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The Seven Years War/ American Revolutionary War of Independence/ War of 1812
Write the number of the paragraph in the appropriate space on the graph below …
1. The British Royal Navy established a blockade of France along the coast in order to
provoke the French Navy and disrupt the French economy. As a result, Americans
cannot trade with France and they are hurt economically as well. Cause 1812
French expansion in North America conflicted with British interests in fur trade and
colonization. Cause 7 Year
3. By the Treaty of Ghent the United States are forever prohibited from making claims on
territories north of the 49th parallel. The geographic identity of Canada is determined
from this time forward. Aftermath 1812
4. All colonists in North America are British subjects. Aftermath 7 Year
5. The thirteen colonies were not allowed to produce and/ or sell manufactured goods and
were therefore forced to depend on British manufactured goods. Cause American Rev.
6. First Treaty of Paris grants French controlled territories in North America to Britain.
Aftermath 7 Year
7. People in the “13 colonies” were frustrated with British taxation. Cause American Rev.
8. The states begin to “industrialize” and manufacture. One of their first European markets
was France, who contributed militarily to the War of Independence. Aftermath American
9. Upper Canadians start thinking seriously about westward expansion. Aftermath 1812
10. Approximately 100, 000 people leave the states for the British North American colonies.
As a result the colonies became even more ethnically diverse and the English-speaking
population of Quebec now outweighed the French-speaking population. Aftermath
American Rev.
11. With the exception of Nova Scotia, colonies along the eastern seaboard rebel in 1776.
With the help of the continental army the “13 colonies” become separate, but united
states in the Americas. Aftermath American Rev.
12. Americans believe they are destined to control all of North America and that God wishes
it so. The “Louisiana Purchase” encourages this philosophy known as “Manifest
Destiny.” Cause 1812
13. By the second Treaty of Paris, The United States of America forms its first Congress
(Senate and House of Representatives) March 4, 1789, the first year of Washington’s
presidency. Aftermath American Rev.
14. Captains of the British Royal Navy board American vessels looking for deserters.
American Captains who refuse to cooperate with impressments are fired upon. Cause
15. Colonists have no political representation in London and therefore have no means of
working towards reform. Cause American Rev.
16. Quebec is divided into two separate halves “Upper” and “Lower Canada,” differentiating
the English speaking population from the French-speaking and those who live up the St.
Lawrence from those who live down river. Aftermath American Rev.
17. British North American colonial militias and the aboriginal allies represent 3/5 of the
force available to Brock to defend Upper and Lower Canada. These forces are ultimately
successful in holding off the American invaders. The collective experience gives rise to a
sense of nationhood. Aftermath 1812
7 Years War
5, 7, 15
4, 6
American Revolution
8, 10, 11, 13, 16
War of 1812
1, 12, 14
3, 9, 17