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bond: a paper which states the amount of money borrowed and interest to be paid for a loan
customs duty or tariff: a tax on imports
elastic clause: “[Congress has the power to] make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for
carrying into execution the foregoing [explicitly stated] powers and all other powers vested by this
Constitution in the government of the United States . . .”
the new nation’s population in 1789
growing rapidly or not?
mostly rural or mostly urban?
mostly east or west of the Appalachians?
Washington becomes the first president
how was his election different from subsequent ones?
the source of the cabinet?
Washington’s Secretary of State?
Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury?
what was the Bill of Rights? its purpose?
the Judiciary Act of 1789?
Hamilton’s financial plan [note diagram, p. 194]
the group of people which Hamilton favored? his reasoning?
Hamilton’s plan for the federal debt? [be sure to explain what “funding at par” meant]
Hamilton’s plan for state debts? his plan’s likely impact on the wealthy?
how did Hamilton gain southern support for his state debt plan? [such a vote trade-off is called logrolling]
Hamilton’s proposed tariff? [detailed in his Report on Manufactures]? his excise (sales) tax proposal?
Hamilton’s plan for a national bank?
Jefferson vs. Hamilton on the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States
Jefferson’s reasoning in supporting “strict construction” of the Constitution?
Hamilton’s “loose construction” reasoning?
the length of the charter for the Bank of the United States? the bank’s ownership?
the Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
its cause?
the results of the rebellion?
political parties emerge
why had the writers of the Constitution originally opposed political parties?
note the positions (p. 208) of Hamilton’s Federalists and Jefferson’s Democratic-Republicans; also note that
today’s Republicans descend from Federalists and today’s Democrats from Democratic-Republicans [p. 197]
the French Revolution (beginning--1789) and its impact in the United States
revolutionary events in France that seemed excessive to many Americans?
the impact of France’s war with Great Britain?
the terms of the 1778 U.S. alliance with France?
why did Washington wish to avoid aiding France?
Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation (1793)?
the actions of the (soon-replaced) French representative Edmond (Citizen) Genet?
continuing problems with Great Britain
the longstanding forts issue? [note map, p. 200]
Britain’s trade with the Indians?
the Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794)?
the Treaty of Greenville (1795)?
actions by the Royal Navy against American merchant ships and sailors?
Jay’s Treaty with Great Britain (1794)
forts occupied by Britain?
ship seizures?
pre-revolution debts owed to Britain?
the impact of Jay’s Treaty on Spain?
the terms of Pinckney’s Treaty (1795)?
Washington retires (1797)
the two-term precedent?
thoughts from his Farewell Address about “permanent alliances”?
Washington’s accomplishments as president?
John Adams’s presidency (1797-1801)
Adams’s political party? the principal area which supported him?
why was Jefferson the vice president during Adams’s presidency?
the impact of Jay’s Treaty on France?
French actions against American ships?
the XYZ Affair
French demands? [not mentioned here: an apology from Adams]
the meaning of the slogan “millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute”?
American-French conflict on the seas?
the terms of the Convention of 1800?
the Alien and Sedition Acts
the residency requirement for non-citizens (aliens) to gain citizenship?
the Alien Laws?
the Sedition Act?
how was the Sedition Act in conflict with the Constitution?
the Virginia (Madison) and Kentucky (Jefferson) Resolutions
the power of states vs. the federal government? Jefferson on nullification?
the two parties in the election of 1800 and after--leaders, sectional support, supporters, ideas for:
the Federalists?
the Democratic-Republicans?