Download Amendment to Hazelwood Heights Declaration of Covenants

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The board of directors met on 09 April 1986 to review the COVENANTS for
Hazelwood Heights Addition. There was some concern about an explicit
successor in section N. The board appointed Andy Redman and Dave Bradley as
a committee to review the covenants with Bob Pettit who is the developer
referred to in section N. As the result of a subsequent meeting with Bob
Pettit the following modification to section N is presented for your review.
No lot owner shall build or cause to have built any residence,
building, or structure until said owner has submitted plans and
specifications for each such residence, building, or structure to
the developer named herein. Neither construction nor excavation
shall commence until such plans and specifications have been
approved by the developer. The developer, Hazelwood Homes Inc.,
shall have the right to apply reasonable esthetic judgment in
approving or rejecting construction plans and specifications,
taking into consideration the style, appearance, color scheme, and
general appearance of surrounding structures and the proposed
construction plans for other structures which have not yet been
constructed, but in connection with which the plans and
specifications have been approved by the developer.
The developer shall also have the right to reject plans and
specifications if in the sole judgment of developer the plans
duplicate or are similar to structures contemplated by developer
for future construction on lots still owned by developer. The roof
pitch of the main structure of any structure constructed in this
subdivision shall be 4—12 pitch or a steeper pitch. If 60 percent
of the roof area of a residential unit meets the foregoing pitch
requirement, it shall be deemed that said pitch is in substantial
compliance with this restriction.
The main wall height of any structure as measured from floor to top
plate shall equal or exceed a minimum height of 8 feet. If 70
percent of exterior walls meet the foregoing height requirement, it
shall be deemed that said height requirement is in substantial
compliance with this restriction.
No structure; new, previously used or occupied for commercial or
residential purposes shall be moved into this subdivision, it being
the intent of this limitation to require that only newly
constructed structures be allowed in the subdivision.
When all the lots have been sold by the developer named herein, and
they have no further direct interest therein, a committee shall be
elected by the members of the Homeowners Association of this
subdivision to approve such plans and specifications for future
buildings and structures. The committee shall have the power to
appoint an exofficio member who is an acknowledged expert in the
building trades.
If said developer or the designated committee fails to approve or
disapprove such plans and specifications within thirty (30) days
after being submitted to it, such approval will not be required and
this covenant shall be deemed to have been fully complied with.
Please review this and if you have questions or concerns or additional input
contact one of the board members by 31 May 1986. When we have consensus
among all homeowners we will retain a lawyer to have a formal amendment
drafted for formal approval and legal filing. For your information a copy of
the current covenants is attached.
Thanks for your immediate attention.
Andy Redman