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Chapter 5
Active read
Pages 58-71
The The Second World War: Total War Returns
For the following topics in chapter 5, you must provide the answers to the
headings. Once again, you are to put these in your own words and break
down the topic so that your answer contains the heart and soul/meat and
potatoes of the topic. If the topic is not framed as a question you must find
at least 3 facts about the topic so that if it were framed as a question you
would be able to answer it.
Your answer needs to be precise, to the point and factual. (No copying the
paragraph from the book is allowed – you must think to answer these
Answer the following questions in the space provided:
Topics in Chapter :
1. War Returns:
dictatorships rise, Mussolini – Italy, Hitler – Germany, Franco –
Rejected Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
Germany annex's Austria in 1938, then Czechoslovakia 1939
Appeasement policy
Munich agreement – Hitler agrees he won't go any further
Sept. 1, 1939 he goes in to Poland
Sept. 3, 1939 Britain and France declare war
Sept. 10, 1939 Canada on their own declares war
2.Total War:
1940 – June – France had fallen, Italy now with Germany
1941 – fighting into N.Africa/China
Aviation – bombing civilian targets
Lg. Amts of $, labour, fuel req’d to sustain war effort
3. War in the Atlantic:
1939 – 6 destroyers and 3,500 personnel
By end of war, 4th lgst. In World. 373 warships, 100 000 personnel
Can plays major part with defence (first)
German uboats (28) had sunk 6 million tonnes of supplies
Corvettes rushed into service – escorts for convoys
1941 – USA joins war and joins Canada in the Battle of the Atlantic
Can force – major role in the safety of ships/cargo
4.The Merchant Maries: Unsung Heroes
Transport supplies, 1 in 10 dead, if they survived german uboats were
taken as POW
Without them, allies couldn’t have sustained war
After war – weren’t given the same benefits – they were a central and
cruical lifeline to Britian
5. War in the Air:
RCAF – 40 modern planes, 5000 personnel in 1939
By 1945 we had the 4th lgst. Air force in the World, 16 000 women in
6.The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan :
RCAF ran the training plan, 200 sites across Canada
Trained more than 131, 500 pilots/navigators (almost half of total air
crew of Britain)
7.The Battle of Britain:
German’s lutwaffe’s blitz bombing of British cities summer 1940
Advanced radar system – RAF fighter planes able to shoot down German
Cruical victory in which Canadians played a prominent role
8. The Miracle of Dunkirk:
1940 – Hitler takes over N. Europe
400 000 allies trapped – English channel/Germany army
Brits launch amazing sea rescue
Vessels crossed channel rescuing 340 000 soldiers
Major winning retreat
9.The United States Joins the Fight:
Japan makes a suprise attack at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii Dec. 7, 1941
2400 civilians killed, 1100 wounded, 4 ships destroyed
USA was neutral but after this, declares war on Japan
Germany reneges on the anti-agression pact with the Soviet Union
10. A year of Crisis:
1942 all Europe under German or Italian control
11. Dieppe:
French port with high cliffs overlooking the beaches
Can. Troops led attack
Bad plan- raid was disaster, allies land in broad daylight
In 9 hours, 900 of the 5000 Can’s were dead, 1900 taken as P.O.W.
Those with injuries drown as tide came in
Bitter lesson
12. Storming the beaches:
June 6, 1944 – D-Day. Normandy France, Operation Overlord
Lgst full scale military invasion in history
5000 ships in the english channel, 107 000 Brits/Amerc/Can land in
Can’s landed in Juno – first day of fighting (known as D-Day). Can’s had
gained more groun than any one else
Allies captured every beach that day
Over the next 11 months, allies force Germans to retreat
Spring 1945 – Can. Forces liberate Netherlands
As Soviets enter Berlin, Hitler commits suicide
May 7, 1945 – VE day (Victory in Europe). Germany surrenders.
13.War in the Pacific, The Battle of Hong Kong:
Japan was going to attack. Can’s had to defend – it was impossible to
Hong Kong eventually surrenders to Japan
500 Can’s died in battle or in P.O.W. camps after
14.Ending the War in the Pacific:
Can’s ready to help USA take over Japan but USA drops the atomic
bomb on Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945)
Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945), 200 000 people died/maimed
500 000 would die within 10 years from the effects of the radiation
Aug. 14, 1945 Japan surrenders
15.Diversity in the Armed Forces:
Women were actively recruited, 45 000 had enlisted by the end of the
Not allowed in direct combat and were paid less
African Can’s into military
Indian act of 1876 – aborginals were considered wards of state – had to
give up their registratin – 3000 signed up
French Can’s – 19% more than in WWI
16.On the Home Front:
GDP {Gross Domestic Product}, wage and price controls to avoid inflation
Economic policies that enable it to finance war without massive
17.Women on the Home Front:
Women secured jobs because men were away
1 million worked in manufacturing, 40% more than in pre-war times
As war ended – the women lost their jobs
18.The Baby Boomers:
Conscript only single men (so then thousands of men within one week
were married)
War brides were brought back from the war
Largest birth rate in Can. history
19.Controversies of the Second World War, Conscription:
King said no at first
NRMA – all single men to service, for home defence only – men refered
to as zombies
Public referendum held – ‘’Conscription if necessary, but not necessairly
French vote 73% No, English vote 80 % Yes
French weren’t allowed to have own unit
King mobilizes zombies – protests in Montreal, 13 000 sent overseas only
2500 saw battle
20.The Internment of Japanese Canadians:
1942 – 22 000 Japanese Can’s were displaced/evacuated to internment
camps (BC or prairies)
Take one suitcase, government took everything else and sold at public
Gov. Used the profits to pay for the internment camps
Security precaution, provided the excuse for this prejudice into action
Shacks lacked running water nad electiricy
Men separated from families, anyone who protested was sent to a
concentration camp in Ontario having to wear a uniform bearing a
large red circle
War ended – but this didn’t – continued for 4 years after
1988 – Can. Gov. Finally issued an apology and agreed to pay $21000 in
compensation for each surviving evacuee
21.The War Measures Act:
People with roots linked to enemy nations had to register with the RCMP
dusk to dawn curfew
Those suspected of Nazi sympathizers and communist supporters were
1940 gov revoked Italian/German immigrants who had become
naturalized citizens after 1922 – had to register as enemy aliens,
some put in internment camps
22.Canada and the Holocaust:
Nazi’s committed genocide – murdering 6 million people
Other countries wouldn’t take Jews as refugees – especially Canada, only
5000 were allowed into Canada during the war, USA accepted 200 000
St. Louis – carrying 900 Jews tried to get into countries – were denied
and had to return to Europe where they were sent to concentration
23. The War Ends:
United Nations formed in 1945
Canada’s status improves as Canada becomes an independent nation in
1947 to define it’s citizens as Canadians first and British subjects
Can’s enjoyed having gov. Intervention to ensure wartime prosperity
Social programs – U.I, old age pension, family allowance – postwar
economic boom until 1973
People wanted to settle back into life that they used to live- enjoying
the conveniences of the new industrial age
Define the following:
Total War
Definition and Example
War in which everyone is involved,
Civilians are fair war targets.
Ex. Atomic Bomb
Policy of agreeing to the demands of
another in order to avoid conflict
Ex. Giving Czech. To Hitler
1938 – agreement b/w
Germany/Britain/France Italy in which
Germany could have Czechoslovakia
(appeasement policy)
Military offensive designed quickly to
crush an enemy
Ex. Lightning War
Small, fast warship used in convoys
Ex. Cans had lots to lead convoys x
German airforce in WWII
Ex. Hitler’s airforce
Non-aggression Agreement b/w nations not to launch a
military attack against one another
Ex. Germany and Soviet Union
Gross Domestic Product – amt of goods
and services by a country
Definition and Example
Ex. Can’s GDP was 15%
Wage and Price Gov. Restrictions placed on wages pd to
workers and prices charged for goods
and services
Ex. Wage is $4 per hour
Baby boomers Lg. Number of people born b/w 19451965, had a sign. Influence on their
society b/c of their numbers
Ex. Parents
Soliders who were conscripted into the
army but refused to serve overseas
Ex. Men living in Can that were
Submitting an issue to the people for a
direct vote
Ex. Should we have conscription?
Mass extermination of people of a
particular national, cultural, racial or
religious group
Ex. Nazi extermination of Jews
Group of people in eastern Europe often
referred to as ‘gypsies’
Ex. Germans hated these people