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Exam 4 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
What was different about the mice in the
FA group?
a) They consumed more calories.
b) They had a fatty liver.
2. Enzymatic hydrolysis
a) Splits bonds in molecules with the
addition of water.
b) Splits bonds in molecules without
c) Builds bonds in molecules with water.
d) Builds bonds in molecules without
3. The epithelial cells in the alimentary canal
aid in
a) Secreting hormones.
b) Synthesizing and secreting enzymes.
c) Transporting digestive material
d) A and C
e) All the above.
4. Chymotrypsin is an enzymatic enzyme that
breaks down:
a) Lipids
b) Protein
c) Carbohydrates
d) Nucleic acids
5. The stomach digests
a) Lipids
b) Proteins
c) Carbohydrates
d) All of the above.
6. How does the stomach protect itself from the
gastric juice?
7. Nearly all digestion of food and absorption of
water takes place in the
a) Large intestine
b) Stomach
c) Small intestine
d) Gallbladder.
Kali D
BIOL 212 (2)
Dr. Kukday
8. A villus is made of
a) Lacteal and artery
b) Capillary and lacteal
c) Lacteal and venule
d) Capillary and arteriole
9. Hormones secreted by the stomach and small
intestine target cells in the
a) Large intestine
b) Pancreas
c) Gall bladder
d) B and C
e) All of the above
10. How is the digestive system regulated?
11. Name 3 factors influencing obesity.
12. Pepsinogen
a) Kills microbes in the stomach.
b) Breaks down protein
c) Is produced by parietal cells
d) All of the above
13. What are some advantages to a closed
circulatory system?
a) It allows for more blood vessels
b) Allows animal to grow
c) Blood flow can be adjusted to deal
with metabolic demands
d) All of the above
14. The vessels that return blood to the heart in
a closed circulatory system are referred to as
a) Arteries
b) veins
c) Capillaries
d) Sinuses
e) auxiliary hearts
15. What are the 4 components of blood?
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
16. Hemophilia mostly affects
a) Females
b) Males
17. The atrioventricular valves of the heart are
a) The ventricle and arteries
b) The atrium and veins
c) Atrium and ventricles
d) The septum and aorta
18. In diastole
a) The atria relaxed
b) The ventricles relax
c) The atria contact
d) The ventricles contract
e) A and D
f) B and C
19. The conduction pathway of the heart begins
a) At the purkinje fibers
b) Sinoatrial node
c) Atrioventricular node
d) Left atrium
20. Fenestrated capillaries are found in
a) The skin
b) The stomach
c) The kidney
d) The gallbladder
21. In a capillary
a) Arteries have high pressure and high
b) Veins have high pressure and high
c) Arteries have low pressure and low
d) Veins have low pressure and low
22. What allows many marine invertebrates
(e.g. corals, jellyfish, sea anemones) to grow
large in size even though they have only a
gastrovascular cavity for circulation?
a) these organisms are only a few cells
thick and can rely on diffusion to
transport nutrients and oxygen
throughout the body
b) there are many branches within the
gastrovascular cavity that directly
transport nutrients and oxygen to
various tissues
c) a single, large heart provides enough
pressure to deliver the blood
throughout the entire body
d) there are many openings to the
gastrovascular cavity that allow
nutrients and oxygen to be taken up
from all directions
23. Bound state will be favored when the
a) Partial pressure is high
b) Partial pressure is low
24. Define ventilation.
25. Which is NOT an adaptation that respiratory
organs have for gas exchange:
a) Moist surfaces
b) Increased surface area
c) Extensive blood flow
d) Thin, delicate structure
e) None of the above
26. Which is the site of gas exchange?
a) Bronchi
b) Alveoli
c) Bronchioles
d) Trachea
27. What happens during exhalation?
28. Cooperative binding of O2 by hemoglobin
is physiologically important because
a) it overcomes the limitation imposed by
diffusion rates
b) it allows saturation of blood with O2 at
low partial pressure
c) it allows hemoglobin to readily give up
most of its oxygen at sites of
physiological activity
d) it increases the O2 carrying capacity of
e) it allows efficient exchange of O2 for
27. What innervates the diaphragm?
a) Intercostal nerve
b) Phrenic nerve
c) Diaphragm nerve
d) Cranial nerve IV
36. Explain the process of phloem loading.
28. Hemoglobin binds how many oxygen (O2)
a) 2
b) 1
c) 4
d) 3
29. Which has a higher affinity for Oxygen?
a) Fetal hemoglobin
b) Adult hemoglobin
c) Myoglobin
30. Which of the following statements about
amphibian and mammalian circulatory systems
is true?
a) Pulmonary circulation occurs at
reduced blood pressure
b) Amphibians have 4 heart chambers
similar to mammals
c) Oxygen and carbon dioxide only
occurs in the lungs and skin
d) All of the above
31. Where is sugar produced in plants/trees?
a) Roots
b) Stems
c) Leaves
d) Flowers
32. Explain osmosis.
33. Plant gas exchange occurs mainly through
which of the following structures?
a) companion cells
b) trachea
c) alveoli
d) stomata
e) vessels
34. Where to roots get their sugars?
a) From photosynthesis in the root hairs
b) Via the phloem from the leaves
c) By active transport from the soil
35. Sieve cells are found in
a) Phloem
b) Xylem
37. Translocation is when
a) Water evaporates from the surface of
b) Transport of sugars from source to
c) When water flows up xylem
38. What neurons send signals away from the
a) Sensory neurons
b) Motor neurons
c) Interneurons
39. Oligodendrocytes and schwann cells make
a) Nodes of ranvier
b) Myelin sheath
c) Interneurons
40. What was the name of the toxin that Dr.
Westwood ingested?
a) DMP
b) Tetrodoxin
c) DOT
41. Which part of the action potential graph in
class did the poison affect?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
42. The inside of the cell is
a) More positive
b) More negative
43. In a cell there are
a) More K+ channels than Na+
b) More Na+ channels than K+
44. The Na+/K+ pump moves
a) In 3 Na+ for every 2 K+ ions moved
b) Out 3 Na+ ions for every 2 K+ moved
c) In 2 K+ ions for every 3 Na+ moved
d) Out 3 K+ ions for every 2 Na+ moved
45. Resting potential is
a) -70 mV
b) -50 mV
c) -20 mV
d) +35 mV
Produces acetylcholine
Breaks down acetylcholine
A neurotransmitter
Found in the presynaptic cell
52. Which organ is not part of the limbic
a) Amygdala
b) Olfactory bulbs
c) Pancreas
d) Hippocampus
53. Define memory and learning.
46. What symptoms did Dr.Westwood
experience after his puffer fish meal and
handling the new bird species?
a) Nausea
b) Numbness
c) Paralysis
d) Difficulty breathing
e) All of the above
47. In the two cellular compartments shown
above, K+ is moving across the membrane from
the left to the right. Why is K+ moving from the
left to the right?
a) K+ is moving down its concentration
b) K+ is moving down its electrical
c) Cl- is attracting K+
d) K+ is moving because the membrane
is impermeable to Cl48. The first step in a chemical synapse is
a) Vesicles merge with plasma membrane
and release neurotransmitter
b) Sodium channels open
c) Action potential causes Ca2+ channels
to open
d) Ligand-gated channels close
49. Excitatory post-synaptic potential brings
the cell closer to
a) hyperpolarization
b) Resting membrane potential
c) Threshold potential
d) Repolarization
50. Which neurotransmitter category is
associated with psychological disorders?
a) Acetylcholine
b) Biogenic amines
c) Neuropeptides
d) Amino acids
51. Acetylcholinesterase is
54. Neurogenesis has been found to occur in the
a) Amygdala
b) Hippocampus
c) Frontal cortex
d) Pons
55. Alzheimer’s is associated with an increase
of which protein in the brain?
56. How does a sensory system provide
information about the intensity of a stimulus?
a) The larger the action potential, the
larger the stimulus.
b) by the release of both dopamine and
acetylcholine the cell senses a larger
c) More chloride channels close, thereby
creating greater transmitter uptake.
d) Via action potentials, the frequency of
action potential firing is related to the
intensity of the stimulus
57. Predict the effect of a chemical that blocked
voltage-dependent Calcium ion channels at the
synaptic ending of an axon.
a) The axon could not generate an action
b) The cell would continually release
neurotransmitter via vesicle
c) The calcium channels would not open,
and this would inhibit neurotransmitter
d) It would not have an effect. Only
sodium and potassium channels are
voltage-gated; Calcium channels are