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Wk 5 Notes
Endurance / 14 Mins @ 80 RPM or 5.2
Record Weight on Friday / Record Heart Rate on Friday / Log Book Everyday
Resistance Training (Page 9,10 in Notebook)
a. Resistance training (lifting) is necessary for muscular devel for fitness, health enhancement
b. Resistance exercise complements aerobic forms of exercise
c. Both resistance training AND cardio training are required for well-rounded conditioning program
d. WT is only way to slow or reverse declines in muscle mass, bone density, strength
e. Body has 600 muscles and 65 percent above waist
f. Use it or lose it mister!!
g. Declining stimulation = shrinking / weakened muscles
Health Benefits of RT
a. Srength Training increases muscle mass and decreases fat content
b. Muscle tissue burns fat quicker than fat!
Anaerobic Exercise
a. Strength exercises are anaerobic (without oxygen)
b. High intensity physical activities which oxygen demand is above the level that can be supplied
during performance
Muscular Strength
a. MS is the max force that a muscle can exert in a single contraction
b. It’s best developed by some form of progressive resistance training
c. MS is best developed through high-intensity exercise
d. Lifting heavy loads, fewer times to fatigue produces larger gains than lighter loads, many times
e. Rep = on lift from start to completion. 10 reps = 1 set
f. Research shows that MS, muscle mass, and muscle endurance may be developed simultaneously
by selecting a weight that supplies enough resistance to do minimum of 8 but no more than 12
i. Such weight = 60 to 80 percent of your max
ii. Each set must go to muscle fatigue (not failure! = injury and loss of form)
Muscle contraction and Resistance Training
a. Either static or dynamic
b. Static = no movement (holding a baby, carrying groceries)
c. Dynamic = movement (isotonic training, variable resistance training, free weight training)
d. Circuit training = development of several fitness dimensions (strength, mass, endurance, cardio)
Muscular Endurance
a. Repeated muscular force against submaximal resistance
b. 50 sit ups
c. Walking up 10 flights of stairs
d. 25 reps of free weights
e. Lots of reps and less weight
f. Rest period = short (30 seconds is MAX!!!)
Principles of Resistance Training
a. FITT Principle!! Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type!
Overload and Progression
i. Overload = muscles must be subjected to greater resistance as they adapt to previous
ii. Overload applied by increasing amount of weight lifted or number of sets and reps or by
decreasing rest time
i. The type of training = the type of muscle development
ii. Lots weight, less reps = strength
iii. Less weight, more reps = endurance
iv. Max weights, 1-3 reps = power lifting, size
i. Imp component of resistance training because muscles plateau after 3 to 4 months
under same training stimulus
ii. Variation occurs by manipulating sets, reps, rest, intensity, free weights vs machines