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Chemistry Review
1. Matter – anything that occupies space and has mass (everything)
2. Mass – quantity of matter (doesn’t depend on gravity)
3. Element – pure substance/ can’t be broken down
4. 3 states of matter – solid, liquid, gas
5. Common elements of life (90%) C, H, O, N
6. 3 parts of atom – proton +, neutron, electron –
7. 1st energy level – 2 electrons
8. 2nd energy level – 8 electrons
9. Number of protons – different for each element
10. Number of neutrons – varies/ isotopes
11. atomic # (# protons)
atomic mass (avg. # neutrons + protons)
12. Compound – 2 or more elements
13. Why atoms form chemical bonds – fill outer energy level
Noble gases
C – 4 outer electrons to offer
O – 6 outer (needs 2)
CO2 – each oxygen receives 2 outer electrons
14. Ionic bond – gain or lose electrons + or – charge
15. Compounds in solution – separate into ions (elements with a charge)
16. Covalent bond – share electrons
17. Chemical equation – How much of each atom of each element combine
18. Enzymes
a. Catalyst in a living system
b. Most are proteins
c. Enzymes fit with substrates (substance being catalyzed)
d. Weakens chemical bonds/ decreases energy needed for chem. Reactions
e. Enzyme unchanged/ can be used many times
f. Enzymes require a stable temp and pH