Download Kamalei Correa Exam 1 1) Did Early Americans have control over

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Kamalei Correa Exam 1
1) Did Early Americans have control over their environment? Why or why not? List 5 factors
support your argument.
- Early Americans were not familiar with their environment upon reaching North America. Due
to this they, could not really cultivate and had a scarce food supply. Many settlers died during
this time due to the harsh winter conditions and lack of nutrition. Therefore it is quite apparent
that without the help of Native Americans, these newly settled Americans would have no chance
at controlling their environment.
2) Compare and contrast Asian migrations to America with the European and African
migrations. What were those reasons? List 5 reasons each to demonstrate their uniqueness.
- Africa and Asia were cradles for the more advanced civilizations of the ancient world. Wheat
was to Asia and Africa, what corn was to the Southern Native Americans. Competition for crops
and farming space increased warfare between farming tribes and hunting tribes, and farming
tribes and farming tribes. The winners got the best territory and choice land, the losers were
pushed out. The one barrier that contained Europe had always been the Atlantic Ocean. The first
European explorers, the Vikings, brought back with them tales of lands and peoples to the west.
It was these tales that inspired meetings between Asian and European civilizations.
3) Were European rivalries during the late 1400s more religious or economic? List 5 factors that
support your answer.
- European rivalries during the late 1400’s were more economic if anything. At this time
countries began to expand in order to find more effective trade routes that would allow for faster
travel time and enable traders to get from one continent to another in a shorter period of time.
Countries in Europe wanted an advantage over others thus causing strong rivalries and uneasy
tension between countries.
4) Compare and contrast the English and Spanish reasons for colonizing America. Which nation
created a better colonial structure: Great Britain or Spain? Give 5 facts as evidence to support
your answer.
- English reasons for colonizing America was for more land and Spanish reasons were also for
more Land but the Spanish went mainly for the food and spices the English wanted it for trade
routes over land and not sea and they wanted to explore more. The Nation that created the greater
colonial structure was Great Britain. Spanish got spices from America when they went to explore
they brought back spices, noodles, and Material.
5) Name 5 ways that “prosperity undermined Puritanism”. Why was this a significant shift in
colonial culture?
- Puritans crops weren’t worth selling because Europe grew the same crops. they ate well with
lots of meat, had expansive firewood, the seasons were short and they were careless.
6) Demonstrate how colonists reshaped the concept of democracy to suit the needs of their
world. Include 5 pieces of evidence in your answer.
- Colonist had received authority from charter, regulated how people behaved, taxes supported
clergy, Quakers couldn’t practice faith, and death penalty for adultery and blasphemy.
7) Define mercantilism. Did mercantilism justify having colonies according to the British?
- Mercantilism was a theory which stated the colonies existence of supplying countries with
goods that could not be produced at home, also to purchase goods with gold or silver, and they
would allow themselves to be broken down in any way for the assistance of the home country
which was England.
8) Was the Enlightenment’s effect in America as impacting as its effect in Europe? Why and
- The Enlightenment had many impacts in America. There were many great discoveries and new
ideas in religion and government. Many educated church members left orthodox churches and
formed the Unitarian church or followed Deism.
9) For whom was the Declaration of Independence written: rich or poor? List 5 evidence points
to prove your argument. (Suggestion: Use key points from the Declaration of Independence itself
to help your answer.)
- The declaration of Independence theory states the colonies existed to supply Countries with raw
goods that could not be produced at home, to purchase the goods with gold or silver, and they
would allow themselves to be exploited in any way for the benefit of the home country, which
was England.
10) Was the “Shot Heard Around the World” more significant for American History or for
History? List 5 pieces of evidence to support your answer.
- The shot heard around the world was most important in world history, because it is now used as
a common term. It was also used when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed causing the world
to plunge into World War 1. I feel that it is more significant to world matters, because it helped
to shape American and make it the great nation it is today, thus affecting the rest of the world
power countries and worldwide trade.
Essay #2: Was the American Revolution rooted in class struggle?
- The American Revolution was the struggle that dealt with the controls of Great Britain.
Similar to that revolution, they were trained to believe that they’re new patriots such as George
Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Sam Adams, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, James Otis,
and the sons of liberty. In reality there were two American Revolutions. The revolution against
British command by Americans and the uprising against rich American traders and supporters by
the common people of America.My opinion is that the American Revolution was not rooted in a
class struggle because the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution were class struggles.
The American Revolution was a war for independence from a severe power that was demanding
the weak colonies unfairly and unreasonably. It was fought for America's independence. A
revolution is a complaint about the society, which happened in France, but in America the thing
that changed in every day life was the raising in taxes.