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Proposed standards for the IB physics course called IB DP Physics SL
Introduction to the three-year IB Physics track.
The purpose of this document is to propose the standards for the three physics courses
offered at Rufus King International School: Year 1: IB MYP Physics, Year 2: IB DP Physics
SL and Year 3: IB DP Physics HL. I have 27 years of experience in teaching physics in this
district, ranging from complete project-and-theme-driven physics classes using cooperative
learning exclusively, to AP physics (calculus treatment), to DP physics (next year will be the
third DP cycle for which I have designed courses). I have completed Level 2 training. I have
18 graduate credits in physics, and a degree in math. My students attain 7’s in both the SL
and HL courses, and both averages are comparable to world averages. Thus, I think that it is
correct to claim that there is no teacher in this district who knows more about the Diploma
Program physics pedagogy (and perhaps the physics pedagogy, in general) than me. With
that said, I hope that my recommendations will be considered with forethought and care.
There are (unfortunately) three standards bodies that must be incorporated into the hard
sciences (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics): the Middle Years Program standards (MYP)
chosen by our school and others in the district, the Next Generation Science Standards
(NGSS) chosen by our District and State, and the Diploma Program standards (DP) chosen
by our school and others in the district.
The single standard set that is common to all three years of the hard science tracks is the DP
standard set. As such, it should be the overall guiding standard set in any IB school which has
a Diploma Program. My reasons are as follows:
Rufus King is first and foremost a Diploma Program school. Confusion among
students, teachers, parents, and administrators as to whether we are MYP, NGS, or
DP can only lead to mediocrity in our DP standing. This is not to say that we cannot
address the standards of MYP and NGSS. We can adequately address these two
standards, but these two standards must be placed within the DP standard set, in the
sense that we do not spend inordinate time on them to the detriment of DP standards
which will be the focus of the three papers comprising the exams. With these
constraints in mind, we can still fulfill all of the requirements of the District, while still
remaining true to the standards that have traditionally made the IB program so
desirable to students and parents in the district – standards that have prepared
students for advanced standing in college and given the district’s IB schools national
If at all possible, complete coverage (by early April) of the DP standards within the
two/three-year time frame leading to the Standard Level/Higher Level exams is
desirable in order to facilitate students practicing complete Papers 1, 2 and 3 from
previous years as much as possible. For this to occur, MYP and NGSS standards
must be met within the context of the DP standards as much as possible. A brief
perusal of any of the Diploma Program Guides for the hard sciences (DP Biology, DP
Chemistry, and DP Physics) will convince the reader of two things: Firstly, that the
curriculum is intensely broad and detailed, and secondly, that it is not only processbased, but it is first and foremost content-based. Thus, using an MYP standard, say
“MYP – B. Inquiring and designing;” is all well and good (and certainly useful and
valid), but it is NOT sufficient, and it is NOT tested for on Papers 1, 2 and 3 in the
Diploma Program (75% of a student’s overall IB grade). It is valid as a standard,
though, in that the DP internal assessments do require inquiry and design (25% of a
student’s overall IB grade).
Many of the NGSS standards are naturally covered within the two-year tracks leading
up to the standard level hard science exams. Unfortunately, many of them are NOT.
This means that students and instructors will be even more pressed for time to meet
the DP requirements by sacrificing time to cover the NGSS. Apparently the District is
not able to practice differentiation among schools, as we are expected to practice it in
the classroom. I can only hope that it is not because the District is lazy, inflexible, or
incompetent, but that it is in response external pressure from the state or the federal
government which it is incapable of overcoming.
Given that we are entering a new 7-year physics cycle, standards were chosen for the IB
Physics track based on these considerations:
The standards must be flexible enough to hold up until the year 2023. Unlike MYP
Biology (exclusively 9th grade) and MYP Chemistry (exclusively 10th grade), the
MYP Physics class is a mix of 10th-, 11th- and 12th-graders. New district schools
may enter the IB fold. Some schools may offer Higher Level physics, and some may
MYP standards, NGS standards, and DP standards must all be incorporated, and
there must be both content-based standards and process-based standards, as the
three papers for which the physics track is designed (by the IBO) are based on both
standard types (but mostly knowledge/content-based).
The scope of the material must assume a two-year time frame for the DP Physics SL
track, and a three-year time frame for the DP Physics HL track. What this means is
that about one-half of the SL material must be presented in MYP Physics (or onethird of the HL material).
Each of the three physics courses has a single common element – the DP standards.
Therefore, these standards must be available at each of the three levels. This will
provide clear structure to both student and parent, and it will help teachers develop
and improve their own school-specific courses in physics, on a year-by-year basis
and in response to data from previous years. Not all of the DP standards will be used
at each level but they should all be available, so that by the end of the second year,
the Core material and two Options will have been covered, and by the end of the third
year, Core, Additional Higher Level and two Options will have been covered.
The names of the standards must be transparent, so that parents, students, teachers
and administrators know which standards apply to a particular Summative
Assessment (piece of evidence) and which primary body that standard is drawn from
(MYP, DP, NGS). Thus, standards from one body should not be “embedded” in a
standard from another body, and be given a name that is not in any body. If a piece of
evidence satisfies standards from more than one body, each body’s standard should
be reported with that evidence. A parent has a right to know when and where MYP,
NGSS and DP standards are being met through the complete two- or three-year
Sequencing must be flexible so physics instructors may not only choose Options, but
may choose when to teach them. For example, some of the Option material may be
covered in the MYP Physics class in order to satisfy NGSS. This flexibility is in the
spirit of the IB program which is meant to offer maximum flexibility to meet school,
instructor, and student needs. As a concrete example, an MYP Physics instructor
might want to satisfy the standard (NGSS-)PS1-8. Fission, fusion and radioactive
decay by satisfying the standard DP-7. Atomic, nuclear, and particle physics, or by
satisfying the standard DP-12. Quantum and nuclear physics. Allowing flexible
sequencing of the standards will respect the instructors’ professionalism, improve the
students’ learning, and foster a more empowered culture in the IB learning
Sequencing must be flexible so that differentiation can occur reflecting variations in a
school’s unique physics program (for example, HL Physics is / is not offered or it is
offered only after school, and some of the AHL material must be presented in both
the MYP and the SL classes – which is what I do at King).
Sequencing must be flexible so that differentiation can occur reflecting variations in
the student population (for example, sometimes “the class of 201X” is behind “the
Class of 201Y” for reasons like “Northwestern Academy closed and its students were
absorbed by Rufus King kicking and screaming” and MYP Physics must be covered
more slowly, or concepts from previous years must be reviewed during the secondand third-year courses).
The proposed standards for all three physics courses are shown below. Note that the
continuity and interrelatedness of the IB Physics track is maintained by the DP strand.
→MYP Physics contains the three bodies of standards: MYP, DP and NGS. The MYP
standards are process-based, while the DP and NGS standards are knowledge/contentbased. It is expected that MYP Physics students will have completed all of the NGS physics
standards during this first-year physics course, since this might be the only physics course
they ever take. It is also expected that MYP Physics students have completed about one-half
of the SL standards.
→DP Physics SL contains the three bodies of standards: DP, NGS, and IA (Internal
Assessment) with the qualification that the NGS standards could be removed. (The only
reason NGS is included is because a usually small proportion of the population of a typical
DP Physics SL class consists of 11th-graders, and review for the Next Generation test could
be incorporated into the course.) The IA standards are process-based, while the DP and NGS
standards are knowledge/content-based.
→DP Physics HL contains the two IB bodies of standards: DP and IA. The IA standards are
process-based, while the DP standards are knowledge/content-based.
The proposed standards for DP Physics SL:
The following table shows the Long Names (white cells) of the proposed DP Physics SL
Standards for course called IB DP Physics SL
NGSS-Specific – Content Standards*
DP Core, AHL, and Options – Content Stds
DP-1: Measurements and uncertainties
PS1-8: Fission, fusion, and radioactive decay
DP-2: Mechanics
DP-3: Thermal physics
PS2-1: Newton’s laws
DP-4: Waves
PS2-2: Momentum conservation
DP-5: Electricity and magnetism
PS2-3: Collisions
DP-6: Circular motion and gravitation
PS2-4: Gravitational and electric force
DP-7: Atomic, nuclear, particle physics
PS2-5: Magnetic field
DP-8: Energy production
PS2-6: Designed materials
DP-9: Wave phenomena
DP-10: Fields
PS3-1: Conservation of energy
DP-11: Electromagnetic induction
PS3-2: Kinetic and potential energy
DP-12: Quantum and nuclear physics
PS3-3: Energy conversion
DP-A: Relativity
PS3-4: Thermal energy transfer
DP-B: Engineering physics
PS3-5: Energy in fields
DP-C: Imaging
DP-D: Astrophysics
PS4-1: Wave properties
IA Internal Assessment – Process Standards PS4-2: Digital transmission
IA-PE: Personal engagement
PS4-3: Wave / particle duality
IA-EX: Exploration
PS4-4: Effects of radiation
IA-AN: Analysis
PS4-5: Waves and technology
IA-EV: Evaluation
IA-CO: Communication
*NGSS could be removed at this level:
General Science – Process Standards
Lab-T: Lab practices in topical area
Com-T: Communicate in topical area
Each Long Name has a direct reference to the body of standards from which it is drawn. As
previously stated, there should be complete transparency in the names of these many
standards that the sciences must incorporate into their reporting. Thus, DP-4. Waves, is
directly named from the IBO DP Physics Guide.
Note that I have included two other process-based standards under the General Science
category. The sciences are unique in that they have a practical lab aspect associated with
each topic. An instructor cannot just say “student can use lab equipment.” Rather, an
instructor should be able to say “student can use voltmeter” or “student can use triple-beam
balance” if so desired. This flexibility should be available for instructors if they want it. Aspects
such as lab safety, procedural expertise, and measurement are all included, and are all
topically unique. The standard Lab-T. Lab practices in the topical area is meant to address
this missing and significant element. This standard is both process- and content-based.
The other piece of the General Science category is the technical communication aspect
unique to the sciences. Creating effective oral, written, and visual scientific presentations
within each topical area, and demonstrating best practices in evaluating and understanding
observed presentations, is one of the most important skills that a student can get from a
science class and carry on into adulthood. Considering the exposure the general population
has to information in the realm of science, the standard Com-T. Communicate in the topical
area is meant to address this missing and significant element. This flexibility should be
available for instructors if they want it. This standard is both process- and content-based.
Both of these standards differ significantly from the IA standards IA-EX and IA-CO in that the
IA standards are cumulative, whereas the Lab-T and the Com-T standards are topic-specific.
Formatted standards for the course IB DP Physics SL.
NGS-specific standards. These standards are content-based, and drawn directly from the
NGSS Guide. They are included because second-year physics classes may be populated by
a small number of 11th-graders who will be taking the Next Generation test in April. They are
only present at this level to allow for review of the NGS standards, in the spirit of flexibility.
PS1-8: Fission, fusion, and radioactive decay
Develop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of the atom and
the energy released during the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay
PS1-8: Nuclear
PS2-1: Newton’s laws
Analyze data to support the claim that Newton’s second law of motion describes the
mathematical relationship among the net force on a macroscopic object, its mass, and its
PS2-1: Newton’s laws
PS2-2: Conservation of momentum
Use mathematical representations to support the claim that the total momentum of a system
of objects is conserved when there is no net force on the system
PS2-2: Momentum
PS2-3: Collisions
Apply scientific and engineering ideas to design, evaluate, and refine a device that minimizes
the force on a macroscopic object during a collision
PS2-3: Collisions
PS2-4: Gravitational and electric force
Use mathematical representations of Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Coulomb’s Law to
describe and predict the gravitational and electrostatic forces between objects
PS2-4: Gravity/electricity
PS2-5: Magnetic field
Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current can produce a
magnetic field and that a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current
PS2-5: Magnetism
PS2-6: Designed materials
Communicate scientific and technical information about why the molecular-level structure is
important in the functioning of designed materials
PS2-6: Materials
PS3-1: Conservation of energy
Create a computational model to calculate the change in the energy of one component in a
system when the change in energy of the other component(s) and energy flows in and out of
the system are known
PS3-1: Energy conservation
PS3-2: Kinetic and potential energy
Develop/use models to illustrate energy at macroscopic scale is combination of energy
associated with motions of particles (objects) and energy associated with relative position of
particles (objects)
PS3-2: Mechanical energy
PS3-3: Energy conversion
Design, build, and refine a device that works within given constraints to convert one form of
energy into another form of energy
PS3-3: Energy conversion
PS4-4: Thermodynamics
Plan/conduct investigation to provide evidence that when two components of different
temperature are combined in a closed system, transfer of thermal energy results in more
uniform energy distribution
PS4-4: Thermodynamics
PS3-5: Energy and forces in fields
Develop and use a model of two objects interacting through electric or magnetic fields to
illustrate the forces between objects and the changes in energy of the objects due to the
PS3-5: Fields
PS4-1: Wave properties
Use mathematical representations to support a claim regarding relationships among the
frequency, wavelength, and speed of waves traveling in various media
PS4-1: Waves
PS4-2: Digital transmission and storage of information
Evaluate questions about the advantages of using a digital transmission and storage of
PS4-2: Digital
PS4-3: Wave/particle duality
Evaluate claims/evidence/reasoning behind idea that electromagnetic radiation can be
described by a wave model or a particle model, and that for some situations one model is
more useful than other
PS4-3: Duality
PS4-4: The effects of electromagnetic radiation
Evaluate the validity and reliability of claims in published materials of the effects that different
frequencies of electromagnetic radiation have when absorbed by matter
PS4-4: Radiation
PS4-5: Waves and technology
Communicate technical information about how some technological devices use the principles
of wave behavior and wave interactions with matter to transmit and capture information and
PS4-5: Technology
DP-specific standards. These standards are content-based, and drawn directly from the IBO
DP Physics Guide. They are included because second-year physics is half of the two year
standard level track and one third of the three-year higher level track. The DP standards are
the single standard thread that runs through all three levels of IB Physics and as such must
be included to promote continuity, overall structure, and transparency in reporting.
DP-1: Measurements and uncertainties in physical systems
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
1.1.Measurements in physics, 1.2.Uncertainties and errors, and 1.3.Vectors and scalars
DP-1: Measurement
DP-2: Mechanics and Newton’s laws of motion
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
2.1.Motion, 2.2.Forces, 2.3.Work, energy and power, and 2.4.Momentum and impulse
DP-2: Mechanics
DP-3: Thermal physics
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to microscopic systems within the areas of:
3.1.Thermal concepts, and 3.2.Modeling a gas
DP-3: Thermal
DP-4: Waves
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
4.1.Oscillations, 4.2.Traveling waves, 4.3.Wave characteristics, 4.4.Wave properties, and
4.5.Standing waves
DP-4: Waves
DP-5: Electricity and magnetism
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
5.1.Electric fields, 5.2.Heating effects, 5.3.Cells, and 5.4.Magnetic effects
DP-5: E&M
DP-6: Circular motion and gravitation
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
6.1.Circular motion, and 6.2.Newton’s law of gravitation
DP-6: Circular motion
DP-7: Atomic, nuclear and particle physics
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
7.1.Discrete energy and radioactivity, 7.2.Nuclear reactions, and 7.3.The structure of matter
DP-7: Atomic and nuclear
DP-8: Energy production
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
8.1.Energy sources, and 8.2.Thermal energy transfer
DP-8: Energy production
DP-9: Wave phenomena
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
9.1.Simple harmonic motion, 9.2.Single-slit diffraction, 9.3.Interference, 9.4.Resolution, and
9.5.Doppler effect
DP-9: Wave phenomena
DP-10: Fields
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
10.1.Describing fields, and 10.2.Fields at work
DP-10: Fields
DP-11: Electromagnetic induction
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
11.1.Electromagnetic induction, 11.2.Power generation and transmission and
DP-11: Induction
DP-12: Quantum and nuclear physics
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
12.1.The interaction of matter with radiation, and 12.2: Nuclear physics
DP-12: Quantum/nuclear
DP-A: Relativity
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to fast/massive objects within the areas of:
A.1.The beginnings, A.2.Lorentz transformations, A.3.Spacetime diagrams, A.4.Mechanics,
and A.5.General
DP-A: Relativity
DP-B: Engineering physics
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to extended objects within the areas of:
B.1.Rotational dynamics, B.2.Thermodynamics, B.3.Fluid dynamics, and B.4.Forced
vibrations and resonance
DP-B: Engineering physics
DP-C: Imaging
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to physical systems within the areas of:
C.1.Introduction to imaging, C.2.Imaging instrumentation, C.3.Fiber optics, and C.4.Medical
DP-C: Imaging
DP-D: Astrophysics
Apply/adapt graphical and analytical methods to galaxies within the areas of: D.1.Stellar
quantities, D.2.Stellar evolution, D.3.Cosmology, D.4.Stellar processes, and D.5.Further
DP-D: Astrophysics
IA-specific standards. These standards are process-based, and drawn directly from the IBO
DP Physics Guide, specifically the Internal Assessment portion. They are included because
Internal Assessment is approximately 25% of a student’s IB grade.
IA-PE: Personal engagement
Personal engagement in the IA can be recognized in evidence of independent thinking,
creativity or initiative in the designing, implementation or presentation of the investigation
IA-PE: Personal
IA-EX: Exploration.
Scientific context for work is established, a clear/focused research question is stated. The
concepts, techniques, and safety/environmental/ethical considerations are appropriate to the
DP level
IA-EX: Explore
IA-AN: Analysis evidence for processing and interpreting the data.
The report provides evidence that the data has been selected, recorded, processed, and
interpreted in a way relevant to the research question and can support a conclusion
IA-AN: Analyze
IA-EV: Evaluation of the investigation and results
The report provides evidence of the evaluation of the investigation and the results with regard
to the research question and the accepted scientific context
IA-EV: Evaluate
IA-CO: Communication of focus/process/outcomes are effective
The investigation is presented and reported in a way that supports effective communication of
the focus, process, and outcomes
IA-CO: Communicate
General Science standards. These standards are both knowledge- and process-based, and
are drawn from 26 years of experience.
Lab-T: Lab practices in the topical area
Demonstrate proper and effective use and care of lab equipment, and understanding of lab
safety techniques within each topical area
Lab-T: Lab
Com-T: Communicate in the topical area
Create effective oral, written, and visual scientific presentations within each topical area, and
demonstrate best practices in evaluating and understanding observed presentations
Com-T: Communicate
Because of the unique position of the IB sciences in the MPS district, three overlapping
standards bodies (MYP, NGS, and DP) have to be incorporated into each three-year IB
science track. Of the three bodies, DP is the most important to the IB Diploma Program high
school, as it is a well-defined thread common to all three levels of each science track (MYP,
SL, and HL) and provides rational, seamless, and consistent structure to all three levels and
binds them together in a transparent continuum.
Because the spirit of IB permits and encourages flexibility in the design of both SL and HL
courses over two- and three-year time frames, respectively, the individual course standards
must be comprehensive to permit this flexibility. Thus, an MYP instructor will use a DP Core,
AHL or Option standard to satisfy one or more MYP or NGS standards, and a DP SL
instructor will use a Core, AHL or Option standard to satisfy a DP standard or an NGS
standard, or review first-year course DP standards.
Sequencing of the flexible IB DP science courses is only constrained by the following
considerations: 1) NGS standards are met by students by April of their 11th grade; 2)
Approximately one-half of the DP SL standards (and one-third of the DP HL standards) are
met by the end of the MYP year; 3) DP SL standards are met by May (or preferably early
April) at the end of a two-year time frame; and 4) PD HL standards are met by May (or
preferably early April) at the end of a three-year time frame.
These proposals can be found on my Wiki at on the
Standards page. I’ll keep them updated. The new Wiki will eventually contain complete
PowerPoint notes and other resources for IB physics teachers and students, just as my
current Wiki does (