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Unit 3 Outcome 1
Monitoring and Promotion of Physical Activity
After making summary notes and completing the revision tables attempt the following
questions under exam conditions (no notes or textbook, under time restrictions etc).
When finished go back over your notes and use your textbook to check your answers
and to assist with any questions you had problems with.
1. List the four dimensions and four domains of physical activity.
2. Describe the National Physical Activity Guidelines (NPAG) for a 2yr old,
including the sedentary guidelines.
3. How does the NPAG of a 3yr toddler differ to a 70yr old male?
4. List the four levels of influence of the Socio-ecological model of behaviour
change and give one example of an intervention strategy at each level of
5. Read the passage below and answer the question provided;
Identify 3 other roles of mass media.
6. Below are some statements about various physical activity measures. Correcly
match the statement to the corressponding instrument.
Self Report Survey
Heart rate Telemetry
Direct Observation
Corresponding Statement
Choose from the following statements:
A – Involves time intensive training
B – Measures steps only
C – Measure accelerates and reports data in movement counts
D – Should not be used with children under ten years old
E – Provides data on intensity of exercise
7. Lisa, aged 32 years, is a new mother of twins who keep her very busy. Lisa has to
feed the twins during the night and is often sleep deprived. During the day she is
tired and lethargic. Since the birth of her twins seven months ago, Lisa has found
it difficult to be regularly active like she used to, but she does walk once per week
for 30 minutes. Otherwise, however, she rarely sustains her activity for 10minutes
at a moderate-intensity. Her husband Rod has been encouraging Lisa to become
more active, Lisa wants to be active and investigated hiring a treadmill for the
lounge room.
(a) What strategies could Lisa employ to overcome lack of time and energy?
(b) What are the National Physical Activity Guidelines for adults?
(c) Define self-efficacy.
8. Explain the difference between the terms cognitive strategies and behavioural
strategies. Provide examples for each strategy that can be used to encourage
behavioural change and reduce PA barriers
Question 9
In the paragraph below, options to complete each sentence are given within the brackets.
Circle the correct option in each case.
The advantage of measuring physical activity by [direct observation / proxy report] is that
accurate and detailed information is gained about an individual or group within a specific
setting. This type of measure is said to be [subjective / objective] as it does not rely on the
individual’s perception of the activity. There are [lower / higher] levels of reactivity
associated with this type of measurement.
3 marks
Question 10
The advertisement above gives a recommendation to be used in conjunction with the National
Physical Activity Guidelines for children aged 5–12 years.
a. State the National Physical Activity Guidelines for children aged 5–12 years.
1 mark
The above advertisement is an example of a population-based approach to physical activity
b. i. Identify the specific type of strategy (intervention) used.
ii. Outline one purpose of this strategy.
1 + 1 = 2 marks
Total 3 marks
Question 11
Question 12. Q1 from 2009 VCAA exam
Question 13 (Q9 from 2009 VCAA exam)
Dimensions = Frequency, duration, intensity, type.
Domains = Household/Gardening. Active Transport, Leisure, Occupational
Q4. Socio-ecological model
Examples of intervention strategies for each level of influence include;
Individual (Intrapersonal)
Social Environment
 Strategies should focus on changing the culture (the nature of the existing social
relationships) to encourage and provide support for physical activity. For example, to
increase the physical activity of individuals in a community aged care facility, the
interim target is to create a lifestyle activity culture within the facility.
Physical Environment
 Improving access by adding ramps so people in wheelchairs can access the facilities
or area
 Introducing new facilities (eg gymnasium / basketball courts / skate ramp /
playground equipment).
 Traffic calming facilities – speed humps, roundabouts
 State level: Victorian mandate for all year 7-10 secondary school students to receive
100 min of physical activity per week.
 State level: 40km/h school speed zones to reduce traffic and encourage students to
ride or walk to school.
 Local / school level: setting gym access times (Wednesday = girls, Friday = boys)
5. Three other roles of Mass Media:
 Increasing awareness of PA as a public issue
 Providing information of other non health benefits of being active
 Providing information on consequences of inactivity.
 Increasing interest in PA participation and raising awareness of community based
 Motivating individuals to take action towards PA participation.
Self Report Survey
Heart rate Telemetry
Direct Observation
Corresponding Statement
Measures acceleration and reports data in movement counts
Should not be used with children under ten years old
Provides data on intensity of exercise
Involves time intensive training
Measures steps only
(a) Strategies that could be used to overcome lack of time and energy: Join a mothers group
to go walking (enlisting social support), identify opportunities to be active, reward system,
make commitments, substituting alternatives when it’s raining.
(c) Self efficacy is feelings of self value or self worth, belief they can perform an activity
across a range of challenging situations. ie Obese comfortable to walk not run
8. Explain the difference between the terms cognitive strategies and behavioural
strategies. Provide examples for each strategy that can be used to encourage behavioural
change and reduce PA barriers
Cognitive strategies – attitudes, thinking and awareness,
Behavioural – involving action and doing
Eg’s Cognitive_ encourage individual to read, provide the person with message that being
inactive in unhealthy, recognising how inactivity affects family/friends etc, increase
awareness of opportunities to be physically active.
Behavioural – using a reminder system, rewards, enlisting social support, substituting
9. Q7 From 2008 VCAA exam
10. Q10 From 2008 VCAA exam
11. Q15 from 2008 VCAA exam
12. (Q1 from 2009 VCAA exam)
Q13 (Q9 from 2009 VCAA exam)
Unit 3 Outcome 2
Physiological Requirements of Physical Activity
After making summary notes and completing the revision tables from the Exam
Booklet attempt the following questions under exam conditions (no notes or textbook,
under time restrictions etc). When finished go back over your notes and use your
textbook to check your answers and to assist with any questions you had problems
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 3 (Cont’d)
Question 4
Question 4 (cont’d)
Question 5
Question 6. Complete the following table;
Food Fuel
Form it is
When it is used
transported as
Food Examples
High GI:
Mod GI:
Low GI:
Question 7
Question 5
Food Fuel
Form it is
transported as
Amino Acids
When it is used
Food Examples
-glycogen only food for LA system
-used in conjunction with fat by
aerobic system during endurance
-lasts around two hours
-main nutrient for extended
endurance exercise with CHO
-fat metabolism increases when
CHO depleted
High GI: potatoes, white
rice, bread, glucose
-Can be used for energy in extended
endurance exercise (10%)
-Increase when CHO/Fats depleted
-Used for growth and repair
Fish, red meat, eggs
Mod GI: pasta, corn
Low GI: lentils, apples
Butter, oils