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World History Parent Guide
Unit 1
Connecting Themes in World History
Unit Focus
This unit is designed to introduce students to the
eight themes that will feature prominently in the
World History course: Relating, location, culture,
governance, institutions, conflict, change and
continuity over time, movement and migration and
technological innovation to students.
Concepts Explored
Location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development.
Movement or migration of people and ideas affects all societies involved.
Impact of technology on our lives.
Change occurs over time, there is continuity to the basic structure of that
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested
Print Resource(suggested text only others may be used)
Newspaper and magazine articles pertaining to the eight theme discussed in the unit.
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
News stories pertaining to each theme:; New York Times:, and Atlanta Journal
World History Parent Guide
Unit 2
First Civilizations – Social Complexity and the Need for Order
Unit Focus
This unit is designed to examine the rise of early
civilizations and the emerging social complexity of
populous societies. Students will investigate how the
need for structures within society to provide order
and stability emerged. Activities will focus on relating
how and where civilizations developed through the
religious, cultural, economic, and political facets of
Concepts Explored
Development of early cultures
Impact of religion on the development of early societies
Complexity of government increases as a societies increase in complexity
Physical features of a region affect the development of the beliefs, customs and
traditions of that society
Migration and movement lead to cultural diffusion
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested resources.
Print Resource(suggested text only others may be used)
Trade Networks and Hierarchies, Authors: Geoffrey Hewings, Michael Sonis, and David Boyce
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
My Backpack – Modules and resources designed to help students obtain a better understanding of World History concepts.
World History Archives - The links are categorized by region, or you can search using keywords. The documents you find here can
help broaden your teen’s perspective on important world issues.
World History Parent Guide
Unit 3
Classical Empires
Unit Focus
This unit is designed to examine the origin, rise and
fall of the classical civilizations of India, China, Greece
and Rome. Students will examine the various cultural
mechanisms that these societies used to reach their
golden ages.
Concepts Explored
Factors that led to the rise and fall of the Maurya Empire, Zhou, and Qin Empire,
and the collapse of Rome.
Culture of a society is the product of the religion, beliefs, customs, traditions,
and government of that society.
Similarities and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism.
How the teachings of Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, and Christianity affect
the world
How the philosophical ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle impact their
How movement and migration of people and ideas resulted in societal change.
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested resources.
Print Resource(suggested text only others may be used)
Early Ancient China and Greece, Author: Steven Shankman
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
My Backpack – Modules and resources designed to help students obtain a better understanding of World History concepts.
World History Archives - The links are categorized by region, or you can search using keywords. The documents you find here can
help broaden your teen’s perspective on important world issues.
Site provides activities, resources, timelines, and other links to help students trace legacies of the Ancient Romans
World History Parent Guide
World History Parent Guide
Unit 4
Empires and Kingdoms –Growth and Expansion
Unit Focus
This unit is designed to examine the impact of the
Byzantine and Mongol Empires, the growth and
scholarly contributions of the Islamic Empire and the
diverse characteristics of African societies.
Concepts Explored
Emergence of conflicts between the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim World
How disagreements among Christians resulted in conflicting branches in their
How did the connection between trade, religious practice and political ties
impact the emerging Russian state?
How did Christianity become the official religion of Byzantium and in what ways
did the relationship between church and state affect the empire?
Migratory expansion and role of the of Mongol Empire
Actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through
intended and unintended consequences.
Growth and scholarly contributions of the Islamic Empire and diverse
characteristics of African societies.
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested resources.
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
My Backpack – Modules and resources designed to help students obtain a better understanding of World History concepts.
World History Archives - The links are categorized by region, or you can search using keywords. The documents you find here can
help broaden your teen’s perspective on important world issues.
Byzantine Empire -
Growth and contributions of the Islamic Empire -
Fordham – Collection of historical primary source documents and articles
World History Parent Guide
World History Parent Guide
Unit 5
Emergence of Modern Europe
Unit Focus
This unit will focus on social, political, economic, and
technological changes and how those changes
affected the growth of nations. Students will learn
how individuals impacted change and brought about
complexity in governance. The roles of the church and
government are introduced through the study of the
Renaissance and Reformation. This unit will show how
the role of leaders, religious ideas and new
innovations affected the future growth of Europe and
how this growth affected movement and migration.
Concepts Explored
How the introduction of new ideas, concepts, and beliefs lead to political,
economic, and social changes
Conflict within and/or between European societies resulted in change
Role of church and government during the Renaissance and Reformation
Actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through intended
and unintended consequences.
Positive and negative consequences of Renaissance and Reformation
How has exploration and migration been a product of economic, technological,
social, and political forces.
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested resources.
Print Resource(suggested text only others may be used)
Renaissance and Reformation: A History in Documents; Author: Mary Wiesner Hanks
Renaissance and Reformation, Author: William Estep
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used
My Backpack – Modules and resources designed to help students obtain a better understanding of World History concepts.
World History Archives - The links are categorized by region, or you can search using keywords. The documents you find here can
help broaden your teen’s perspective on important world issues.
Fordham – Search the historical texts related to key concepts in World History
Renaissance—Search areas for various aspects of the Renaissance and Reformation
World History Parent Guide
World History Parent Guide
Unit 6
The Emerging Global World
Unit Focus
In this unit, students will investigate certain
individuals, groups and institutions (famous
explorers, Ottoman rulers, and European scientists)
that played key roles in the development of the
modern world. Students will learn that location played
a crucial role in the development of the Muslim
heartlands and kept the cultures of the New and Old
Worlds apart before 1492. An investigation of the
movement and migration of plants, animals, humans
and diseases will enable students to see the impact of
the Columbian Exchange. The influence of Islam on the
Muslim heartland’s laws and art is discussed.
Concepts Explored
Analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas,
Africa, and Asia.
Examine the origins and contributions of the Ottoman, Saavid, and Mughal
Examine the intellectual, political, social, and economic factors that changed the
world view of Europeans.
How the actions of explorers like Zheng He, Vasco Da Gama, Christopher
Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook and Samuel de Champlain help
forge a global world.
How plants, animals, diseases and people transported during the Columbian
exchange create a much different world from what it was before 1492.
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested resources.
Print Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
The Ottoman Empire, Author: Stephen Turnbull
Early Explorers, Author: Ellen Mitten
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
History Channel – view videos of historical events –
My Backpack – Modules and resources designed to help students obtain a better understanding of World History concepts.
World History Archives - The links are categorized by region, or you can search using keywords. The documents you find here can
help broaden your teen’s perspective on important world issues.
World History Parent Guide
World History Parent Guide
Unit 7
Mounting Global Tensions
Unit Focus
This unit will focus on conflict and change that
occurred as a result of revolution and rebellions.
Identifying individuals, groups and institutions that
emerged identified and their role/contributions will
be examined. As people migrated due to political,
social, and economic reasons, the complexity of the
government also increases. Technological innovations
emerged as industrialization grew and expanded.
Concepts Explored
How the rise of nationalism impacted the world globally
Impact of population growth on various regions of Europe, China, Japan
and the Western World.
How technological changes have worldwide impact on future
How industrialization resulted in social, political, and economic changes.
Actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through
intended and unintended consequences.
Consequences of Enlightenment writings
How actions of various rulers resulted in change
As a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the
complexity of the government also increases
How imperialism changed the relationship countries previously experience.
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text/resources related to the unit content. Below you will find a few suggested
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
Enlightenment -
Hyperhistory - Timelines containing links to additional information on other history web sites related to a specific topic.
My Backpack – Modules and resources designed to help students obtain a better understanding of World History concepts.
World History Archives - The links are categorized by region, or you can search using keywords. The documents you find here can
help broaden your teen’s perspective on important world issues.
World History Parent Guide
World History Parent Guide
Unit 8 Title
The World at War
Unit Focus
This unit is designed to examine the causes and results of the
great conflicts of the first half of the 20th century, World War I
and World War II. Students will examine the causes of each
conflict, the nature of the technology, and strategic actions of
the war and the resulting accommodations made by victors and
the defeated.
Concepts Explored
Impact of the war on science, art, and social thinking.
How the forces of nationalism were increased by the
outcomes of World War I and World War II.
Long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.
Major political and economic factors that shaped world
societies between World War I and World War II.
As a society increases in complexity and interacts with
other societies, the complexity of the government also
increases (i.e., Battle of Verdun, Russia, Germany, and
Actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect
society through intended and unintended consequences
(i.e., collapse of Russia and Austria, fascism, Mohandas
Ghandi, Sun Yat Sen, and Mustafa Kemal Attaturk).
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text that that is directly correlated with the content in this unit. There are a
host of print and digital resources that are available for your child to read, as well as reliable online interactive sites that will help
your child understand the information.
World History Parent Guide
Print Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
The War to End All Wars : World War I, (Author, Freedmen)
World War One, (Author, Stone)
Stalin's Curse : Battling for Communism in War and Cold War, (Author, Gellately)
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
Georgia Virtual Learning – My Backpack) – Online learning modules with content, quizzes, and projects aligned to the World
History standards (Username and password should be obtained from the teacher).
Resources on the collapse of Russia -
This sites contains videos and information regarding the world wars and significant people and events during the time period
World History Parent Guide
Unit 9 Title
The Contemporary World
Unit Focus
Concepts Explored
Unit Focus:
In this unit, students will explore conflict and change as well as
examine how different regions of the world adapt to the issues
of the modern times; how the world has become more
interdependent as a result of movement and migration; and the
impact technological innovation on transportation,
communication, and other key concepts.
How the movement or migration of people or ideas
affects all people involved (i.e., Jews moving to Palestine
after WWII, terrorism, nationalist movements
contribution to conflict, and access to instantaneous
Change is the result of conflict: how revolutionary
movements in India, China and Africa after WWII resulted
in change; creation of the state of Israel and conflict; and
how the struggle for freedom created change in South
Africa, China, and East Germany.
How the role of ethnic conflict in the former Yugoslavia
and Rwanda engendered genocide in those countries.
Intended and unintended consequences of technological
innovation for a society
How You Can Support Your Child
You can support your child by providing them quality text that is directly correlated with the content in this unit. There are a host of
print and digital resources that are available for your child to read, as well as reliable online interactive sites that will help your child
understand the information.
World History Parent Guide
Print Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
Globalization (Author: Manfred Steger)
Newspaper articles on terrorism impacting the U.S. today
Digital Resources (suggested text only others may be used)
Current events from New York Times and
Georgia Public Broadcasting Learning Media - Interactive history resources -
Links to Learning World History Resources – Information and games pertaining to each standard Georgia Virtual Learning – (My Backpack) – Online learning modules with content, quizzes, and projects aligned to the World
History standards (Username and password should be obtained from the teacher).
This sites contains videos and information regarding the world wars and significant people and events during the time period