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Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 1/7 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES By the end of High School United States Government Studies, the Student will: 1. Define citizenship and the methods of becoming a U. S. citizen, its privileges and responsibilities, and apply them to American culture. 2. Understand the theories and forms of government, and the contributions of people, ideas, and historical documents on the development of the U. S. Constitution. 3. Understand the American beliefs and principles reflected in the U. S. Constitution, including federalism, popular sovereignty, and limited government. 4. Analyze and apply the liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. 5. Analyze the structure and functions of the legislative branch, and evaluate the effect of U.S. legislation on domestic and foreign policy. 6. Analyze the structure and functions of the executive branch of the U. S. government, and their effect on domestic and foreign policy. 7. Analyze the structure and functions of the judicial branch of the U. S. government, and their effect on U. S. culture. 8. Analyze the sources of revenue and expenditures of the U. S. government and their effect on the U. S. economy. 9. Apply critical thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources: electronic technology, cartoons, graphs, maps, charts, and/or timetables. Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 2/7 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT High School United States Government - All Term Skills SKILLS VOCABULARY absolute monarchy alien amendment Anti-Federalist Articles of Confederation authoritarianism bicameral legislature bill Bill of Rights Brown v. Board of Education cabinet checks and balances citizen classical republic Commerce and Slave Compromise concurrent powers Confederate System Conference Committee Congress Connecticut Compromise constitution Constitutional Convention Declaration of Independence delegated powers democracy denaturalization despotism dictatorship direct democracy divine right theory Due Process Clause electoral college eminent domain Engel v. Vitale evolutionary theory executive agreement executive branch expatriation expressed powers federal system Federalist Federalist Papers feudalism filibuster First Amendment Rights force theory founding fathers Fourteenth Amendment framers free enterprise system government House of Representatives impeach implied powers incorporation doctrine independent executive agency inherent powers interest groups judicial activism judicial branch judicial restraint judicial review jurisdiction jus sanguinis jus soli legislative branch liberal democracy limited government lobbying majority party Marbury v. Madison minority party Miranda v. Arizona Monarchy Natural rights Natural law naturalization Nineteenth Amendment parliamentary system pocket veto political party popular sovereignty Preamble president presidential system President of the Senate public policy ratify regulatory commission republic reserved powers Roe v. Wade rule of law Schenck v. U.S. Senate separation of powers Sixteenth Amendment social contract theory sovereignty Speaker of the House standing committees Tenth Amendment Three Fifths Compromise totalitarianism treaty unconstitutional unitary system veto Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 3/7 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources including electronic technology. 1. Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying, cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions. (TEKS GOV 21A) 2. Create a product on a contemporary government issue or topic using critical methods of inquiry. (TEKS GOV 21B) 3. Explain a point of view on a government issue. (TEKS GOV 21C) 4. Analyze and evaluate the validity of information from primary and secondary sources for bias, propaganda, point of view and frame of reference. (TEKS GOV 21D) 5. Evaluate government data using charts, tables, graphs, and maps. (TEKS GOV 21E) 6. Use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs. (TEKS GOV 21F) The student communicates in written, oral, and visual formats. 7. Use social studies terminology correctly. (TEKS GOV 22A) 8. Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. (TEKS GOV 22B) 9. Transfer information from one medium to another, including written, to visual and statistical to written or visual, using computer software as appropriate. (TEKS GOV 22C) 10. Create written, oral, and visual presentations of social studies information. (TEKS GOV 22D) The student uses problem-solving and decision-making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. 11. Use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution. (TEKS GOV 23A) 12. Use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a decision. (TEKS GOV 23B) CITIZENSHIP The Student will: 13. Define citizen, alien, naturalization, jus soli, and jus sanguinis. 14. Explain the process of becoming a naturalized citizen. 15. Explain expatriation and denaturalization. 16. Explain the differences between personal and civic responsibilities. (TEKS GOV 15A) 17. Evaluate whether and/or when the obligation of citizenship requires that personal desires and interests be subordinated to the public good. (TEKS GOV 15B) COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT 18. Explain major political ideas in history such as natural rights, natural law, divine right of kings and social contract theory. (the force theory, evolutionary theory) (TEKS GOV 1A) [TAKS OBJ 4] 19. Analyze the principles and ideas of those contributing to the development of the U. S. Government including those of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Charles de Montesquieu. (TEKS GOV 2A) [TAKS OBJ 4] Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 4/7 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 20. Identify the characteristics of classic forms of government such as absolute monarchy, authoritarianism, classical republic, despotism, feudalism, liberal democracy, and totalitarianism. (TEKS GOV 1B) 21. Compare the U. S. system of government with other political systems. (parliamentary and dictatorship) (TEKS GOV 13A) 22. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of federal, confederate, and unitary systems of government. (TEKS GOV 13B) 23. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of presidential and parliamentary systems of government. (TEKS GOV 13C) 24. Compare the role of government in the U.S. free enterprise system and other economic systems. (TEKS GOV 6C) [TAKS OBJ 3] 25. Analyze the political significance to the United States of the location and geographic characteristics of selected places or regions such as Cuba and Taiwan. (TEKS 4A) [TAKS OBJ 2,4] ORIGINS OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 26. Analyze the principles and ideas that underlie the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. (TEKS GOV 2A) [TAKS OBJ 1,4] 27. Analyze the contributions of the political philosophies of the founding fathers, including John Adams, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison on the development of the U. S. government. (TEKS GOV 2B) [TAKS OBJ 1,4] 28. Analyze debates and compromises necessary to reach political decisions using historical documents (writing the U. S. Constitution, the Connecticut Compromise, Three/Fifths Compromise, Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise, and Federalists and Anti-federalists.) (TEKS GOV 2C) [TAKS OBJ 1,4] 29. Explain why the Founding Fathers created a distinctly new form of federalism and adopted a federal system of government instead of a unitary system. (TEKS GOV 10A) [TAKS OBJ 1,4] 30. Categorize government powers as national, state, or shared. (TEKS GOV 10B) 31. Analyze historical conflicts over respective roles of national and state governments. (McCulloch v. Maryland) (TEKS GOV 10C) [TAKS OBJ 1,4] 32. Evaluate the limits on the national and state governments in the U. S. federal system of government. ( Bill of Rights, due process) (TEKS GOV 10D) [TAKS OBJ 4] 33. Explain the importance of a written constitution. (TEKS GOV 8A) [TAKS OBJ 1] 34. Evaluate how the federal government serves the purposes set forth in the Preamble of the Constitution. (TEKS GOV 8B) [TAKS OBJ 4] 35. Analyze how the Federalist Papers explain the principles of the American constitutional system of government. (TEKS GOV 8C) [TAKS OBJ 4] 36. Evaluate and explain constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government, such as federalism, republicanism, checks and balances, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, individual rights. (Article I, Section 8 and Section 9). (TEKS GOV 8D, 9E) [TAKS OBJ 4] 37. Analyze how American beliefs and principles reflected in the U. S. Constitution contribute to our national identity. (principles) (TEKS GOV 8F) [TAKS OBJ 4] 38. Compare the structure and functions of the Texas state government to the federal system. (three branches) (TEKS GOV 9H) 39. Analyze the structure and functions of local government. (TEKS GOV 9I) Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 5/7 40. Analyze the processes by which the U. S. Constitution can be changed and evaluate their effectiveness. (TEKS GOV 8E) [TAKS OBJ 4] AMERICAN GOVERNMENT BILL OF RIGHTS 41. Understand the roles of limited government and the rule of law in protecting individual rights. (TEKS GOV 14A) [TAKS OBJ 4] 42. Analyze the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, including first amendment freedoms. (TEKS GOV 14B) [TAKS OBJ 4] 43. Analyze the role of each branch of the government in protecting individual rights. (TEKS GOV 14D) [TAKS OBJ 4] 44. Explain the importance of due process rights to the protection of individual rights and to the limits on the power of government. (TEKS GOV 14E) [TAKS OBJ 4] 45. Analyze the impact of the incorporation doctrine involving due process and the Bill of Rights on individual rights, federalism, and majority rule.(TEKS GOV 14F) [TAKS OBJ 4] 46. Analyze the importance of free speech and press in a democratic society. (TEKS GOV 17B) [TAKS OBJ 4] 47. Evaluate whether and/or when the rights of individuals are inviolable even against claims for the public good. (TEKS GOV 15C) [TAKS OBJ 4] POLITICAL INFLUENCES 48. Analyze different points of view of political parties and interest groups on important contemporary issues. (TEKS GOV 17A) [TAKS OBJ 3] 49. Analyze the effectiveness of various methods of participation in the political process at local, state, and national levels. (voting, jury duty) (TEKS GOV 16A) 50. Analyze historical and contemporary examples of citizen movements to bring about political change or to maintain continuity. (women’s rights, immigration) (TEKS GOV 16B) [TAKS OBJ 3,4] 51. Analyze the factors that influence an individual’s political attitudes and actions. (TEKS GOV 16C) 52. Evaluate a political policy or decision in the United States that was a result of changes in American culture. (Civil War amendments) (TEKS GOV 18A) [TAKS OBJ 3,4] 53. Identify the functions of political parties (TEKS GOV 12A) 54. Analyze the two-party system and evaluate the role of third parties in the United States. (TEKS GOV 12B) 55. Analyze the role pf political parties in the electoral process at local, state and national levels. (TEKS GOV 12C) 56. Identify opportunities for citizens to participate in political party activities at local, state, and national levels. (TEKS GOV 12D) 57. Give examples of the process used by individuals, political parties, interest groups, or the media to affect public policy. (TEKS GOV 3A) 58. Analyze the impact of political changes brought about by individuals, political parties, interest groups, or the media, past and present. (MADD, NRA) (TEKS GOV 3B) [TAKS OBJ 3,4] 59. Express and defend a point of view on an issue of contemporary interest in the United States (death penalty, gun control, or environment vs. the economy.) (TEKS GOV 17C) LEGISLATURE BRANCH 60. Analyze the structure and functions of the legislature branch of government, including the bicameral Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 6/7 structure of Congress, the role of committees, and the procedure for enacting law. (TEKS GOV 9A) 61. Analyze how U. S. government policies foster competition and entrepreneurships have resulted in scientific discoveries and technological innovations. (NASA, military technology) (TEKS GOV 19B) [TAKS OBJ 3] AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 62. Explain the effects of international trade on U. S. economic and political policies. (TEKS GOV 7A) 63. Explain the government's role insetting international trade policies. (TEKS GOV 7B) 64. Analyze and evaluate the consequences of a government policy that affects the physical characteristics of a place or a region. (interstate highway system) (TEKS GOV 5A) [TAKS OBJ 2] 65. Analyze and evaluate the consequences of a government policy that affects the human characteristics of a place or a region. (approval of gambling on reservations) (TEKS GOV 5B) [TAKS OBJ 2] 66. Compare different methods of filling public offices, including elected and appointed offices, at the local, state, and national levels. (legislative v. judicial) (TEKS GOV 11A) 67. Analyze the potential impact on society of recent scientific discoveries and technological innovations. (cloning, music piracy) (TEKS GOV 20A) 68. Analyze changes in American culture brought about by government policies such as voting rights, the GI Bill, and racial integration. (TEKS GOV 18B) [TAKS OBJ 3] 69. Describe an example of a government policy that has affected a particular racial, ethnic, or religious group. (TEKS GOV 18C) [TAKS OBJ 3] 70. Identify the sources of revenue and expenditures for the U. S. government and analyze their impact on the U. S. economy. (TEKS GOV 6B) 71. Analyze government policies that influence the economy at the local, state, and national levels. (TEKS GOV 6A) EXECUTIVE BRANCH 72. Identify significant individuals in the field of government and politics, including Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and selected contemporary leaders. (TEKS GOV 2D) 73. Explain the government’s role in setting international trade policies. (TEKS GOV 7B) 74. Analyze the structure and functions of the executive branch of government, including the constitutional powers of the president, the growth of presidential power (including wartime power), the role of the cabinet and executive departments. (TEKS GOV 9B) 75. Analyze the functions of selected independent executive agencies and regulatory commissions such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Federal Communications Commission. (TEKS GOV 9D) 76. Explain the major responsibilities of the federal government for domestic and foreign policy. (TEKS GOV 9G) 77. Analyze and evaluate the process of electing the President of the United States. (TEKS GOV 11B) 78. Compare and evaluate characteristics, style, and effectiveness of state and national leaders, past and present. (George W. Bush & Bill Clinton) (TEKS GOV 16D) 79. Explain how certain provisions of the U. S. Constitution provide for checks and balances among the three branches of government. (TEKS GOV 9E) 80. Identify examples of government-assisted research that, when shared with the private sector, have resulted in improved consumer products such as computer and communication technologies. (Internet, CDC) (TEKS GOV 19A) 81. Analyze the economic significance to the United States of the location and geographic characteristics of selected places and regions such as oil fields in the Middle East. (TEKS GOV 4B) [TAKS OBJ 2,3] Valley View High School American Government Jim Brewster 2011-2012 7/7 JUDICIAL BRANCH 82. Analyze the structure and functions of the judicial branch of government, including the federal court system and types of jurisdiction. (TEKS GOV 9C) 83. Explain how certain provisions of the U. S. Constitution provide for checks and balances among the three branches of government. (judicial review) (TEKS GOV 9E) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 84. Analyze selected issues raised by judicial activism and judicial restraint. (Marbury v. Madison) (TEKS GOV 9F) [TAKS OBJ 4] 85. Analyze the role of each branch of government in protecting the rights of individuals. (TEKS GOV 14D) [TAKS OBJ 4] 86. Analyze the consequences of political decisions and actions on society. (Roe v. Wade, Vietnam) (TEKS GOV 15D) [TAKS OBJ 4] 87. Analyze the reaction of government to scientific discoveries and technological innovations. (copyright lawsuits ie: Napster) (TEKS GOV 20B) [TAKS OBJ 4] 88. Analyze issues addressed in selected cases, such as Engel v. Vital, Miranda v. Arizona, and Schenck v. United States that involve Supreme Court interpretations of rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. (TEKS GOV 14C) [TAKS OBJ 4]