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Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
Skills Worksheet
Directed Reading 5-2
Section: Identifying Minerals
_____ 1. Mineralogists are scientists who
a. study the weather.
b. examine, analyze, and classify the weather.
c. examine, analyze, and classify minerals.
d. examine, analyze, and classify animals.
_____ 2. Mineralogists identify minerals by
a. using special equipment.
b. finding similar minerals in books.
c. studying properties of the weather.
d. studying the properties of minerals.
_____ 3. Each mineral has specific properties that are a result of
a. scientific theory.
b. crystals in its chemicals.
c. chemical composition and crystalline structure.
d. specialized equipment.
_____ 4. What is one property of a mineral that is easy to observe?
a. magnetism
c. weight
b. size
d. color
_____ 5. Color alone is generally
a. a reliable clue for identifying a mineral sample.
b. not a reliable clue for identifying a mineral sample.
c. the best way of identifying a mineral sample.
d. not a clue for identifying a mineral sample.
_____ 6. What is true of mineral color?
a. It takes large amounts of certain elements to affect color.
b. Very small amounts of certain elements may greatly affect color.
c. Many minerals are dissimilar in color.
d. All minerals are similar in color.
_____ 7. What is corundum?
a. yellow pyrite with traces of fool’s gold
b. a bluish mineral composed of aluminum and carbon atoms
c. a colorless mineral composed of aluminum and oxygen atoms
d. amethyst with traces of chromium
Original content Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minerals of Earth’s Crust
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
Directed Reading continued
_____ 8. What is corundum with traces of chromium, Cr?
a. a red gem called diamond
b. a red gem called sapphire
c. a red gem called ruby
d. a red gem called garnet
_____ 10. What is another reason that color is unreliable in identifying minerals?
a. Color is not a significant property of minerals.
b. Most minerals are basically the same color.
c. Weathered surfaces may hide the color of minerals.
d. Minerals and elements are basically the same color.
_____ 12. The easiest way to observe the streak of a mineral is to
a. rub some of the mineral against a streak plate.
b. rub two pieces of the mineral together.
c. rub the mineral on paper.
d. use rubbing compound to make it shine.
_____ 13. What is true of the streak’s color?
a. It is almost always the same as the mineral in solid form.
b. It may differ from the color of the mineral in solid form.
c. It may differ from the color of the mineral in liquid form.
d. It is never accurate, but scientists still use it.
_____ 14. What kind of streak do metallic minerals generally have?
a. silver
b. neutral or no streak
c. dark
d. very light
15. Describe the streak of most nonmetallic minerals.
16. What is luster?
17. What is metallic luster?
Original content Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minerals of Earth’s Crust
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
In the space provided, write the letter of the description that best matches the term
or phrase.
_____ 18. glassy luster
_____ 19. waxy luster
_____ 20. pearly luster
_____ 21. brilliant luster
_____ 22. dull or earthy luster
a. diamond, for example
b. mineral that lacks any shiny appearance
c. transparent quartz and other minerals
that look like glass
d. minerals such as mica
e. minerals that have the appearance of
candle wax
23. What is cleavage?
24. Where does a mineral break when it has cleavage?
25. What is fracture in minerals?
29. What is the Mohs hardness scale?
31. What are the softest and hardest minerals on the Mohs hardness scale?
32. How would you use the Mohs hardness scale to test an unknown mineral?
Original content Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minerals of Earth’s Crust
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
33. What does a diamond’s hardness result from?
34. Why does a mineral always have the same basic crystal system?
41. What can cause the six basic crystal shapes to become more complex?
42. How would a piece of galena feel compared with a piece of quartz of the same
44. On what does the density of a mineral depend?
45. What are the densities of most of the common minerals in Earth’s crust?
_____ 46. What color is calcite in ordinary light?
a. white
b. red
c. blue
d. violet
_____ 47. What color does calcite appear to be in ultraviolet light?
a. white
b. red
c. blue
d. violet
Original content Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minerals of Earth’s Crust
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
_____ 48. Minerals with the property of fluorescence
a. absorb ultraviolet light and then produce invisible light of a single
b. reflect ultraviolet light and then produce visible light of various
c. reflect ultraviolet light and then produce invisible light of various
d. absorb ultraviolet light and then produce visible light of various
_____ 51. Chatoyancy is the
a. silky appearance some minerals display in ultraviolet light.
b. silky appearance some minerals display in reflected light.
c. soft appearance some minerals display in phosphorescent light.
d. foggy appearance some minerals display in deflected light.
_____ 52. What is chatoyancy also called?
a. cat-and-mouse effect
b. catnip effect
c. cat’s-cradle effect
d. cat’s-eye effect
_____ 54. What is asterism?
a. a phenomenon in which a six-sided star shape appears when a
mineral reflects light
b. a phenomenon in which a five-sided star shape appears when a
mineral absorbs light
c. a phenomenon in which a four-sided shape appears when a mineral
reflects light
d. a phenomenon in which a square appears in a mineral
_____ 55. What happens to light rays as they pass through transparent minerals?
a. They straighten out.
b. They bend.
c. They are absorbed.
d. They are reflected.
57. Describe the property called double refraction.
58. What causes double refraction to occur?
Original content Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minerals of Earth’s Crust
Name ______________________________ Class ___________________ Date __________________
59. Magnets may attract small particles of some minerals that contain which
61. From what conditions does radioactivity result?
62. List two radioactive elements.
63. What is the most common mineral that contains uranium?
Original content Copyright © Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor.
Holt McDougal Earth Science
Minerals of Earth’s Crust