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Chapter 1 12 Generate Database Tables Generate relational table data definitions We built the server model in Chapter 8. The server model is built using the information from the table definitions. In Chapter 11, we show how the design editor is used to make modifications to the tables. These included adding derived columns, audit columns, etc. Once we are satisfied with the design of the database structure or schema, we are ready to generate the schema in a target database. The target database where the tables reside can be any number of different choices. 1.1 Server Model The Server Modeler is a graphical tool for modeling logical database designs. The database objects within a schema and how they relate to one another are represented graphically on Server Model Diagrams. Figure 1 Server Model Diagram There are several approaches to creating a logical Server model in the Repository. Server Model Diagrams support each of these approaches. You can generate a first cut Server model from analysis data, and use Server Model Diagrams to view and edit the database design graphically. If you are developing a new database, use Server Model Diagrams to create a new Server model from scratch. As you create elements on the diagram, their definitions are stored in the Repository. Alternatively, capture the design of an existing database into the Repository, and then use Server Model Diagrams to edit the design. For more information about the different approaches to database design and generation, see Generating a database. 1.1.1 Create Server Model Diagrams Do one of the following: Choose File New Server Model Diagram. From the Navigator, select the elements that you want to be displayed on the diagram and drag them onto the workarea. The work area is on the right of the navigator window. From the Navigator, position the cursor over the element that is to appear on a Server Model Diagram, then press the Right Mouse button. This causes a popup menu to be displayed, from which you must choose Show on New Diagram. Each new diagram window created is untitled except for a default name "Untitled # " (displayed in the title bar), where # is a number incremented by 1 each time a new diagram is created during the current session. You can either accept the default name when you save the diagram, or assign a more meaningful name. 1.1.2 Server Model Diagram elements and notation The conventions used to model a database schema using Server Model Diagrams are shown below. Figure 2 SMD Elements Each diagram element displays a summary of the properties of the element. The amount of detail shown can be changed to your preferred layout using the options available from the Options menu. An ellipsis (...) at the bottom of an element indicates that there is insufficient space on the element to display all properties of the element. Figure 3 Element Details Title bar diagram element section This identifies the name and type of the Repository definition that is represented by the diagram element. For example, in the picture above, the button shows a table icon and the name of the table. The title bar section also contains buttons that identify which secondary elements have been defined for the element. These buttons are shown below: Table 1 Buttons and Meaning Button Secondary element type Triggers Indexes Synonyms Primary key Unique keys Check constraints Foreign keys Oracle object type methods Note: If a button is dimmed then no secondary elements of that type exist for the primary element. The title bar buttons can be used to display or hide secondary element details. Title bar buttons can also be used to create secondary elements, by clicking the right mouse button over the appropriate button. Column/attribute details diagram element section This shows the columns/attributes that are defined for the element, e.g. the columns for a table. You can specify which columns/attributes are shown in this section. Secondary element section This shows the secondary elements that are defined for the element, e.g. the indexes that are defined for a table. You can show and hide secondary elements. 1.1.3 Tips, tricks and shortcuts for Server Model Diagrams 1. You can create a Server Model Diagram that is based on existing Repository definitions, e.g. tables, by dragging the definitions from the Navigator onto the workarea. 2. You can include existing Repository objects on a diagram, by selecting them from the Navigator, other Server Model Diagrams, the Repository Object Navigator or the Matrix Diagrammer, and dragging them onto the required diagram. 3. To create secondary elements, i.e. primary keys and foreign keys, click the right mouse button over the appropriate title bar button on the diagram element. When using these buttons you can create customized elements rather than the default ones. For example, using this option to create a foreign key allows you to specify Delete and Update rules as the foreign key is being created. 4. Change the name of a diagram element by selecting the diagram element name and then doubleclicking on that name. A box is displayed around the name to show that it can be edited. 5. Use the right mouse button to display a popup menu that lists the valid actions that can be performed for a diagram element. To display the popup menu, position the cursor over the required element and click the Right Mouse button. For example, if the cursor is positioned over a column name, the popup menu shows actions that are valid for columns only. 6. To delete elements to which references have been made by other elements, use Utilities Force Delete. Cutting from the diagram does not remove it from the repository! 7. Maximize the size of the diagram window before creating or including any elements. 8. Minimize the amount of detail displayed on the diagram, by suppressing the display of column names, primary key indicators and foreign key names etc. To do this, select Edit Preferences and in the Preferences dialog box, deselect the items in the View group. 9. When creating a complex diagram using existing data, include only a few elements at a time. You can then position elements on the diagram in logical groups, and add to it gradually. 10. When including (Edit Include) several elements at a time, suppress the display of foreign keys in the Include dialog box. You can then position the elements on the diagram before including foreign keys. 11. To tidy up a cluttered diagram, choose Edit Select, click on the Foreign Keys node and close the dialog box. Select Edit Cut to remove the foreign keys from the diagram. Reposition diagram elements to the required layout. Select Edit Include and check the Also include Foreign Keys to include the foreign keys. 12. Create dog-legs to bend connectors around other items on the diagram, to make it easier to read. 13. To quickly display the properties of an element, select the element and press the ENTER key on the numeric keypad. 14. Display the grid so that you can draw items to a specific size. You can also change the size of the grid cells to the required height and width by choosing Options Layout. 15. After moving a diagram element, you may also need to reposition the foreign key connectors. To do this, select all of the foreign keys connected to the diagram element (by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the connectors). Then click to autolayout the selected connectors. 16. To add a column (that has already been defined for a table) to the table's primary key, do the following 17. 1. Show the primary key in the secondary usage section of the diagram element. 2. Drag the column from the column/attribute section, onto the primary key in the secondary usage section. A primary indicator (#) is displayed next to the column to show that it is now part of the primary key. Change the order in which columns/attributes are displayed on Server Model Diagram elements by dragging and dropping them. Note: If a diagram element does not show all of it's columns/attributes, e.g. you have specified that only mandatory columns should be displayed, you cannot use drag and drop to reorder the displayed columns/attributes. 1.2 Generating database Oracle Designer uses the database generator to convert the table definitions stored in the repository to physical designs. The physical designs may be directly implemented in an Oracle database or a batch script file may be created. To generate the physical design select Generate Database from Server Model from the Generate menu in the Design Editor. Figure 4 Generating Database Specification 1.2.1 Generating DDL scripts You can generate data definition language (DDL) scripts in the syntax appropriate for your target database, based on all or part of your database design. The generated scripts can then be run against the target database using a separate tool. To generate a DDL script: 1 2 In the Design Editor, select at least one object definition you want to generate in the Navigator. Select objects on the Server Model view to generate the base object. Select objects on the DB Admin view to generate objects tailored for a specific user. You must select an object definition rather than a node in the tree. Select Generate Generate Database from Server Model. Alternatively, click on the Generate DDL button . 3 On the Target tab, select the DDL Files Only option. Do not create tables directly into Oracle. Only experienced DBAs should choose to create tables directly into an online database! 4 From the Type drop-down list, select the type of DDL syntax to be generated. If there is no corresponding database type for the target you require, select ANSI 92 to generate ANSI-compliant syntax. In our example we use Oracle8 as the database type. 5 In the File Prefix field, enter the name of the script to be generated. The script files will be named using the string you provide. Use names that you can easily remember! Alternatively, select the name of a file you generated previously from the drop-down list. 6 [Optional] In the Directory field, enter the path where the script is to be generated. You can select the paths used during previous runs of the utility, or you can use the Browse facility to choose a different drive and directory. If you omit the path, the script is written to the current working directory. For later retrieval it is preferable to set the path to a removable storage device (e.g., zip disk or diskette). Do not create a deep directory path. 7 Select Stop on error to terminate the generation if an error is detected during generation. Figure 5 Creating DDL Scripts 8 Select the Objects tab. 9 Choose the objects you want to generate, by moving them to the Generate list box. You can click on the >> icon to move all objects to the Generate list. Figure 6 Select Objects to Generate Figure 7 Set Generate Options 10 (Optional) Select the Options button to specify your preferred generation options. 11 Select Start to begin generation. During the generation process progress information is displayed in the Messages Window. If any errors occur, correct the errors and then generate the DDL again. To avoid overwriting existing files, enter a new prefix for these files. Use the toolbar buttons to scroll through the error messages. For each message, cause and action information can be displayed and where applicable, navigation options are displayed which allow you to navigate to the source of the error. Figure 8 Message Window with Generation Result 12 To review the content of generated DDL files: Click Double-click the file name to view the content. on the Messages Window toolbar. Figure 9 Script Files Generated 1.2.2 Validation checks performed during database generation During generation, Server Generator validates Repository definitions selected for generation. An error is reported to trap the following conditions: Table definitions without columns Index definitions without key components Primary keys without key components Unique keys without key components Foreign keys without key components Check constraints without a PL/SQL statement Data structures without a data structure item Clusters without cluster columns In most cases you will not be working with data structures and clusters as these are advanced features. 2 Build database schema in target system In order to build a physical database schema in the target database you need to execute the SQL scripts produced in the previous section. At the end of generation, you can browse through the DDL script files that the Server Generator has produced. These files contain the commands that will create the database when you execute them. You can run a generated DDL script from within the Design Editor or directly from the SQL*Plus prompt. You can build a database incrementally, or in a single step. To execute a script file, in SQL*Plus type Start ‘c:\sql\cdsddl’. But, verify that the command scripts will do what you intended to do before executing them. Once Oracle objects are created in the system it is difficult to make changes! 2.1 Incremental Build Run the DDL scripts one by one to build the database in a controlled fashion. This incremental method of implementing the database is recommended for all but the simplest designs because of the interdependencies of the DDL scripts. When you build the database incrementally, make sure you execute the DDL scripts in a logical order: For example: First, execute the .db file to create the database. Next, execute the .tab file to create database tables. Then, execute the DDL scripts for snapshots, views, PL/SQL, indexes, and finally triggers. All these objects depend on the existence of tables. If you are not sure the order in which files should be executed, refer to the master command .sql file. This file lists individual script files in the correct order. Also, if the script files were written to a subdirectory, then you need to add the path descriptor to each of the script file in the command file. See example below. Figure 10 Modified Command File 2.2 One-Step Build Select and run the master command .sql file. This file contains entries to run each of the other script files that Server Generator has produced. Therefore, if you execute this file you will create your database system in a single step. 2.3 Implementation Once you have run the DDL scripts, you will have an implementation of a database that you have defined in the Repository. Now you can use the database for Oracle applications, such as generated forms and reports. 2.4 Altering the database design after generation If changes are made to your server model, you will have to generate DDL for all or part of the model again in order to alter the design on the database. If your database is online (Oracle or ODBC), a Reconcile Report (<File_Prefix>.lis ) is generated detailing the objects that need to be created or altered on the database. You can view the Reconcile Report to check through the changes that are required, or implement the changes directly on the target database. Only when you generate directly to an Oracle database these files are produced. Note: 2.4.1 If you generate DDL to a script file, no cross-referencing/reconciliation can take place. Altering existing objects on a database If you try to generate a database object directly on an online database and the object already exists, the DDL necessary to alter the existing object is generated. Note: 2.4.2 The user must have suitable ‘Alter’ privileges. Altering database administration objects DDL cannot be generated to alter database administration object definitions. 2.4.3 Renaming objects on a database Database objects cannot be renamed during generation. 2.4.4 Deleting objects on a database Database objects are not dropped from the database automatically. This includes any columns already in the table. In fact, Oracle does not allow a column to be deleted from a table! You must drop the table and recreate the table without the column in question. Constraints cannot be dropped using the ALTER TABLE command. However you can disable them instead of dropping them. Enabling and disabling constraints By default, the following types of constraint are automatically enabled on the server when they are generated. primary key unique key foreign key check constraint However, it is possible to disable a constraint by setting the Enabled property of the constraint to No. Note: A primary key constraint must be enabled if referenced by a foreign key, which must also be enabled. 2.4.5 Altering a table that contains no data The restrictions are as follows, you cannot: 2.4.6 change a column/attribute from optional to mandatory add a mandatory column/attribute, only optional columns/attributes drop a constraint, but you can disable it Altering a table that contains data The restrictions are as follows, you cannot: 2.4.7 drop columns/attributes change the column/attribute datatype change the maximum length of columns/attributes Deleting columns/attributes from tables containing data Columns/attributes cannot be dropped using the ALTER TABLE command. Create a new table omitting the redundant column and then insert data from the old table into the new one. 2.4.8 Removing comments Set the Comment property to ' ' (double quote). 3 3.1 Generate Table API Table API The Table API provides PL/SQL packages, known as table handlers, that client applications can call to perform DML operations on tables. Each table handler contains PL/SQL procedures that the application can call to: insert a new row in a table update a row in a table delete a row in a table lock a row prior to an update or delete The Table API validates the data provided by the calling application and generates default values when appropriate before the table is modified. Before a row in a table is inserted or updated, the Table API performs the following checks: validates constraints auto-generates the following column values: unique and sequential values for columns that derive their values from a sequence definition pre-defined default values change history information for AutoGen Type columns (Created by, Modified by, Date Inserted, Date Modified) converts column values to uppercase maintains journaling information maintains denormalized columns When you generate table handlers, you can also generate an accompanying set of database triggers that call the table handler procedures when a DML statement is issued against the table outside of the application. Note: The Table API is only supported on Oracle7.3 database and above. 3.2 Constraint validation performed by the Table API Most types of table and column constraint will, by default, be validated on the server. The exception to this is foreign key Nullify and Default rules, which can be validated only on the client. Additional validation can also be performed on the client to provide more immediate user feedback. The Table API provides validation for the following types of constraint: primary key constraints unique key constraints foreign key constraints: nullify update and delete rules defaulted update and delete rules arcs Generated table handlers and triggers enforce these constraints on the server when the Validate In property of the constraint is set to Server or Both. 3.2.1 Validation of primary key constraints When a Table API call is made to update a record in a primary key column, the Update procedure first checks whether the primary key can be updated. A primary key can be updated if the Update? property of the primary key constraint is set to Yes. If the primary key can be updated, the record in the primary key column is updated. If the primary key cannot be updated, an error is raised and, if defined, the exception is written to an exceptions table. A pre-update trigger is fired if an attempt is made to update a record in the primary key outside the Table API. 3.2.2 Validation of unique key constraints Before a record in a unique key column is updated via the Server API, checks are made to ensure that the column can be updated and to check whether the column can contain NULL values. A unique key can be updated if the Update? property of the unique key constraint is set to Yes. The unique key column can contain NULLs if the column's Optional property is set to Yes. If the column cannot be updated, or if the column is mandatory (Optional property = No) but no value is provided, an appropriate error is issued and is written to the associated exceptions table. A pre-update trigger is fired if an attempt is made to update a record in the unique key outside the Server API. 3.2.3 Validation of foreign key constraints When a Table API call is made to update a foreign key column, checks are made to ensure that the column can be updated and to check whether a value must be provided for the column. If an error is detected, an appropriate error message is raised and is written to the associated exceptions table, if defined. Note: Foreign key Restricted and Cascade rules are always enforced on the server as part of the table structure. 3.2.4 Nullify update and delete rules If a foreign key constraint is defined with Nullify update or delete rules, and the Validate In property of the constraint is set to Server or Both, generated pre-update and pre-delete triggers are fired to enforce these rules on the server. Nullify on update Before a row is updated in the parent table, a pre-update trigger is fired which sets the dependent rows in the foreign key to NULL. Nullify on delete Before a row is deleted from the parent table, a pre-delete trigger is fired which sets the dependent rows in the foreign key to NULL. 3.2.5 Defaulted update and delete rules If a foreign key constraint is defined with Defaulted update or delete rules, and the Validate In property of the constraint is set to Server or Both, generated pre-update and pre-delete triggers are fired to enforce these rules on the server. Default on update Before a row is updated in the parent table, a pre-update trigger is fired to set the dependent rows to the default value. Default on delete Before a row is deleted from the parent table, a pre-delete trigger is fired to set the dependent rows to the default value. 3.2.6 Arc validation A foreign key can be defined in the Repository as being in an arc. The arc provides a way of defining mutually exclusive columns whose values depend on the existence of values in another table. Validation of foreign key arcs is enforced by the Table API using pre-insert and pre-update triggers. Checks are made to ensure that the arc is valid, that a value is provided in at least one of the columns in the arc, and that the value provided exists in the referenced primary key column. An error is raised if the arc definition is invalid or if any of the arc conditions are violated. 3.3 Generating the Table API You can generate a set of PL/SQL packages, known as table handlers, to perform inserts, updates, deletions and locks on database tables. When you generate table handlers, you can also generate a set of database triggers to provide additional validation on the server if a DML statement is issued against the base tables outside of the calling application. You can generate table handlers to one of the following targets: an Oracle database, via a native Oracle SQL*Net connection an Oracle script file that you can execute at a later stage Note: You must create the table handlers on the same database as the tables that will be accessed by the application. 3.3.1 To generate the Table API: 1. Ensure that the table definitions and associated sequence definitions are stable and complete. If you subsequently change table and sequence definitions in the Repository, you should regenerate the Table API. 2. In the Design Editor, select the Server Model view in the Navigator. 3. Select one or more Relational Table Definitions for which a table handler is to be generated. At least one table must be selected. 4. Choose Generate Generate Table API. 5. On the Target tab, choose one of the following generation targets: 6. 7. File - to generate a script containing the commands to create the table handlers Oracle - to create the table handlers on an Oracle database Do one of the following: If you chose File, enter the name and path of the script to be generated. The names and paths of previously generated files can be selected from the drop-down list. If you omit the path, the file is generated to the current working directory. If you chose Oracle, enter the Username, Password and Connect string to log on to the database. To generate database triggers to provide additional validation on the server, ensure that the Generate Table API Triggers checkbox is selected. Figure 11 Generating Table API 8. Select the Objects tab. 9. Move all tables that require a table handler to the Generate list box. 10. Select Start. Once the generation is started, a message window pops up displaying the progress of the generation. If there are problems with generation then either error messages or warning messages will be displayed. In either case, no packages will be created. 3.3.2 Warning Current implementation of the Designer 6 requires you to run the following scripts to enable the generation of the packages and triggers. Locate on your client machine the following files c:\orawin95\cgens71\sql\cdsaper.pks c:\orawin95\cgens71\sql\cdsaper.pkb These two files contain the SQL scripts for creating packages. These are to be run in the sequence shown .pks first and .pkb second. The files on an NT machine will be in the Oracle Home Directory, orant. The scripts must be executed in the account where you have implemented the tables (not where the repository tables are). To run these scripts, start SQL*Plus and at the prompt, type START c:\orawin95\cgen71\sql\cdsaper.pks to create the package definition and START c:\orawin95\cgens71\sql\cdsaper.pkb to create the package body. These files contain the definitions and algorithms needed to create all of the packages and triggers. Figure 12 Selecting Objects In our example, we will generate the API directly to the database. We can of course examine the scripts created by the system should an error or warning is produced during compilation of the API Once the generation is completed successfully you should see a message window as shown below. Figure 13 Results Window If you are generating Form modules whose blocks are based on stored procedures, your next step is to generate the Module Component API. 3.4 How the Table API maintains denormalized columns When designing tables, you might decide to denormalize, or duplicate, some columns in order to improve performance. Denormalization can potentially speed up queries that involve several tables, because the queried column can be duplicated on a single table, reducing the need to perform a join. More... The Table API will automatically generate values for a column that is denormalized, provided that the following conditions are met: the column Validation property Server Derived is set to Yes a foreign key constraint is defined between the denormalized tables If a row is inserted or updated outside of the Table API, pre-insert and pre-update triggers are fired that call the Table API procedures to maintain the denormalization.