Download HAP Chapter10 Reading Questions The Muscular System Part 3

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HAP Chapter10 Reading Questions: The Muscular System Part 3
Muscles of the anterior and posterior thorax that move the scapula, arm and forearm.
FOR YOUR ANSWERS ... DO NOT USE ANY MUSCLES THAT ARE NOT ALSO ON THE 20092010 Muscle Word Bank YOU ARE ASSIGNED TO KNOW! There are over 600 muscles in the
human are assigned to know approximately 90 of these!
Name __________________________Date ____ Period ___ HW# ___
After carefully reading the introduction to Table 10.8 and the tables themselves paying
close attention to the description of the muscle, answer the following questions:
a. Name the muscles of the posterior thorax:
What is the action of the Latissimus dorsi?
What are the prime movers of shoulder elevation (shrugging the shoulders)?
Which two muscles depress the scapula against resistance?
How can one muscle do two different opposable actions (such as the trapezius)?
Which muscle primarily moves the scapula forward (protracts)?
Which muscle primarily moves the scapula backward (retracts)?
After carefully reading the introduction to Table 10.9 and the tables themselves paying
close attention to the description of the muscle, answer the following questions:
a. How would you describe the trapezius muscle?
Name the rotator cuff muscles and their primary purpose at the shoulder joint
In general where would you look to find muscles that flex the arm (humerus)?
What muscle is the prime mover of arm flexion?
Which muscle is the prime mover of arm abduction when all of its fibers are contracting
at once?
Which muscle is the prime mover of arm extension and a powerful arm adductor?
3. Which muscles of the posterior trunk:
a. allow you to shrug your shoulders or extend your head?
b. adducts the shoulder and causes extension of the shoulder joint?
c. is the antagonist of the muscle described in b above?
d. is the prime mover of back extension; a composite muscle consisting of three columns?
e. is a fleshy muscle forming part of the posterior abdominal wall that helps to maintain
upright posture?
f. acting individually; small rectangular muscles that rotate the glenoid cavity of the scapulae
g. is the synergist of the trapezius in scapular elevation; act to flex the head to the same
h. is the synergist to the latissimus dorsi in extension and adduction of the humerus?
i. is a rotator cuff muscle; prevents downward dislocation of the humerus?
j. is a rotator cuff muscle; rotates the humerus laterally?
k. is a rotator cuff muscle; lies immediately inferior to the infraspinatus?
4. Which muscles of the anterior trunk:
a. is a major spine flexor; the name means "straight muscle of the abdomen"?
b. is the prime mover for shoulder flexion and adduction?
c. is the prime mover for shoulder abduction?
d. forms the external lateral walls of the abdomen?
e. acting alone, each muscle of this pair turns the head toward the opposite shoulder?
f. is the prime mover to protract and hold the scapula against the thorax wall; the "boxer's
g. four muscle pairs that together form the so-called abdominal girdle?
h. is a tendinous "seam" running from the sternum to the pubic symphysis that indicates the
midline point of fusion of the abdominal muscle sheaths (NOT A MUSCLE!)?
i. is the deepest muscle of the abdominal wall?
j. are deep muscles of the thorax that promote the inspiratory phase of breathing?
k. is an unpaired muscle that acts in concert with the muscles named immediately above to
accomplish inspiration?
l. is a flat, thoracic muscle deep to the pectoralis major that acts to draw the scapula
inferiorly or to elevate the rib cage?