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2009 年秋动物生理学试题(B 卷)
一、名词解释(20 分)
1. Slow wave (Basic electrical rhythm)
2. enteric nervous system
3. Cholecystokinin (CCK)
4. Indirect calorimetry
5. motor unit
二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)
1. Where does most of the digestive process take place?
A. small intestine B. large intestine C. stomach D. all of the above
2. What does the liver do to help digestion?
A. makes important enzymes B. neutralizes stomach acid C. produces bile D. regulates insulin
3. The enzyme in saliva helps to digest:
A. starch
B. proteins
c. fats
D. meat
4. The gastric juice produced in the stomach contains mucus, hydrochloric acid, and:
A. bile
B. lipase
C. chyme
D. pepsinogen
5. The organ that stores and releases bile into the small intestine is the:
A. gall bladder
B. pancreas
C. liver
D. colon
6. Regarding the control of gastric secretion:
A. Gastric acid is secreted by parietal cells of the gastric glands
B. Most of the secretion occurs during the intestinal phase of gastric secretion.
C. Gastric secretion does not begin until food enters the stomach.
D. Secretin secreted by the duodenum stimulates gastric secretion.
7. Transmission of excitation from preganglionic to postganglionic neuron of sympathetic nerve is mediated by.
A. epinephrine B. norepinephrine
C. acetylcholine
D. 5-HT
8. Which of the following events would NOT be expected to decrease glomerular filtration rate?
A. urinary tract obstruction by renal stones
B. increase of serum albumin concentration
C. increase in arterial blood pressure from 100mmHg to 120mmHg
D. increased activity of the renal sympathetic nerves
9. The kidney engages in all of the following activities except:
A. secrete a hormone which assists in blood pressure regulation
B. eliminate nitrogenous wastes
C. secrete a hormone which increases red blood cell production
E. secrete a hormone which increases the absorption of glucose from the digestive tract
10. In a normal person, almost all of the glucose in the filtrate is transported back into the body's cells in this
A. glomerular capsule
B. proximal convoluted tubule
C. collecting duct
D. distal convoluted tubule
11. When blood pressure drops, the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney secrete the enzyme renin, which
indirectly results in:
A. an increase of arterial blood pressure.
B. an increase in the glomerular filtration rate.
C. a loss of sodium.
D. a loss of glucose
12. The collecting duct is able to concentrate urine mainly because:
A. it is permeable to NaCl but not water
B. it actively transports water
C. the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid in the medulla is higher than that in the cortex
D. hydrostatic pressure(静水压) forces water out of the duct
13. During synaptic excitation:
A. the post-synaptic membrane hyperpolarizes.
B. the EPSPs are all or none in nature.
C. the EPSPs can summate.
D. after an EPSP the postsynaptic cell passes through a refractory period.
14. Steroid hormones such as aldosterone:
A. bind to nuclear receptors to regulate gene expression.
B. activate G protein cascades.
C. activate receptors on the cell membrane.
D. directly regulate protein synthesis.
15. Regarding reflexes:
A. a monosynaptic reflex arc involves one or more interneurons.
B. the knee jerk reflex is an example of a stretch reflex.
C. interneurons are the final common path for all reflexes.
D. withdrawal reflexes are lost following cervical section of the spinal cord.
16. Regarding the role of muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs:
A. muscle spindles measure the tension of skeletal muscle.
B. Golgi tendon organs measure the length of skeletal muscles.
C. muscle spindles receive both afferent and efferent nerve fibers.
D. muscle spindles are only of importance in the regulation of posture.
17. When the osmolality of the blood increases:
A.. ADH secretion is decreased in response
B. water reabsorption in kidney tends to increase in response
C. both occur
D. neither occur
18. Regarding the electroencephalogram (EEG):
A. the normal EEG of an awake person is dominated by  waves.
B. during sleep the EEG is always dominated by  waves.
C. the frenquency of  waves is higher than  waves
D. the EEG can be used to monitor the health of the brain.
19. Regarding hypothalamic control of pituitary function.
A. All the hypothalamic hormones are synthesized and secreted by neurons.
B. Blood flows from the anterior pituitary to the hypothalamus in the portal vessels.
C. The hypothalamic releasing hormones reach the general circulation in significant amounts.
D. Loss of dopaminergic neurons in the hypothalamus is likely to lead to a fall in the secretion of prolactin.
20. Regarding the functions of the posterior pituitary gland.
A. The posterior pituitary gland secretes growth hormone.
B. The posterior pituitary secretes epinephrine
C. Vasopressin regulates the uptake of water by the cells of the collecting duct
D. Oxytocin stimulates milk production.
三、填空题(每空 1 分,共 30 分)
1. Pancreatic juice has a pH of __________ and contain s a high level of __________.
2. Pancreatic secretion is under neural and humoral control, mainly ____________.
3. Gallstone is caused by excessive accumulation of substances, mainly _______, which settle out to form a ball
or stone.
4. The motility of small intestine has three forms, they are __________, _________, and ____________.
5. The three steps of urine formation are __________, __________, and_______________.
6. The filtration membrane consists of 3 layers, they are _______________, basement membrane, and
7. When arterial presssure increase from 80 and 130mmHg, the renal blood flow will _______.
8. The structure responsible for lectrical synaptic transmission is ___________.
9. 中枢神经系统中与体温调节有关的温度敏感神经元位于_______。
10. 视锥细胞主要分布在视网膜_____处,而视杆细胞主要分布在视网膜_____部。
15. 在肌梭内部, 中间是___________, 两端是收缩区, 感受装置与收缩装置成________关系.
16. 脑干网状结构中的抑制肌紧张的区域位于延髓网状结构的_____,体来说,脑干的网状结构的
17.Lligands which can bind to receptors specifically, include _____and ________.
四、问答题(选做 3 题,共 30 分)