Download Tests for Sick Birds - Ark Veterinary Centre

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Why do tests on my bird?
Birds are very good at hiding illness. Tests are used in conjunction with the findings of a physical
examination and presenting history. Your veterinary surgeon may need certain tests for further insight into
the bird’s problem or for early detection of various disease conditions. This will assist in the diagnosis and
treatment of the ailment. Diagnostic tests are also used to evaluate or monitor the progress a patient is
making during treatment of disease. Note that anaesthesia may be used for certain tests since the stress of
restraining a bird can be far greater that a short anaesthetic.
What tests can be done on a bird?
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Blood can be collected many ways from a bird. Your veterinary surgeon may clip a cleaned toenail short or
utilise one of your bird’s blood vessels to safely and easily obtain the sample needed with little stress to the
bird. Only a small amount of blood is needed in most cases.
The CBC is an in depth evaluation of the red blood cells and the 5 types of white blood cells. Different
diseases may affect the number, morphology (shape and structure) and percentage distribution of the various
types of blood cells in the bird. There is so much potential information in this quick, simple test. It is a
common screening test for birds. Certain blood parasites may be detected during this test.
Clinical Chemistry
With the serum (fluid portion) from the same sample of blood, a multitude of tests will reveal data used to
assess the biochemical condition of a patient. Numerous enzymes and products of metabolism are evaluated.
Different organs such as the liver and kidney can be assessed.
Gram Stain
This is a commonly used diagnostic tool for your bird’s veterinary surgeon. A variety of samples frequently
tested include the faeces (your birds droppings), vomit (crop contents), throat, eye and nose discharges and
pus. These specimens are carefully mounted on a microscope slide and treated with a series of special stains.
This test is used to detect the presence, or lack of, bacteria and yeast. Bacteria are identified along with
their shape, size and number. Since there are bacteria occurring naturally in many samples collected from
the body, your veterinary surgeon will use his/her knowledge to determine which organisms are supposed to
be present and those that need treating. Further testing may be important for positive identification. This is
a quick test and is also be used to follow the progress of a patient.
Bacterial Culture and Sensitivity
Bacteria play an important role in many diseases found in birds. Special sterile swabs are used to carefully
collect samples from the digestive tract, reproductive tract, respiratory system, eyes, nose, ears, skin, sores
and other tissues. The laboratory will take the sample and attempt to grow, isolate and specifically identify
any disease causing organisms (bacteria or fungi). The next step is to test these disease causing agents
(pathogens) and determine which antibiotics (antibacterial only) will work against the organism and those
that have no affect or are resistant. This test takes several days but its results allow the veterinary surgeon
to treat with greater specificity.
Parasites may be found externally or internally in the digestive tract, respiratory tract and blood or
circulatory system. Various techniques are utilised to diagnose the problem. Mites and lice may be
visualised unaided (for those with good eyes) or may require skin scraping samples to be collected and
examined under the microscope. The intestinal parasites such as roundworms and Giardia, are detected using
faecal floatation and direct smear procedures. Actual adult worms are very seldom passed in the droppings
and therefore rarely detected by the owner.
The urine is the liquid part of a bird’s dropping and under most normal circumstances there will be little or
none to evaluate. With certain disease processes enough urine may be passed and carefully collected to assess
the cellular and biochemical components. Certain diseases such as diabetes can be detected.
Radiographs provide invaluable internal information regarding bones, vital organs, respiratory system, soft
tissue masses and foreign bodies in the bird.
Changes in density, size, shape and relationship of organs and
tissues are examined. Some birds may need an anaesthetic to safely obtain quality radiographs.
Certain tissues or fluid samples are carefully mounted on a microscope slide and treated with a series of
special stains (different from Gram Stains). These are then examined by the veterinary surgeon or sent to a
veterinary pathologist to gather more information leading to a diagnosis.
Tissues removed surgically may be sent to the laboratory where a veterinary pathologist will carefully prepare
the sample for examination under the microscope. These highly trained vets will specifically identify the
disease process present and may provide information useful for a prognosis.
Various samples can be used to detect the presence of particular viruses and may be used to determine the
underlying cause of a disease.
Chlamydiosis or Psittacosis Test
Faecal samples, cloacal (vent) swabs, tissue or blood samples are employed in several different tests currently
used to attempt to diagnose chlamydiosis.
Post-mortem or necropsy
Despite all efforts and care, not all patients can be saved. The final diagnostic procedure is the post mortem
or necropsy. It is best performed as close to the time of death as possible. During this examination samples
may be collected to facilitate many of the tests previously described. Valuable information pertaining to cause
of death and confirmation of the suspected diagnosis will be revealed. With this data important decisions may
be made regarding other birds in the same house. Much is learned at this time and it may even help other
birds in the future.
Ark Veterinary Centre