government only has those powers specifically
listed in the ______________. He believed in _______ construction of the Constitution, the idea that
the powers of the federal government are strictly defined.
Alexander Hamilton, of course, disagreed with _____________’s interpretation of the
Constitution. He presented George Washington with a detailed argument in support of the creation of
________ of the __________ __________. Hamilton declared the federal government can do anything
the Constitution does not specifically ___________. He based this opinion on the belief that the
Constitution allows Congress to do anything that is “____________ and _________” to carry out its
listed powers. Hamilton believed in ________ construction of the Constitution, the idea that the federal
government has broad powers. The Constitutional phrase “to make all laws which shall be necessary and
proper” became known as the ___________ clause. This clause gets its name from the fact that it allows
Congress to ___________ its powers. According to Hamilton’s interpretation, the Bank of the United
States would help Congress carry out such specified power as collecting _________, ____________
money, paying the public _______, and regulating ___________. Commerce is another word for
_________. President Washington sided with ___________ ___________ on the issue of creating a
national bank, and ____________ passed a law establishing the First Bank of the United States.
When it became clear to Thomas Jefferson that Washington shared Hamilton’s belief in loose
construction of the Constitution, he resigned as Secretary of ________, left the Washington
administration, and began to organize the _____________-____________ Party. Thomas Jefferson and
_________ __________ became the leaders of this new political party. The Democratic-Republican Party
believed in _______ construction of the Constitution, a weak national government, strong _______
governments, an agricultural economy based on ___________, and a pro-___________ foreign policy.
Farmers, artisans or ________ _________, and __________ settlers generally supported the
Democratic-Republican Party. Jefferson’s political party was strongest in his native __________.
Alexander Hamilton and ______ ________ led the Federalist Party. The Federalists believed in
__________ construction of the Constitution, a strong ____________ government, a national ________,
a commercial economy based on ________________ and trade, and a pro-___________ foreign policy.
Bankers and _____________ generally supported the Federalist Party, which was strongest in the
______________. The Federalists also supported the _______ Treaty. The Jay Treaty attempted to
settle commercial and boundary disputes between the United States and ________ ___________. Under
the most important part of the Jay Treaty, Great Britain agreed to evacuate or leave its forts in the
________ _________ and retreat to the ___________ line on which the United States and Great
Britain had agreed at the end of the Revolutionary War.
At the end Washington’s second term as president, _______ _________ won election as
president. When Adams became president, __________ was at war with other European nations. During
this time, the French navy attacked ___________ ships that were trading with France’s enemies.
Alexander Hamilton and other Federalist leaders urged President Adams to ask Congress to declare war on
__________. However, the president rejected the advice of these Federalist leaders and instead started
an ______________ naval war on France. Adams continued this undeclared war until a new French
government came to power and agreed to respect the ______________ of American ships. President
Adams’ actions towards France had three results. Adam’s policy weakened his popularity among members of
his own ____________ Party. However, Adams’ policy maintained peace with _________ at a time that
the United States was militarily weak and preserved the honor of the __________ _________.