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Biology 13A
Practice Exam 3
Fall 2008
1. Neurotransmitters are released
a. at neuromuscular junctions
b. at synapses
c. at joints
d. both “a” and “b”
2. A “fast” nerve fiber would be
a. unmyelinated
b. myelinated
c. long
d. short
3. The brain and spinal cord make up the
a. peripheral nervous system
b. autonomic nervous system
c. central nervous system
d. all of the above
4. Which of the following is false?
a. The CNS consists of the brain, nerves leaving the brain, and the spinal cord
b. The peripheral nervous system consists of cranial and spinal nerves and their
c. Motor responses of the somatic nervous system are often under voluntary
d. Motor responses of the autonomic nervous system are usually under
involuntary control
5. In the peripheral nervous system, myelin is formed by
a. Schwann cells
b. Phagocytic cells
c. Neurons
e. Both “a” and “c”
6. Masses of myelinated nerve fibers appear
a. white
b. gray
c. brown
d. transparent
7. When an axon is polarized (at rest), the concentration of
a. sodium and potassium ions is higher on the inside of its membrane
b. sodium and potassium ions is equal on both sides of its membrane
c. sodium ions are found in higher concentration on the inside than on the
outside of its membrane
d. sodium ions are found in higher concentration on the outside than on the
inside of its membrane
8. The layers of connective tissue surrounding a nerve from the outside to the
inside in correct order are:
a. endoneurium, perineurium and epineurium
b. epineurium, perineurium and endoneurium
c. epineurium, endoneuriium and perineurium
d. perineurium, epineurium and endoneurium
Glial cells are active in:
a. structural support of the nervous system
b. phagocytosis of damaged nervous tissue and pathogens
c. making myelin
d. all of the above
10. Effectors of the peripheral nervous system could include which of the following?
a. smooth muscle
b. cardiac muscle
c. skeletal muscle
d. glands
e. all of the above
11. Spinal nerves:
a. occur singly
b. contains sensory and motor roots
c. is an efferent nerve
d. a and c are correct
12. Which of the following describes the ventral root? The ventral root:
a. brings sensory information to the spinal cord
b. takes sensory information away from the spinal cord
c. brings motor information to the spinal cord
d. takes motor information away from the spinal cord
e. none of the above
13. The subarachnoid space is:
a. between the arachnoid and the underlying dura mater
b. filled with fat
c. filled with cerebrospinal fluid
d. between the arachnoid and the periosteum
14. The major spinal nerve plexuses include:
(1) brachial
(2) cervical
(3) lumbosacral
(4) thoracic
(5) coccygeal
a. 1,2,3,4,5
b. 1,2,3,4
c. 1,2,3
d. 2,3,4
e. 3,4,5
15. A reflex arc
a. begins at a receptor and ends at a peripheral effector
b. is a voluntary response to a specific stimulus
c. always includes information processing in one or more brain centers
e. none of the above
16. Tingling and numbness in the thumb could be caused by
a. compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel
b. compression of the ulnar nerve
c. compression of the radial nerve
a. slipped disc in the lumbar region of the vertebral column
17. Major divisions of the brain include all but which of the following?
a. midbrain
b. medulla oblongata
c. meninges
d. no exceptions; all of the above are included
18. Structurally, the blood-brain barrier exists because
a. the cells lining the capillaries of the CNS are extensively interconnected by tight
b. normal blood flow is at a pressure too high for the delicate brain tissue.
c. only water-soluble compounds are permitted to enter by passive diffusion.
d. the hypothalamus regulates the permeability of the blood vessels.
e. none of the above
19. Cerebrospinal fluid circulates through the
a. ventricles of the brain
b. central canal of the spinal cord
c. dorsal root ganglia of the spinal nerves
d. cervical, brachial and lumbosacral plexuses.
e. both a and b
20. Which unique function of the brain occurs in the postcentral gyrus?
a. provides voluntary motor control to the skeletal muscles
b. receives primary sensory information of touch, pressure, pain, taste and
c. provides visceral motor responses, serving as center of the autonomic nervous
d. returns cerebrospinal fluid into the circulatory system
e. none of the above
21. Components of the hindbrain include the
a. cerebrum and cerebellum
b. cerebellum and pons
c. medulla oblongata
d. thalamus and cerebellum
e. both b and c
22. The part of the brain concerned with memory and reason is the
a. brain stem
b. cerebellum
c. medulla oblongata
d. cerebrum
24. Rate and depth of breathing are controlled by the:
a. hypothalamus only
b. medulla oblongata only
c. pons and hypothalamus
d. medulla oblongata and pons
25. The sympathetic division of the ANS generally
a. increases alertness
b. prepares the body to deal with emergencies
c. is called the “fight-or-flight division
d. all of the above
26. The special senses include all of the following except
a. taste
b. olfaction
c. proprioception
d. vision
e. equilibrium
27. Which of the following is true of receptors?
a. Each has a characteristic specific sensitivity.
b. Each receptor is equally sensitive to several different types of stimuli.
b. They are evenly distributed over all surfaces of the body.
d. None of the above
28. A receptor that is especially common in the superficial layers of the skin and which
responds to pain is a
a. nociceptor
b. thermoreceptor
c. auditory receptor
c. mechanoreceptor
d. chemoreceptor
29. The three main anatomical regions into which the ear is divided are the
a. external ear, tympanum and stapes
b. malleus, incus and organ of Corti
c. external ear, middle ear, and inner ear
d. ceruminous gland, cochlea and utricle
e. none of the above
30. At its periphery, the lens is attached to the
a. pupil
b. cornea
c. choroid
d. vitreous body
e. ciliary body
31. Different types of photoreceptors in the eyes are the
a. optic nerve cells
b. ganglion cells preganglion cells
c. rod cells and cone cells
d. fovea centralis and macula lutea
e. a & b
32. What type of receptor would inform a person that the bladder requires
a. chemoreceptors monitoring changes in bladder content
b. nociceptors
c. transitional epithelial receptors
d. baroreceptors
e. a & b
33. The fluid in the semi-circular canals of the inner ear
a. moves the tectorial membrane against hair cells that send impulses to the brain to
be interpreted as equilibrium
b. bends hair cells that send impulses to the brain to be interpreted as equilibrium
c. moves the tectorial membrane against hair cells that send impulses to the brain to
be interpreted as sound
d. bends hair cells that send impulses to the brain to be interpreted as sound
34. Which of the following correctly lists the parts through which light passes as it enters
the eye?
a. cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor
b. aqueous humor, cornea, lens, vitreous humor
c. vitreous humor, lens, aqueous humor, cornea
d. cornea, lens, aqueous humor, vitreous humor
35. Which hormone targets smooth muscle cells in the uterus and causes contractions
necessary for labor and childbirth?
a. oxytocin
b. FSH
c. LH
e. None of the above
36. Which hormone stimulates egg development and the secretion of estrogens by
ovarian cells?
a. follicle-stimulating hormone
b. thyroid-stimulating hormone
c. antidiuretic hormone
d. luteinizing hormone
e. oxytocin
37. The release of steroid hormones by the adrenal gland is stimulated by the hormone
a. oxytocin
b. adrenocorticotrophic hormone
c. follicle-stimulating hormone
d. thyroxin
e. prolactin
38. A hormone that increases the rate of glucose breakdown and release by the liver is
a. insulin
b. glycogen
c. glucagon
d. glucocorticoids
e. aldosterone
39. The hormone that acts to oppose the effects of calcitonin is
a. secreted by thyroid gland
b. parathyroid hormone
c. secreted by the thymus
d. A and C from above are true
40. Diabetes Type II is cause by
a. a decrease in the production of insulin
b. a decrease in the insulin receptors found on cell membranes
c. the failure of the liver to release glucose
d. inhibition of the cells in the pancreas by pituitary regulating factors
e. a & c