Download Part 1 begins the (1) LYTIC cycle. In this process a (2)_VIRUS

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Part 1 begins the (1) LYTIC cycle. In this process a (2)_VIRUS, known as a bacteriaphage,
attaches to the wall of the host cell. The viral tail matches up to a complementary (3)
RECEPTOR site along the bacterial wall. After (4)ENZYMES released by the virus
weaken the wall, the hollow tail is forced through the host and viral (5) DNA passes into
the cell, enters the chromosome, and stimulates the production of messenger RNA. As the
messenger RNA migrates into the (6)__CYTOPLASM, it carries the genetic information
for the production of viral nucleic acid and the viral (7) PROTEIN CAPSIDS, which are
assembled into (8)VIRUSES. These new viruses release enzymes that weaken the cell wall
and the host cell ruptures, or (9) LYSES, releasing the viruses. Part 5 shows a portion of
the (10) LYSOGENIC cycle. During this process, the viral nucleic acid (11IS INTEGRATED
along with the (12) GENETIC INFORMATION of the host. As this host cell goes through
CELLULAR DIVISION the viral DNA is also replicated. Eventually this cell will go through
the lytic cycle and the new viral parts will be PRODUCED and ASSEMBLED Just like with
before eventually this cell will become too large and LYSE releasing the viruses to repeat
the process.