Download the liquid waste minimisation job sheet

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Liquid waste minimisation job sheet
A local vehicle manufacturer is having their fair share of problems. Their latest
model has developed a leak in the radiator due to a design fault. As a result all
models are being recalled and fitted with new radiators.
Your workshop has won the contract to do the work.
You are given the job of developing a plan to efficiently perform the work, while
ensuring none of the coolant or coolant additives escape into the environment.
Complete the following table as part of your plan.
Note: the volume of vehicles to undertake this procedure is such that disposing of
the coolant via the sewerage or triple interceptor is not an option.
List location in
workshop where
task will be
Reason(s) why
above area
Equipment and
required to
perform task
Method and
location of
stored liquids
Job 4 - Apply
Liquid waste minimisation job sheet
Method of liquid
Summary of the
steps taken to
perform the
Job 4 - Apply