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Chapter 13.1 & 13.2
Mollusks & Annelids
Reading Guide
(pp. 364-389)
Name _____________________ Hour ____
Part 1 – Mollusks – pp. 364-368
1. Fill in this chart about mollusks:
Characteristics of Mollusks – What makes a mollusk a mollusk?
Examples of Mollusks
2. Define these terms from the reading – do not use the glossary in the back of the book:
Mantle: _______________________________________________________________
Gills: ________________________________________________________________
Open circulatory system: _________________________________________________
3. Fill in this diagram about the three groups of Mollusks.
What is true only about Bivalves?
What is true only about Gastropods?
What do all three have in common?
4. How are Mollusks beneficial (helpful) to humans? ____
What is true only about Cephalopods?
5. How can Mollusks “cause problems” for humans? _____
Part 2 – Segmented Worms (Annelids) – pp. 369-373
1. What does the word “annelid” mean? _________________________________________
2. Why are these worms given this name? _______________________________________
3. Complete this chart about annelids:
What type of symmetry?
How many body openings?
Where are they found?
Examples of annelids:
4. What are setae? _______________________________________________________
What are they used for? __________________________________________________
How many setae are on each segment? ________________________________________
5. Digestion and Excretion: Describe the unique way that earthworms take in food: ________
List 5 parts of the earthworm digestive system (think of the path the food moves through
from beginning to end): ___________________________________________________
What are castings and why are they useful? ____________________________________
6. Circulation and Respiration: What is the purpose of the aortic arches? ________________
How do earthworms “breathe?” _____________________________________________
7. Nerve Response and Reproduction: Can an earthworm fertilize itself? Why or why not? ___
8. Read and look at the pictures of the unusual marine worms on p. 371 – List 4 interesting
things about these worms: ________________________________________________
9. Why don’t you feel a leech when it is biting you? ________________________________
10. Why have leeches been used for medicine? How are they helpful? ___________________
11. How are annelids helpful to humans? _________________________________________