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Name ____________________________________________
Period __________________
English 10
Word Roots: Quiz #6
Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition.
1. _____ 14._______________________ a) too small to be seen by the naked eye
2. _____ 15._______________________ b) the study of minute forms of life
3. _____ 16._______________________ c) small world; a miniature copy of a larger
4. _____ 17._______________________ d) instrument for accurately measuring small
5. _____ 18._______________________ e) picture or drawing of something seen through
a microscope
Directions: Match the root, prefix, or suffix with its definition.
6. _____ bio
a) small
7. _____ cosm
b) life
8. _____ graph
c) look, view
9. _____ meter
d) measure
10. _____ micro
e) universe, harmony
11. _____ scop
f) study of, science
12. _____ -ic
g) like, related to
13. _____ -ology
h) write, written
Name ____________________________________________
Period __________________
English 10
Word Roots: Quiz #6
Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its definition.
1. _____ 14._______________________
a) too small to be seen by the naked eye
2. _____ 15._______________________
b) the study of very small forms of life
3. _____ 16._______________________
c) small world; a miniature (very small) copy
of a larger whole
d) instrument for correctly measuring small
e) picture or drawing of something seen
through a microscope
4. _____ 17._______________________
5. _____ 18._______________________
Directions: Match the root, prefix, or suffix with its definition.
6. _____ bio
a. small
7. _____ cosm
b) life
8. _____ graph
c) look, view
9. _____ meter
d) measure
10. _____ micro
e) universe, harmony
11. _____ scop
f) study of, science
12. _____ -ic
g) like, related to
13. _____ -ology
h) write, written