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Melanie Bailey Mills, Ph.D.
[email protected]
May 1990
Doctor of Philosophy in Interpersonal & Public Communication
Bowling Green State University (Ohio)
Dissertation: A cultural study on the lifestyle of long haul truckers
August 1982
Master of Arts in Interpersonal & Public Communication
Bowling Green State University (Ohio)
June 1981
Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication
University of Toledo (Ohio)
August 1985present
Eastern Illinois University, Communication Studies Department
Tenure awarded in 1991, Full Professor in 1997, PAIs awarded in
2004 & 2012
August 1984August 1985
Bowling Green State University, Interpersonal & Public
Communication Department, Director of Forensics (4th place
national team)
Graduate teaching assistant & forensics coach
August 1981May 1984
January 1984June 1985
University of Toledo, Speech Communication Department
Part-time adjunct faculty
TEACHING EXPERIENCE (*courses taught at undergraduate and graduate levels)
Public Speaking (honors), Group Communication*, Introduction to Communication
Theory (both in small class & large lecture formats), Theories of Human
Communication*, Persuasion, Language & Human Behavior*, Interview & Conference,
Organizational Communication (4 levels, including two introductory courses, a capstone
simulation, and graduate seminar)*, Conflict Management, Interpersonal
Communication*, Leadership Theories*, Gender & Communication*, Communication
in Health Professions (interdisciplinary team taught course), Applied Health
Communication*, Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods*, Seminar in
Contemporary Rhetoric*, Rhetorical Criticism*, Women, Men & Culture (women’s
studies), The Changing World of Women (general education senior seminar), Seminar in
Social Interaction*, Occupational Cultures* Identity and Image Management
Have directed or served on thesis committees for over 75 students at EIU
National Communication Association (NCA), Lifetime member
“It’s a way of life” Award committee
Reader, Social Construction Division
Reader, Ethnography Division
1999, 2000, 2002,
Planner, Ethnography Pre-conference
(two day meetings off-site)
Secretary, Ethnography Division
2005, 2007, 2008
Nominating Committee, Ethnography
Popular Culture/American Culture Associations (PCA/ACA)
Campus Coordinator
Area Chair, Organizational & Occupational
Culture, Professions in Literature & Culture
Central States Communication Association (CSCA)
Outstanding new teacher award committee
2008- present
Reader, Women’s Caucus
Reviewer, Communication Studies Journal
Reader, Communication Theory
Reader, Organizational & Professional
Chair, Org. & Prof. Comm.
The Kenneth Burke Society (charter member)
The Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, &
Gender (OSCLG)
Women & Language Journal, Editorial Board 2010-2012
Western States Communication Association (WSCA)
Reviewer, Western Journal of Communication
Ethnographic & Qualitative Research in Education (EQRE)
Reviewer, Iowa Communication Journal (special issues on
Member, International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI)
Regular reviewer for: Human Relations, Health Communication,
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, Women
& Language, & Management Communication Quarterly Journals
“Femnogs & Friends Remember Gory & Nick “(tribute panel to Nick Trujillo with the
FemNogs) for NCA 2013 in Washington D.C.
“Isolated, Irrelevant, Impotent, and Ignored: Healing Fractured Connections Through and
in Ethnographic Inquiry” for NCA 2013
“Sight-Seeing: Considering Vision Metaphors as Points of (Dis)Missed Connection” for
NCA 2013
"Work with me, the surgeon only does eyes on Mondays" on the panel, Negotiating from
all Sides of the Professional-Personal Periphery: A Collection of Stories from these
Margins for OSCLG 2013 in Houghton, MI
“Automythography as Method and Pedagogical Practice” with Bob Krizek for ICQI 2013
in Champaign, IL
“Automythography as Method, Madness, and Meaning” for ICQI 2013
Tribute panel honoring the work of H.L. Goodall & Nick Trujillo for ICQI 2013
“Write side up!” with Shirley Drew for CSCA 2013 in Kansas City, MO
“Oh, the places we will go: Sex, gender, and sexuality curriculum for the classroom” for
CSCA 2013 (co-chair for 2 panel slot)
“I'm not Yo' Mama, but I'd be Happy to Tell You a Story, Child” for NCA 2012 in
Orlando, FL
“Just drive by that house: A word of encouragement from a friend” for OSCLG 2012 in
Tacoma, WA
“(plaster) casting call: A groupie’s take on molding mythical meanings” for ICQI 2012 in
Champaign, IL
“Using metaphors to connect communication theory, understanding, and practice” for
CSCA 2012 in Cleveland, OH (chair)
“Feminist concepts in the classroom” for CSCA 2012
“Exploring unity among family portrayals in organizations, media, and everyday
interactions” for CSCA 2012 (respondent)
“Changing occupational identities: Revisioning aging female archetypes in the
workplace” for CSCA 2012
“Refracted Research: God’s Fingers in Spiritual Occupational Studies” for NCA 2011 in
New Orleans, LA
“Raising our Ethnographic Voices: Ethics, Justice, and Vulnerability” NCA 2011
preconference planner/presenter with Chris Poulos
"My ovaries have as much guts as your balls (!): Taken for granted assumptions and
metaphors that gender talk" for OSCLG 2011 in Evanston, IL
“Feminist Friendships as Collaborative Research Praxis” with Shirley Drew, Nicole
Defenbaugh, Patty Sotirin, and Laura Ellingson for ICQI 2011 in Champaign-Urbana
“Home is Where the Ads Are: Analyses of Corporate Use and Exploitation of ‘Home’”
invited panel respondent for CSCA 2011 in Milwaukee, WI
“When the Academy Isn't Hospitable: Making a Home for Women's Studies” invited
roundtable participant for CSCA 2011
“Work-Life balance: Valuing gender diversity as more than a ‘women’s issue’” (top
panel award) for CSCA 2011
“Embracing Ethical and Political Potentials of Friendship in our Research” with Shirley
Drew for NCA 2010 in San Francisco, CA
“Constructing Mythic Identity and Culture: A Performance and Critique
of The Ethnogs” for ICQI 2010 in Champaign-Urbana, IL
“Social and political impact of the media and new technologies in multicultural contexts”
for CSCA 2010 in Cincinnati, OH.
“Giving our Work Legs: Walking Back into Research Communities to Enrich People’s
Lives” for NCA 2009 in Chicago, IL
“Constructing Mythic Identity and Culture: A Performance and Critique of The Ethnogs”
with Nick Trujillo, Bob Krizek, Shirley Drew, Chris Poulos, and Patricia Sotirin for NCA
“Stepping into the Gap: The Role of the Ethnography Division Informing IRB Policies”
invited roundtable discussant for NCA 2009
“Fake IDs and IRBs” for ICQI in Champaign-Urbana 2009
“Difference Manners: Being Reflexive in Occupational Systems” with Shirley Drew for
NCA 2008 in San Diego, CA
“Celebrating Patriotism and Community: A Small Town 4th of July” for NCA 2008
“Performing UnConventional Mentoring” with Nicole Deffenbaugh, Laura Ellingson and
Patty Sotorin for NCA 2008 ethnography preconference
“Crone-Babe: Updating the Postmenopausal Female Archetype in the Academy” for
OSCLG 2008 in Nashville, TN
“Keepin' the Faith: Crisis Management in Missionary Populations” with Andrew
Robinson for NCA 2007 in Chicago, IL
“Ethnography as Dirty Work” with Shirley Drew for NCA 2007
“Women’s Work: Collaboratively Constructing Community” for OSCLG 2007 in
Omaha, NE
“Ethnographic Inquiry: A Quest for Legitimacy” for EQRE 2007 in Cedarville, OH
“Bedpans, Blood, & Bile: Nursing as Dirty Work” for CSCA 2007 in Minneapolis, MN
Over 100 presentations and papers before 2007
Botros, B., & Mills, M. B. (2013). Collectively we unite: A case study of social
networking for a cause. In Beringer, R. (ed.) Social Media go to War: Rage, Revolution
and Rebellion in the Age of Twitter. Spokane, WA: Marquette Books.
Mills, M.B. (2012). Unbound imagining with the word man. In de la Garza, S.A., Krizek,
R.L., & Trujillo, N. (Eds.) Celebrating Bud: A Festschrift honoring the life and work of
H.L. “Bud” Goodall, Jr.. Tempe, AZ: Innovative Inquiry, pp. 145-148.
The Ethnogs, Fem Nogs (me!), and Rip Tupp (2011). Performing mythic identity: An
analysis and critique of “The Ethnogs”. Qualitative Inquiry, 17:664.
Mills, M.B. & Borzi, M.G. (2011). EIU-CMN Corporate Community: A Corporate
Communication Simulation (ebook).
Mills, M. B. (2008). “Intersections Between Work and Family: When a Playpen Can be
Office Furniture” in Women’s Studies in Communication, 31:2, Special Issue:
Conversation and Commentary on Redefining the Professor(iate): Valuing Commitment
to Care and Career in the Academe.
Mills, M. B. (2007). “Miles of Trials: The life & livelihood of the long haul trucker” in
Who says? Working class rhetoric, class consciousness, and community. W. DeGenaro
(ed.). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 127-143.
Drew, S. K., Mills, M.B., & Gassaway, B.M. (2007). Dirty work: The social
construction of taint. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.
“I'm not Yo' Mama, but I'd be Happy to Tell You a Story, Child” book chapter accepted
(2013) for Workplace Incivilities: Disciplining Diversity and its
Performance/Performative Consequences for Justice at Work edited by Cindy L. Griffin,
Kirsten J. Broadfoot, and Belle Edson
“Talkin’ dirty: Layers of stigma management communication in dirty work research”
article accepted with revisions for the journal, Qualitative Research in Organizations and
Management (2013)
Women’s Work: Dirty Work II, book manuscript in progress with Shirley Drew
“Dialectical tensions for women living in Abrahamic Traditions” about women’s
friendships across religious memberships (looking for a home)
Book chapter, “Going once, going twice…and then you’re hooked! A look at the rural
auction house” about auctions as an occupation and how we connect to our stuff (looking
for a home)
Case study, “What’s a little sex among friends?”written with Martha Mills submitted and
accepted for an edited sexual communication text (ed. Carey Noland) with Cambridge
Scholars Publishing (submitted and accepted Fall 2009, still waiting).
Women’s stories at the end of their academic careers, research about university women
and retirement with Janet Cosbey (retired from EIU SOC dept) in data collection
“Diabetes prevention: Evaluating the cost effectiveness of A Step in the Right Direction
pre-diabetes program” lead author with Paula Enstrom, Karen Cole, Sharon Jackson, &
Tamara Lentz, revising to resubmit to the Journal of Health Communication.
Babes in the Woods, ongoing longitudinal study of women hikers, group development,
and social support (in progress)
Attended for training purposes, “Communication , Ethnography, and Identity: The
Politics and Practices of Studying Ourselves/Others” NCA 2012 ethnography division
preconference, Orlando, FL
Assistant Director, Bridging Voices in our Community (BVC) Conference held on EIU
campus, “Beyond Awareness: Strategies to Eliminate Bullying” October 5, 2012
Attended for training purposes, “Train the trainer: Step Up! Bystander Intervention”
sponsored by BACCHUS/IHEC (Summer 2012)
Focus group participant for McGraw-Hill Communication Theories Trends, 2012
Reviewer for Lexington Books (2012), The George W. Bush Presidency: A Rhetorical
Perspective edited by Robert E. Denton, Jr. (blurb on cover).
Reviewer for Left Coast Press (2011-12), Handbook of Autoethnography edited by Stacy
Holman Jones, Tony Adams, & Carolyn Ellis (2013).
Faculty Development Partnership Grant (2012) with Mildred Pearson for the BVC Fall
2012 conference.
Redden grant recipient 2012, BVC Bullying Project
“My ovaries have as much guts as your balls: Examining gendered talk” WHAM
presentation at EIU (March 2012)
NCA 2011 Ethnography Division Preconference co-planner (with Chris Poulos) “Raising
our Ethnographic Voices: Ethics, Justice, and Vulnerability” which included a day of
service with Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans, LA
“Women’s Work” presentation at the Marshall Public Library (Fall 2011) as part of the
Smithsonian Exhibit “The Way We Worked”
Redden grant recipient 2011, WST Living History Program
Attended for training purposes (January 2011), The Transformative Power of Dialogue:
Festschrift for Barnett Pearce which included the opening of the CMM Institute for
Personal and Social Revolution, Santa Barbara, CA
Attended for training purposes, “Building Ethnographic Bridges: Underrepresented
Voices, Communities, and Modes of Expression” NCA 2010 ethnography division
preconference, San Francisco, CA
Attended for training purposes, “Critical Issues in Communication: Distraction &
Solitude” NCA 2010 workshop with Dr. Mara Adelman
Attended for training purposes, “Multiple Stories for Multiple Audiences: Bridging
Stakeholder Communities with Crystallization” NCA 2010 workshop with Dr. Laura
Program Review for the MA in Communication at Pittsburg State University (Kansas) –
Fall 2009
Lecture on “Dirty Work” at IUPUI, Fall 2009
Attended for training purposes, “Reconciling Reflexivity in Ethnography: Virtues and
Challenges for Ethnography and Ethnographers” NCA 2009 ethnography division
preconference, Chicago, IL
Focus group participant for McGraw-Hill Communication Theories Trends, 2009
Attended for training purposes “Performing UnConventional Identities” NCA 2008
ethnography division preconference (performer)
Grant recipient to provide website consulting (research & design web pages) for
United Way of Coles County, and Mid Illinois Big Brothers Big Sisters through the EIU
Business and Technology Institute (May 2007 – Nov. 2008)
Attended for training purposes “Ethnographic Faith” (program facilitator), NCA 2007
ethnography division preconference, Chicago, IL
Departmental level: I have been involved in the following activities and committees in
my department.
Committees include undergraduate curriculum committee, graduate committee,
student activities, assessment, faculty development, various search committees,
departmental personnel committee, strategic planning, scholarship & awards,
alumni coordinator, & textbook selection committees.
Advisor for Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honorary (1998-present), the Health
Communication Minor (1990-2007), and majors in the corporate communication
option, as well as Coordinator of Graduate Studies (2007-2009).
Other service includes colloquium presentations and attendance, speech contest
judging, research paper contest judging, and assistance with the forensics team.
University level: I have been involved with the following activities and committees on
Committees include the committee to draft the by-laws for the college curriculum
committee, CAH curriculum committee, writing competency evaluation,
environmental health and safety, senior seminar advisory committee, NCA
accreditation self study group (sub committee chair for service & engagement),
library advisory board, apportionment board, judicial board, alcohol and other
drug coalition, women’s studies program (Living history coordinator, WHAM,
and social committees), and an ad hoc service learning study group. Most recently
I have joined the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and am associate chair of the
Bridging Voices in our Community group (which sponsors an annual antibullying conference).
Workshop presentations for the lifeskills program, EMERGE student leadership
program, residence halls, continuing education, faculty development, summer of
excellence, speech camp, partnerships for excellence, health services (inservices), EIU Reads, Jump Start 2 Give, and greek life.
Community level: I am (or have recently been) involved in the following community
Charleston Rotary Club member & multiple Paul Harris Fellow (1988-present),
Literacy Chair (coordinator of the “Help” books and “I Like Me” personalized
book distribution project for all local kindergartners and first graders since 1999),
Meals on Wheels volunteer, information committee, fellowship committee,
district community service committee, board of directors, newsletter editor,
president (1999-2000), district president elect trainer, rotary youth leadership
camp speaker, district conference planning committee, membership development
committee, high school liaison, associate sergeant of arms, and Rotary Youth
Counselor (for exchange students).
Speaker or Judge for high school forensics competitions, business & professional
women’s leadership awards, the VFW Voice of Democracy competition, Illinois
Girls’ State, I Sing the Body Electric projects, Inter-agency mental health inservice work, various church groups (teaching a Sunday school class for
developmentally disabled, leading women’s bible studies, and coordinating youth
events) and speaking to local classes & civic organizations about the hik’rbabes
(hiking the Appalachian Trail).
Member of the local Excellence in Education Foundation Board, League of
Women Voters, Charleston Drama Study Club, SACIS Advisory Board,
Community Online Resource Directory (CORD) implementation team, Women
Connected Philanthropic Giving Circle (charter member of the Steering
Committee at SBLHC and former chair), Heritage Woods Homeowners
Association Board (former chair), Immanuel Lutheran Church Youth Ministry
Team, Tabacoo Free Communities Coalition (EIU representative), and Partners in
Adult Literacy (tutor).
Girl Scout service roles include being a local leader (1993-2009), camp director,
equipment manager, leadership trainer, cookie cupboard organizer, service unit
fall fund raising chair, and EIU cookie sale coordinator. Boy Scout involvement
includes mentoring a Venturing Crew (beginning in 2011).
EIU Faculty Excellence Award in the area of Teaching
EIU Faculty Excellence Award in the area of Teaching
EIU Faculty Excellence Award in the area of Service
EIU Faculty Achievement & Contribution Award (balanced area)
Rotary International Four Avenues of Service Citation
National Girl Scouts Outstanding Leader Award & Honor Pin
EIU Faculty Achievement & Contribution Award (service)
EIU Faculty Achievement & Contribution Award (service)
EIU Faculty Achievement & Contribution Award (balanced area)
Nominee for Women of Achievement (EIU)
EIU Faculty Achievement & Contribution Award (balanced area)
Outstanding Faculty Mentor, Residence Hall Award (local & regional)
Jefferson Award winner for public service
EIU Distinguished Faculty Award