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Tentative Lists with Brief Descriptions
Name of property: Caves in Kujang Area
Coordinates: Kujang County, North Phyongan Province 39°51' N / 126°06' E
Date of submission: 25/05/2000
Criteria: N (i)(iii)
Submitted by: Korean Cultural Relics Publishing House
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Brief Description
Caves in Kujang area are the underground karstic grottoes formed during the Quaternary of the Cenozoic Era in the
limestone formations. Though their formation periods and lithological characters are same, they are different from one
another in the size and scope according to the process of karstic evolution, as well as in the esthetical features
according to the conditions of stalagmites and stalactites. Ryongmun Cavern begins at the height of 370 meters
above sea level and there are two main caves and some 20 branches so far developed. It is an underground cave 7
kilometers long, 40 meters high (at the highest place) and 3~ 4 meters wide in average, which has various forms of
gorgeous stalagmites and stalactites bearing mysteriousness.and beauty. Paekryong Cavern begins at the height of
470 meters above sea level, and some 5 kilometers of passageway has been currently exploited. Inside the cave
various forms of animal figures, stone falls and columns exhibit breathtaking scenery, exciting manly feeling by its
fascinating yet brisk appearance. Kaechon Flower Cave spreads out a "sea of flowers" by the stone flowers formed in
the limestone formation, mostly containing mineral ores. The cave is characterized by its soft, beautiful and gorgeous
appearance. Songam Cave consists of one main passageway and several branches with mysterious figures of
stalagmites and stone flowers.
Name of property: Historical Relics in Pyongyang
Coordinates: Pyongyang City 39°00' N / 125°45' E
Date of submission: 25/05/2000
Criteria: C (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi)
Submitted by: Korean Cultural Relics Publishing House
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Brief Description
Pyongyang, the cradle of the Korean nation, has a great number of sites of all the primitive ages; Paleolithic cave
sites including Komunmoru Site (upper Paleolithic Age), sites of Neolithic Age, sites of Bronze Age, etc., and it has
prospered as the political, economical, military and cultural center throughout the whole period of history. The city has
been the capital of Ancient Korea for nearly 3000 years as the center of Taedonggang Civilization, which is
representative of ancient civilization flourished 5000 years ago, and also of Koguryo from 427 till 668. During the
period of Koryo Dynasty it was designated as the secondary capital, and continued to be the major city in the
northwestern part of the Korean peninsula during the Li Dynasty as well. Hence, numerous sites during the Ancient
Korea are found in and around the city; the Tomb of King Tangun (founder king of the Ancient Korea), castle sites
such as Hwangdae Castle and Chongamdong Earthen Castle, village sites such as Namgyong Site. and Pyodae
Site, and dolmens. Pyongyang abounds in the sites of Koguryo period as well. Koguryo moved its seat of power from
Kuknae Castle (Jian, China) to the area in and around Mt. Taesong with Anhak Palace as its center, and again to the
area of the present part of the city between the rivers Taedong and Pothong. This area was encircled by a large-sc
aled castle and remained as the capital until 668. There still remain the ruins of Anhak Palace and parts of Mt.
Taesong Fortress as the capital relics, and the defensive works of Jangan Fortress (the first urban fortress built in
Korea) in the city. Jangan Fortress has been utilized by the later dynasties without any modification to its structure or
purpose, and there are still the gates and other parts of the fortress such as Taedong Gate, Pothong Gate, Ulmil
Pavilion and Ryongwang Pavilion. And in the heart of the city there remain Sungryong Hall and Sungin Hall and other
temples, Confucian buildings, the five-storied octagonal pagoda in Yongmyong Temple and other numerous stone
Name of property: Mt. Chilbo
Coordinates: Myongchon County, North Hamgyong Province41°03' N / 129°36' E
Date of submission: 25/05/2000
Criteria: N (i)(iii)
Submitted by: Korean Cultural Relics Publishing House
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Brief Description
Mt. Chilbo consists of multifarious figures of rocks formed by the long time erosion of various eruptive rocks
pertaining to the Paekdu Volcanic Zone.
Mt. Chilbo is divided into 3 areas; Inner Chilbo, Outer Chilbo and Sea Chilbo. Curious rocks forming part of Inner
Chilbo have the harmonious, introspective characteristics, while the peaks and rocks in Outer Chilbo has the
magnificent, brisk features. And the beautiful scenery of the curious rocks in Sea Chilbo, stretched out for 40
kilometers from Musudan to Orangdan, throw the visitors in a trance.
Mt. Chilbo shelters some 750 species of plants, 20 species of animals, 40 species of birds and 10 species of reptiles,
among which there are 11 natural monuments of national value designated and protected at the national level.
Name of property: Mt. Kumgang and the Historical Relics in and around the Mountain
Coordinates: Kumgang County and Kosong County, Kangwon Province 38°37' N / 126°04' E
Date of submission: 25/05/2000
Criteria: C (iii)(iv) N (i)(iii)
Submitted by: Korean Cultural Relics Publishing House
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Brief Description
Mt. Kumgang is a strikingly beautiful mountain with numerous peaks and curious rocks amounting to some 1,2000,
waterfalls and pools formed by crystal-like clear waters flowing from hundreds of gorges, as well as with the
seascape stretched along the coastline. Mt. Kumgang is divided into Inner Kumgang, Outer Kumgang and Sea
Kumgang according to its geographical location, every area presenting the unique scenery of its own. Thanks to its
natural condition, the mountain shelters various species of plants, ranging from those in Temperate Zone to those in
Sub-arctic Zone, of which there are species indigenous to the area, as well as provides a habitat for a great number
of animals. Mt. Kumgang is permeated with numerous legends and cultural relics handed over down through
generations. Typical are the properties relating Buddhism. Buildings with long history and unique architectural forms
such as Jongyang Temple, Pyohun Temple and Podok Hermitage, and Myokilsang, Sambulam and other Buddhist
statues carved on the rocks make the scenery of the mountain more beautiful, blending with their natural settings.
Name of property: Mt. Myohyang and the Relics in and around the Mountain
Coordinates: Hyangsan County, North Phyongan Province 40°00' N / 126°13' E
Date of submission: 25/05/2000
Criteria: C (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(vi) N (iii)
Submitted by: Korean Cultural Relics Publishing House
WH list (name, id):
State, Province or Region:
Brief Description
Mt. Myohyang is the celebrated mountain famous for its curious, unique appearance and breath-taking scenery. Mt.
Myohyang consists of steep mountain ranges and peaks as high as 1000~1900 meters above sea level stretching
northwestward and southwestward from the Piro Peak, the top of the mountain. Mountain ridges winding in mild
curves, peaks emerged from the clouds like giant figures, cliffs and rocks—all these make up the magnificent
scenery. And the thick woods of various species of plants in Mt. Myohyang smell sweet, flavoring the beauty of the
mountain according to the seasons. So Mt. Myohyang has been called "the mountain of curiosity, beauty and sweet
smell". Its characteristics lie not only in its outatanding natural beauty, but also in the harmonization of cùltural
properties with their surrounding natural landscapes. Mt. Myohyang is concentrated with many properties relating
Buddibism, including some 20 temples, among which Pohyon Temple built in 1042 well represent the style of
architecture and its evolution process peculiar to Korea. Particularly, the Archives of the 80,000 Wooden Blocks of
the Complete Collection of Buddhist Sutras, the world's most complete Buddhist sutras published in the 13th century,
are preserved in their original state in Mt. Myohyang.